Have you ever been knocked unconscious?


Well-Known Member
What was it like?


I've been put unconscious via G-forces, but never actually knocked unconscious. Been hit in the face once, but it just led to a bit of pain, I wasn't KO'd.

I'm wondering, what happened? What led to it? What happened afterward? Did you get any sort of 'revenge' on the person? Was it an accident from a fall or something?

I was on Batman the ride in Santa Clarita's Magic Mountain. It just felt like an instant, I was going through a loop, one of those outside kinds, and I just got tunnel vision and nighty night! I was out for 1 or 2 seconds, then came to, before that I was terrified of the G-machine that military pilots go through (I wanted to be a military pilot at the time), that one experience quelled that fear completely! Going out because of G-forces isn't shit. One moment you're there, the next you're OUT! Tunnel vision followed by blackout is it. I'd imagine death is quite similar. You wake up not knowing what happened, but once the blood gets back to your brain you're fully aware. No pain, no nothing, really. You're conscious, then, goodnight! Same thing with being choked out I'd imagine..


Well-Known Member
have you ever had a head rush like when you stand up to fast it feels like your gonna faint? well it felt like that with a crazy head throbbing and if i had been hit again i was done for sure haha, least it was from family and we wouldnt let something like that get between us.


Well-Known Member
if you get knocked unconscience you won't remember it or the couple seconds leading to it, you're going to remember a splitting pain in your head and coming to on the ground, I was 16 and had the balls to box a 20 year old marine on home leave, it didn't end well obviously but was all in good sport

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yes. A bright flash, lots of pain and then I woke up. I was out for about an hour but it was a split second for me.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, dude! An hour?!

I see clips of guys getting KO'd and they're out for a few seconds to maybe a few minutes! I hope you didn't get robbed..

Perfextionist, you must be out of your mind, son! What were you thinking?! A marine on leave!? I'd rather run and keep my health than stay and keep my dignity!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, dude! An hour?!

I see clips of guys getting KO'd and they're out for a few seconds to maybe a few minutes! I hope you didn't get robbed..

Perfextionist, you must be out of your mind, son! What were you thinking?! A marine on leave!? I'd rather run and keep my health than stay and keep my dignity!

back in the day we used to get together every saturday ages 14-20 about 30 of us with 6oz gloves and headgear, we would beat the fuck out of each other until one person won by knockout or the other submitted and we filmed it, theres tapes of me fighting from when I was 16-17 still out there somewhere. I was 27-13 with 11 knockouts before the cops found out about us and put a stop to it


Well-Known Member
I have been knocked out several times and choked out a few as well. I have been flashed too.
I did MMA and no there was no revenge with a hard knockout.
If you are flashed then yes you can come back and even win.
Often you will be standing in one area and all of a sudden you are laying or standing in another. The weird thing is your body will continue to fight. I`m sure we have all seen someone get hit in the head and instantly shoot a double, well they weren't always fully aware of what they were doing. Choked out can suck depending on the guy doing the choking. There are throart crushes, neck cranks, air chokes and blood chokes. A blood choke simply compresses the carotid artery and once that happens you have a few like 4 seconds and you will be out. The problem is you are fighting against the guy and he is crushing the shit out of your throat, whacking your face and cranking your neck. Very unpleasant. Waking up from a choke out is often described as a giddy feeling. Anyway I would always prefer to be knocked out to having my liver kicked in. That is a whole other thing. Head shots hurt differently. A good liver shot sends your body into survival mode and no matter how tough you are or how much you train your body goes into the fetal position and you wish for a breif period that you would have stayed home.


Well-Known Member
I did a lot of boxing when I was younger so ya I've been knocked out it don't really hurt or nothing but you get hit too hard in the head your going limp. it don't last long but when I first started boxing I was getting headaches all the time I was always fighting the older dudes cause the kids my age where pussy but after a while you don't get a headache and it takes a lot more to knock you out. I've never even been knocked out in a street fight.
Never been knocked out (from what I can remember), but I have epilepsy and will faint from time to time. That feeling comes on similar to standing up too quick, there is an immense pressure in my head and everything goes black. Literally the next instant I recall is lying on the floor with the blackness still there, can't see but light slowly beginning to return. Sit up and everything comes back to normal but with the world at a funny angle and spinning faster than I remember.

