Should voting be earned?

Should voting be earned?

  • Total voters

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Political scientists get the same voting rights as inbred mongoloids.
... and it's a fine line that separates them

Your real power to democratically change society is in how you spend.
I agree and we are spending WAY too much on government.

Disagree with killing dolphins? Don't buy Chicken of the Sea.
makes sense, I have boycotted businesses, too

Disagree with GMO food? Starve.
LOL, really? GMO food or starve? Well at least you have a choice, huh?

Disagree with climate change? Drive an electric car, or walk.
Everybody that walks or drives an electric car disagrees with climate change?

Vote with your money. Clearly we choose the evil corporations that rule our lives.
How is voting going to change the evil corporations​?


Ursus marijanus
Political scientists get the same voting rights as inbred mongoloids.

Your real power to democratically change society is in how you spend. Disagree with killing dolphins? Don't buy Chicken of the Sea. Disagree with GMO food? Starve. Disagree with climate change? Drive an electric car, or walk. Vote with your money. Clearly we choose the evil corporations that rule our lives.
Trouble is, political scientists are just as wrong just as often as those who lack any and all qualifications. The only difference is the sort of error, random v. systematic.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, let them eat cake.
Or fruitcake. Nice jingo. Here's one nannnn, nnaaaaaa, naaaaaa. You crushed little forum bully. Have to have your label. It's about the deer in the headlight. Which are you?

You think this is so simple, just re-elect the Appearers and it will all go away. Your mind is mushy. None of this is as you see it.

You as a partisan, eat only the fruitcake set out for you. No thought is necessary.

"Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes."
Che Guevara


Well-Known Member
What about inbred mongoloids with political science degrees?
What could you possibly know about inbred mongoloids or political science degrees? You are just a hate troll.
It is probably not a choice, so I for one have some compassion.


Well-Known Member
Or fruitcake. Nice jingo. Here's one nannnn, nnaaaaaa, naaaaaa. You crushed little forum bully. Have to have your label. It's about the deer in the headlight. Which are you?

You think this is so simple, just re-elect the Appearers and it will all go away. Your mind is mushy. None of this is as you see it.

You as a partisan, eat only the fruitcake set out for you. No thought is necessary.

"Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes."
Che Guevara
Note the lack of anything worth retorting to besides a Che quote from a hater of the left who thinks feeding the poor is a waste. Note the reduction to name calling and accusal of trolling and jingoism when I actually advocate against war. What ultra-patriotic tones have I emitted? Note that I am called a forum bully because I do not share this woman's world view.

You are such a victim.


Well-Known Member
I have to vote no on this obviously because of corruption but I do feel that people shouldn't be allowed to vote for Democrats or Republicans any longer lol

I think thats a good test, if you vote for either of these parties you should be deemed a chicken shit or a moron and then your vote shouldn't count.
Then Ron Paul is automatically disqualified

In case you didnt know it

he is a republican career politician

Total Head

Well-Known Member
tempted as i am to prevent stupid people from voting, it's not for me or a lawmaker or some old guy in a robe to decide who is "worthy" of casting a vote. that completely defeats the purpose of a vote. it is effectively putting the outcome into the hands of a cherry picked bunch, which we already have with elected officials.

so we would have elected people electing people...

aside from the elected official angle, we need to think long and hard about where we draw the line for competency. today we're calling for "qualified voters", tomorrow, we're calling for an intelligence requirement to get laid. i'm looking at you, uk.


Well-Known Member
a poll "tax" can be defined broadly. "earning" the right to vote is easily defined as being somehow "taxed" to vote.

voting is a right. one does not need to "earn" a right, we are born with said rights.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
That seems pretty arbitrary, beans in a jar I mean. Today it wouldn't be anything like that, I'm sure you can appreciate the reality of the situation. Jim Crow laws were based on ignorance/racism.. We know better today.
I'm sure it will be something far more sophisticated like, voter i.d. laws or curtailing early voting. Better yet, set up last minute purges from the voter lists forcing people to prove they are still alive. We have to make as many roadblocks and barriers to a Constitutionally guaranteed right as we can. Let's not forget voter restrictions that target minorities, the elderly and college students. Yes we do know better today. We know how to hide it better.

