Ever gotin your pet high


Well-Known Member
NEVER. EVER. I'll let them choose to drink beer if they like, but I will not ever force them to take smoke. EVER.


Active Member
My dog has eaten buds left on the coffee table, fell asleep, then woke up and puked from being so high...


Well-Known Member
Dogs will eat ANYTHING. Some of them eat their own shit, I'm not letting THAT kiss me in the morning! :lol:

So, you're not forcing the dog to take a shotgun hit or anything like that?


Active Member
NO, But if a blunt is burning on the table, they go sniff it, and sneeze... Its pretty funny cause they go back for more.... My cats even like it.. They hang out by the smoke.


Well-Known Member
I've smoked my dog out... i just blow smoke towards it and it'll come close to my mouth and sniff it. haha
she'll chill w/ us and just lie down like a bum.


Well-Known Member
My friend made jars of butter and one morning cooked eggs with the butter and gave it to the dog. The dog was laid out on the couch for half the day! Daisy the dog couldn't get up or move. She couldn't even raise her ears. They fed her the eggs because they had some new cats to bring into the house. The cats would walk by the dog and the dog wouldn't bother the cats all day so the cats could get acquainted with there new house.


Well-Known Member
I blow smoke toward toward their face, if they don't want any part of it then whatever, but sometimes they stick around and enjoy.


Active Member
what the fuck is all your problems!!!!!!!!!!! you do not give animals drugs you fuck stains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

animals do not understand drugs and the effects of them, if they were in the wild and ate a fucking mull plant they would learn never to go near them again, you know why because they dont have the need to fuck there minds up for simple pleasure!!!!!!!! making animals take drugs can fuck with their heads and cause major psychotic problems (ALOT MORE THAN PEOPLE) so the next time you think its funny to get your animal blitzed just hope that your animal doesnt turn around and bite someone's face off because they have a anxiety attack or severe bout of paranoia ...................:shock:


Well-Known Member
One of my cats LOVES weed. She's really skittish most of the time, but whenever I bring weed into the house she makes it her business to get into my room. When I start to light up, she gets in my lap. If I don't blow the smoke at her, she stands up and tries to put her face in it. Then, instead of being afraid of the slightest sound ... she chills on my lap, purring contentedly. My other cat hates it, even the smell. I'd never force an animal to do anything, but my Pretty Kitty Girl *actively* seeks me out so ... why deny her?

My brother's friend's cat likes his weed unsmoked. You have to lock it up as soon as you get it in the house, because he'll steal the bag and run away somewhere and eat it. When we helped him move a few months ago, we found tore up dime bags (with kitty-teeth marks) all over the place. XD


Well-Known Member
what the fuck is all your problems!!!!!!!!!!! you do not give animals drugs you fuck stains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

animals do not understand drugs and the effects of them, if they were in the wild and ate a fucking mull plant they would learn never to go near them again, you know why because they dont have the need to fuck there minds up for simple pleasure!!!!!!!! making animals take drugs can fuck with their heads and cause major psychotic problems (ALOT MORE THAN PEOPLE) so the next time you think its funny to get your animal blitzed just hope that your animal doesnt turn around and bite someone's face off because they have a anxiety attack or severe bout of paranoia ...................:shock:

well then, how do you explain catnip? my kitties love it and it gets them wasted. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
that'd be horrible! Someone pinning their dog down and blowing smoke in its face:cry:
It is horrible, I agree. When I was in high school I knew some guys who did that. BOY did I chew their asses out! It just pissed me off no end, because like I said, it's one thing if they choose to take it (like beer, I've never had a horse that didn't LOVE beer), but to be forced is different.


Well-Known Member
This looks like a touchy subject for some, but I'm game to relate some stories.
With respect to PuGGz post:
You've given me the incentive to do some serious research on this PuGGz. I've never considered the implications of cannabinoids on animal health and wellbeing.

On to the anecdotal tales.
The first stoner dog I ever saw was a small fox Terrier. His owner had his bedroom under his house and that was his smoking room. He would always close the door "because my fucking dog keeps hassling me for shotguns". It was true! I was in his room one arvo and he mulled up. As soon as the first cone was pulled there was whining and whimpering and scratching at the door. I got him to open the door and this dog raced in and leapt at the couch. He sat between me and my mate and for four cones got up real close to our faces and lapped at the exhaled smoke.
Then he settled for a bit, then started chasing imaginary cats (I figure) around the room, then lay down and went to sleep. The weed had never been forced on him. Apparently when he was a pup he used to be in the same room when this guy smoked and took a liking to it. The real proof of this dogs liking for a bit of hooter was the scratch marks on the bottom of the door.

I saw a dog turn from a partway intelligent dog to a brainless mutt (permanently) after eating a bowl of Gold Tops that someone had left on the floor of a room one day. We found him lying on the floor (a big White Bully/Dane X) and it took ages to get some sort of attention from him. After that day the dog slowed right down. Lost all his 'spirit' and just wandered about his owners place in a half daze. Not nice, but not something that his owner forced on him. It was an unfortunate accident. I heard that years later he started going schizoid at cats and had to be put down after killing four or five around his neighbourhood (the dog, not the owner).

My dog will sometimes come up to us and make a 'choof' sound when we're smoking. That's when we know he wants a shottie. He will usually hang around for one or two and then wander off and chill for a while. Sometimes he doesn't bother. I wish I could say no sometimes when there was weed around. That'd be different!\

I'll definitely be checking this out further, because I don't like the idea of giving my dog a lung problem like bronchitis or whatever...or some psychological disorder. Does being a really, really good puppy count as a disorder in dogs?:mrgreen: (That was a rhetorical question).


Well-Known Member
my friends dog ate a piece of hash once...since then its never been the same...it sits and stares and doesnt respond sometimes....strange


Well-Known Member
my kitty scratches at the closed when door when she here's a lighter click. she knows it's hash time. she is scratching to get in. she wants some. now look into her eyes and tell me how to say NO.


Well-Known Member
what the fuck is all your problems!!!!!!!!!!! you do not give animals drugs you fuck stains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

animals do not understand drugs and the effects of them, if they were in the wild and ate a fucking mull plant they would learn never to go near them again, you know why because they dont have the need to fuck there minds up for simple pleasure!!!!!!!! making animals take drugs can fuck with their heads and cause major psychotic problems (ALOT MORE THAN PEOPLE) so the next time you think its funny to get your animal blitzed just hope that your animal doesnt turn around and bite someone's face off because they have a anxiety attack or severe bout of paranoia ...................:shock:

Tell this to my cat. She is a bigger stoner then I am. Damn I cant get away from her when I start roasting, she finds me. Like fdd said, she hears that lighter click and 'scratch, scratch, scratch. Damn cat bums more smoke from me then my friends do. She jumps up in my lap and purrs and puts her face right in the smoke. At first I tried kicking her out but now I just give up and blow her a few lung-fulls. Then she stretches out on the couch and purrs for an hour or so then she sleeps for an hour or so then...... strait to the chow bowl. Lol, my cat is the shit when she is stoned. Annoying as hell when she is sober though. I just wish the cat could pay for some of the green she puffs, lolbongsmilie