Romney: I will fight medical marijuana tooth and nail


Well-Known Member
Regardless even if we did give amnesty we have to start punishing at some point we cannot continue the cycle.
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?


Well-Known Member
ok, but it's no fault of the kid. you're going to punish the kid for something their parents did? not only is that cold-hearted, it's against the very things you righties argue elsewhere.

if we were to punish children for the mistakes of their parents, we should go lock up the kids of former slave owners!

cold as fuck dude. no wonder the GOP (and the lunatic fringe that subscribe to their immigration beliefs) is a dying party.
I know that it sucks, but why should somebody get ahead just because their parents broke the law?


Well-Known Member
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
He doesn't give a shit. All he cares about is himself and his family. This is America. Selfish and conceded. It's pathetic really.

I know that it sucks, but why should somebody get ahead just because their parents broke the law?
So according to that logic, the natives should kick all of us out. THIS wasn't our land to begin with, we came over here and STOLE it. A few hundred years later and it's all water under the bridge? Yet, a guy can come here illegally have children and they have to leave too? The only difference is the span of time. I'm glad I have a conscience, I couldn't live with myself if I thought like you.


Well-Known Member
I have a good friend who was born here but his family is from Honduras and is trying to get his pregnant wife here. The process, from what he told me is retarded and complex. If she was from Europe she'd be here by now. For you to think it's easy is insulting. Why do you think people risk their lives doing it illegal? It's actually easier, they pay something like 6 grand(USD) to take a chance at dying, going to jail or getting caught and told to turn around. If you really think it's a cake walk you are a complete jackass and I feel bad for you.
Its called a K-visa, the requirements are the same for any county.


Well-Known Member
There was a time when some white guys showed up, shot some natives and stole their land. I suppose that was ok. But it's not ok for some illegals to come here looking for work to support their family. Hell most of them that come here aren't trying to stay they're just looking for work because all that's in Mexico are cartels. You can thank America for that one too. Prohibition has worked so well hasn't it?

I bet you just think you're so intelligent. You're just as dumb as a sack of potatoes.
Have you ever been out of the country? I doubt it, from your ignorant replies. Our system is a cakewalk compared to most but we try to attract the intellectual for a purpose.


Well-Known Member
So according to that logic, the natives should kick all of us out. THIS wasn't our land to begin with, we came over here and STOLE it. A few hundred years later and it's all water under the bridge? Yet, a guy can come here illegally have children and they have to leave too? The only difference is the span of time. I'm glad I have a conscience, I couldn't live with myself if I thought like you.
I'm sorry to break it to you, but most land in this world has been taken by force at one time or another.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever been out of the country? I doubt it, from your ignorant replies. Our system is a cakewalk compared to most but we try to attract the intellectual for a purpose.
You quote a post that has nothing to do with immigrating into America and talk about it? Genius. Too bad we can't kick out the self righteous idiots.


Well-Known Member
how does that logic feel slapping you in the face? :razz:

your dad once broke the law, now you need to be punished for it. GOP logic.
Logic I have yet to see anything from you on this topic about a solution. Amnesty isn't a solution just another procrastination that we keep making.


Well-Known Member
GOP logic is to punish the minorities.

when it comes to the sins of slavery and segregation, we should forget about it, it is of no use to punish future generations for the mistakes of previous ones.

when it comes to immigration, those kids need to be punished for the mistakes of their parents.

they are retards, and they make no sense.


Well-Known Member
how does that logic feel slapping you in the face? :razz:

your dad once broke the law, now you need to be punished for it. GOP logic.
Cheap know I'm no republican. LOL!

Your dad once broke the law, now you need to be rewarded for it. Donkey logic.


Well-Known Member
Logic I have yet to see anything from you on this topic about a solution. Amnesty isn't a solution just another procrastination that we keep making.
funny, i've yet to see you lay out your 12 point plan for immigration either.

you also keep trying to dodge my questions, kiddo.

so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?


Well-Known Member
Cheap know I'm no republican. LOL!

Your dad once broke the law, now you need to be rewarded for it. Donkey logic.
whether you're a republican or not, you're using GOP logic.

there is a difference between rewarding someone and not punishing someone. they're not getting 40 acres and a mule after their military service.