Which presidential candidate am I talking about?


New Member

How Mitt Romney and Obama are the same:
(I am sure I left a lot out but this is off the top of my head)

*Supported Bailouts to Big Banks - Both Campaigns funded by Big Banks - Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan etc...
*Ensure that we Americans consider to sacrifice and share the burden of the political corporatist crony establishment
*Supported Prosecution of Whistle Blowers
*Supports Torture
*Severed the Banks reliance on Consumers
*Supported stricter gun control regulations
*Supported NDAA Indefinite detention without trial for American Citizens
*Supports Unconstitutional Wars (Will go to war with Iran)
*Both are anti-union per their actions (bar rhetoric) (Obama "I will walk on that picket line should they try to take away collective bargaing right!" NOT!)
*Supports the drug war (statistically Obama increased the drug war)
*Both typical political insiders who bow to Lobbyist (Including war profiteers) Frequently making backroom deals (no transparency, no accountability)
*Supported mandatory healthcare tax that benefits insurance companies more the patients (dubbed it *universal healthcare*)
*Supported Big Pharma and Big Agg every Step of the way
*Increased Overall Spending (Increase 'Defensive' Spending - Romney says he will)
*Have or will increase funding to TSA violating our 4th amendment
*Voted for Pro-Choice (maybe a + for you maybe not but hey they are the same with this)
*Both have are against free speech issues and patriot act
*Supports Carbon Taxes which will not help with Global warming but only support corporate monopolies
*Pretty Much they have both violated or support violations of every part of the constitution and thus I find them to be criminals because they are violating our civil liberties
*They both like to play golf and watch sports allegedly
*Will Preseve the Federal Governments as well as the Federal Reserves Lack of Transparency

How they are different:

Obama can sang and dance good, Mitt Romney looks kinda like harrison ford on airforce 1 movie. idk someone help me out I am at a loss for words here.




Well-Known Member
Psst... Deprave...

Ron Paul is not going to win the election.

Time to put on the big boy pants and get over it...


New Member
Psst... Deprave...

Ron Paul is not going to win the election.

Time to put on the big boy pants and get over it...
good one, you hear that from Rush Limbaugh? You want to tell me how they are different? I couldn't come up with anything.


Well-Known Member

How Mitt Romney and Obama are the same:
(I am sure I left a lot out but this is off the top of my head)

*Supported Bailouts to Big Banks - Both Campaigns funded by Big Banks - Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan etc...
*Ensure that we Americans consider to sacrifice and share the burden of the political corporatist crony establishment
*Supported Prosecution of Whistle Blowers
*Supports Torture
*Severed the Banks reliance on Consumers
*Supported stricter gun control regulations
*Supported NDAA Indefinite detention without trial for American Citizens
*Supports Unconstitutional Wars (Will go to war with Iran)
*Both are anti-union per their actions (bar rhetoric) (Obama "I will walk on that picket line should they try to take away collective bargaing right!" NOT!)
*Supports the drug war (statistically Obama increased the drug war)
*Both typical political insiders who bow to Lobbyist (Including war profiteers) Frequently making backroom deals (no transparency, no accountability)
*Supported mandatory healthcare tax that benefits insurance companies more the patients (dubbed it *universal healthcare*)
*Supported Big Pharma and Big Agg every Step of the way
*Increased Overall Spending (Increase 'Defensive' Spending - Romney says he will)
*Have or will increase funding to TSA violating our 4th amendment
*Voted for Pro-Choice (maybe a + for you maybe not but hey they are the same with this)
*Both have are against free speech issues and patriot act
*Supports Carbon Taxes which will not help with Global warming but only support corporate monopolies
*Pretty Much they have both violated or support violations of every part of the constitution and thus I find them to be criminals because they are violating our civil liberties
*They both like to play golf and watch sports allegedly
*Will Preseve the Federal Governments as well as the Federal Reserves Lack of Transparency

How they are different:

Obama can sang and dance good, Mitt Romney looks kinda like harrison ford on airforce 1 movie. idk someone help me out I am at a loss for words here.


help any???


Well-Known Member

Wooo lets get Obamney elected 2012!

More debt!
More wars!
More scandalous monetary policy!
More corporate Welfare!
More drug wars!
More government!
AND more corruption!

Obamney 2012 yes we can.


New Member
Why don’t you just title all the threads you start as

"I am butt hurt Ron Paul got rejected again"
Why don't you tell me how they are different?

I couldn't come up with much, Obama sings better I get that.



Well-Known Member
Why don't you tell me how they are different?

I couldn't come up with much, Obama sings better I get that.
compare obama on medical cannabis to my sig:

"My attitude is, if the science and the doctors suggest that the best palliative care and the best way to relieve pain and suffering is through medical marijuana then that's something I'm open to"


Well-Known Member
compare obama on medical cannabis to my sig:

"My attitude is, if the science and the doctors suggest that the best palliative care and the best way to relieve pain and suffering is through medical marijuana then that's something I'm open to"
"Ron Paul Liberty Liberty Constitution"