Eric Holder cleared in Fast and Furious


Well-Known Member
This is hilarious. Ron Paul is a racist because somebody wrote something racist in his newsletter, even though there is a large number of people of varying races that will attest to Dr Paul's character.
But, AG Holder can't be held accountable because he was too stupid or negligent in his duties. If his people can't be trusted to stay within the law and HE is the one who hired them, what does that say about his judgement?
I'll bet it's W's fault.
the attorney general does not hand pick even half of his staff, nor can he simply fire them


Well-Known Member
This is hilarious. Ron Paul is a racist because somebody wrote something racist in his newsletter, even though there is a large number of people of varying races that will attest to Dr Paul's character.
But, AG Holder can't be held accountable because he was too stupid or negligent in his duties. If his people can't be trusted to stay within the law and HE is the one who hired them, what does that say about his judgement?
I'll bet it's W's fault.

Yah lol this reminded me of the newsletters thing.

Ron Paul is a bad leader because he didn't read all of his newsletters.

But, Eric Holder is just an innocent pawn set up by the GOP because people in his organization were arming Mexican drug cartels and he didn't notice


desert dude

Well-Known Member
From the guardian story:

"A serious question for partisans of the left is whether they would accept a Bush or Romney administration's justice department investigating itself – particularly after the president chose to assert executive privilege over documents that Congress believes relate to the operation. Senator Jon Cornyn (Republican, Texas) asked:

"Today's report contains page after page of redacted information and does not reflect well on an administration that pledged to be the most transparent in US history. I ask the attorney general to set aside his political allegiances and answer this simple question: don't you think the Terry family and the American people deserves answers?"


Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
"Today's report contains page after page of redacted information and does not reflect well on an administration that pledged to be the most transparent in US history. I ask the attorney general to set aside his political allegiances and answer this simple question: don't you think the Terry family and the American people deserves answers?"
Apparently not.


Well-Known Member
You are right, I have no proof, just circumstantial evidence. People have gone to the gas chamber with less evidence. I am convinced it was either you or Cheesus, and I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one, so Cheesus it is.

What I find hilarious is that you spend so much time at Stormfront and then come over here with accusations of racism. Quit watching that porn, Bucky, or you are gonna go blind, just ask your mom, she will tell you the same thing.
question for the self righteous racist douchebag (that's you): can you prove that i spend any time at stormfornt, besides to copy red's posts for everyone here to see?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
question for the self righteous racist douchebag (that's you): can you prove that i spend any time at stormfornt, besides to copy red's posts for everyone here to see?
You post constantly on RIU about the goings on over there. You claim to know exactly the sort of material they like to read. The circumstantial evidence that you, or Cheesus, created a phony account at SF to slander red1966 indicts you pretty strongly.

People have gone to the gas chamber for less.

I leave it to readers here to make their own judgment, they are the jury in your case.

<edit> if not for you and Cheesus I would not even know that stromfront exists.


Well-Known Member
You post constantly on RIU about the goings on over there. You claim to know exactly the sort of material they like to read. The circumstantial evidence that you, or Cheesus, created a phony account at SF to slander red1966 indicts you pretty strongly.

People have gone to the gas chamber for less.

I leave it to readers here to make their own judgment, they are the jury in your case.

<edit> if not for you and Cheesus I would not even know that stromfront exists.
yeah right. you've tried to play dumb with other stuff and been caught red handed by me. i guarantee you send stormfront monthly contributions.

i like the jew-baiting though.

you must be very satisfied at how much a racist, self righteous douchebag you are. the smug self righteous satisfaction oozes off all the shit you post here.