Did you ever close your eyes when you were a kid and push on them with your thumbs to see the colorful fractals? They get more intense along with the pain....Those are what I see when it all goes black right before I pass out and upon regaining consciousness.


Active Member
I'm from a small town and my brothers place was were all the none thieving badasses hung out! They were all 3-6 years older than I was. They would box all the time and would force me to join in and they would beat the shit out of me without really hurting me! One friend was Larry Brown who's nickname was Leroy cause he was the baddest man in the whole damn town! I thought what the fuck, he won't hit me too hard, wrong!! They said I was out for a couple minutes:)


Well-Known Member
I have 2 times

1st was I was riding on the top of a small MG as were about 4 other kids.. (idiots yes....) got tossed off when they turned had about 7-10 stictches..

remember being pushed off the car... hitting my back.. and then standing up.. and walking home with a bleeding head..

2nd time.. car accident.. head hit windshield arm hit dash shattered the right arm (has a ss plate now) I was in shock but I climbed outta the windshield and over the hood since the door was not opening.. whole time had a broken arm.. felt nothing..

also watched my younger bro.. inhale helium and go out too..


bud bootlegger
I think Carne is referring to his hate crime beating.:-(
i was thinking the time he fell off of the roof fixing his swamp cooler, but you're probably right kelly...

i got knocked out once after getting hit by a car.. at least i think i was hit by a car.. all i remember was crossing a street on my bike, then waking up laying in the middle of the street.. my white fonzie shirt was now red, soaked with blood, and my old neighbor stopped and went in the ambulance with me..
can't remember a thing about the accident other then that though..


Well-Known Member
Been knocked unconscious more times than I can recall, all resulting from nitrous oxide.

Hmm, perhaps it's time to re-visit those days.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The pain felt would be comparable to the impact received. IMO

I've been knocked out in different ways with different levels pain.

I grew up amongst 5 uncles and when arguments arose that words couldn't quell it was time, "fight to the cry" and it was actually that, a fight until someone cried. I've come away from those beaten and bloodied but never knocked out. And yet I was at school one winter, during lunch period I was throwing around the football with the guys when I accidentally knocked over this girl, without missing a beat she swings her arm around and connects perfectly. Right on the sweet spot and out goes the light, when I came to my senses a good couple seconds later there was no pain but a feeling of dizziness and "seeing stars".

The other time was when I had my accident.

Riding my bike, traveling at a serious clip I make a right turn when I hear a friend call my name, taking a split sec to take a peak back I see my friend waving his arms telling me to slow down. When my gaze returns to the direction I'm heading, it's then I realize that I'm done for. Less then 5ft away is a parked Ford 150 series truck, time slows and I instinctively try to put my feet down, to fishtail into the truck but my feet are stuck. It's the damn petal clamps.
Now my brain is in overdrive, time slows further and I try the brakes......everything goes blank.
I never remember the impact, never see myself hit the truck, never dream about it. But now when I see videos of wipeouts I get a sudden jolt that runs from my skull down to my toes.


Well-Known Member
I knocked myself out on my dirtbike once. My dad used to take me to these tracks on weekends where I'd just ride for hours, goin real fast doing jumps as long as 80+ feet.
I was just flying over these whoops (like 20-30 2-3 foot tall bumps spaced 2-4 feet apart or so, common motocross obstacle), got real squirrely and crooked (cause thats how I rode), and was just thrown from off the dirtbike off to the side of the track probably moving close to 30mph. I remember it, I remember hitting the ground like head first. Apparently I laid there motionless for like 5 or 10 seconds, just like a ragdoll, but I had no idea at the time. I was on the far end of the track too so nobody could've gotten to me for like a minute or two...I just remember smashing the ground, opening my eyes, the wind was knocked out of me and this little kid was standing over me just like "Dude are you alright?!" I couldnt really talk cause I was still like, trying to breath. I just gave him a thumbs up, jumped up, grabbed my dirtbike, and got back to riding on the track....at the time I had no idea I had just been KO'd. When I pulled off the track my dad was like "WTF man you were just knocked unconcious!!". I really had no idea.


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid we would 'choke' ourselves out.

First you lean over and take a bunch of deep breaths. Then take a deep breath, hold it in, and stand up straight with your back against a wall. Finally, have a friend push on your chest...Down goes Frazier! LOL!