Hopefully, in your opinion, I'm not missing your point, how would we ensure the same thing doesn't happen today with intelligence instead of race, who decides whose 'competent' enough to cast their vote, but like I said in the OP, I don't have the answer for that, I have ideas, but not positive solutions. But the alternative seems to be harming us more than it's benefiting us, and I have to ask you, do you agree with that statement or not? Do you think allowing 18 year old people to vote is doing more good or more bad for the country as a whole, based solely on their level of intelligence and grasp on the current issues that most of America care about?
Who's to decide what indicates intelligence? What would be the qualifications? The only thing taking a test shows is that you're either good or bad at taking tests. There are a myriad of reasons why a voter picks a particular candidate. Some pick a candidate on looks. While others toe the party line come Hell or high water. Then you have the well informed. The ones who take the time to study the different platforms and choose the one closest to their own ideology (like me). Finally you have the delusional. I don't have to point them out. You know who you are.

If 18 year old citizens of the United States are old enough to die for their country then they have every right to vote. That's my answer.

The "harm" we are experiencing isn't from allowing everyone to vote. It's from corrupt politicians and corrupt judges that propped up and upheld Citizens United. We have a Senate and House in turmoil from partisan conflict. We have an economy in the toilet due to manipulation/cancelling of regulations, greed, avarice, hubris, etc., etc., etc.. The GOP has done everything possible to slow down economic growth and hinder progress at every opportunity. No, it damn sure isn't because we let Billy-Bob into the voter booth with all the pretty buttons or allowing Bertha to fill out that absentee ballot while munching on pork rinds and using it to sop up the grease before mailing it in. I'm not really making my case, am I? The point is, everyone should have the right to vote.

I just think of myself at 18, which is really all any of us have, personal experiences, and how many times have you guys seen me preach about how useless personal experiences are in regards to scientific findings..? At 18, I was a fucking dimwit, today, I'd slap some sense into my 18 year old self! That guy was retarded!

How many of us weren't at 18...?
Things have changed this is the information age. We have 18 year olds running corporations. Kids today are far more informed than we were at that age.


New Member
a poll "tax" can be defined broadly. "earning" the right to vote is easily defined as being somehow "taxed" to vote.

voting is a right. one does not need to "earn" a right, we are born with said rights.
Our founding fathers were talking about the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shit for brains, voting is a legal right given to us by our constitution.
If we were born with your "said rights", kids like yourself could vote before the age of eighteen!
What's the matter, they didn't teach that in spell check 101

My God, does your father in-law have any clue?


Well-Known Member
Listening to howard sterns asking blacks if obama would beat mccain this year most said yes. LMAO They didn't know who's running.
I'm sure f he ask white folks he would get the same answers.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Everyone should have one vote, that vote should be to exercise control over one person, themselves. When we vote to control others, it becomes a continuous game of wrestling for the gun in the room.


Active Member
By claiming someone is too stupid to vote you are basically saying they are voting for the wrong person; meaning you are right when you vote and they are wrong in their decision. Someone might not know how to read, or understand math and history, but I am sure people have a good grasp on what they want.


Well-Known Member
a poll "tax" can be defined broadly. "earning" the right to vote is easily defined as being somehow "taxed" to vote.

voting is a right. one does not need to "earn" a right, we are born with said rights.
I didn't obtain the right to vote until I turned 18


Well-Known Member
By claiming someone is too stupid to vote you are basically saying they are voting for the wrong person; meaning you are right when you vote and they are wrong in their decision. Someone might not know how to read, or understand math and history, but I am sure people have a good grasp on what they want.
I'd say they are voting for the wrong reason, and with completely misplaced, manipulated judgment.

Essentially, you're giving a kid a loaded weapon with zero training. Give that same loaded weapon to an adult with training, who do you think will make a better shot?


Well-Known Member
Considering that voting is among our inherent rights to have a say in how we are governed, the vote is not "given" to us. Even stupid people have all of the other rights in our complement as humans, this one is no different.


New Member
Considering that voting is among our inherent rights to have a say in how we are governed, the vote is not "given" to us. Even stupid people have all of the other rights in our complement as humans, this one is no different.
Well I'll beg to differ with you canndo.
I'm not sure if you're trying to somehow defend UB's idiotic assertion or if you are just missing the point.

Voting rights are given to US citizens by way of our constitution (our government), the same way those rights can be taken away if you become a convicted felon.