

New Member
my friend got in trouble for "raping" a girl. He didn't even have sex with her and she was fine. she basically lied, but she didn't get in trouble cause everyone wants to rescue the girl instead of investigate what happened.
Thats just out and out wrong. Women like that discust me. :twisted: They give all women a bad name. :roll:

the islamic and muslim laws are the worst in the world for equal rights for women. women are raped, abused, slaughtered, sold and circumcised in these places all for the men... absolutely pathetic in my opinion, a religion that can't even respect a another life form for who they are and what there moral rights should be...
Exactly> and this guy is giving me the run down of how his women are liars. Oh please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that were true THAT would be the LEAST of their worries.



Well-Known Member
Don't your women have to walk behind you men?
Its safer that way.

Don't your men get sodomised by other men? Known as 'rent' boys?

Have you ever actually lived in an Islamic community? Or do you just parrot the media-hype-terrorist-shit that you are fed?


New Member
Its safer that way.Bullsh*t its safer that way. Who are you kidding buddy. :fire:The real reason why you MEN decided to dress your women like that is because of your religion. You believe that women should be covered in over to avoid temptation. How is it safer that your women walk behiond you????:confused:
What if someone were to grab her? You would just keep walking and not even know. :dunce:

Don't your men get sodomised by other men? Known as 'rent' boys?My men your men.:confused: I think all genders get sodomised :twisted: Our men???? wtf??? This topic isn't graphically isolated. You don't think any men from you live or come from have had it in the butt?? :confused: Sorry but once again you have made a division. :-|

Have you ever actually lived in an Islamic community? Or do you just parrot the media-hype-terrorist-shit that you are fed?Are you kidding me?????:evil:
NO!! Nor would I want to. Terrorist shit?????
So far you have brought religion into this topic. I believe in God with all my heart and soul BUT I am not the least bit religious. Religion causes more wars then any other topic.:twisted:

Terrorist shit??? No you brought that one up. But since you did.......don't you guys also believe that if you .......haha :roll::twisted:
No I better not go there.
I am a Rasta-Islamic-Zulu-Celt
It works quite fine. It is not so much a chosen destiny, as it is a fate with which I am born.
See and that just it with you guys. You say you are born into your destiny. Its chosen for you. :roll:
So how can you as a human being take responsiblity for your actions if you say your destiny has been chosen for you. You believe what you believe because you have been made to do so. I do believe in Christ but I don't believe the bible word for word. No way:-|:wall: Its too contradictory. I choose my beliefs because I have the right to do so.
I also have the right to walk in my backyard topless. Its legal here in Ontario Canada BUT I don't do it. :hump: bongsmilie

I am wearing jeans and a t shirt that has 3/4 sleeves. Which means most of my arms are showing :o Sorry if that offends you. :blsmoke::peace::bigjoint:

I'm having a nap:sleep::sleep::sleep:


Well-Known Member
idk y. but people always seem ignorant when they're really pissed.

*edit* you should go into your back yard topless.


Well-Known Member
You believe that women should be covered in over to avoid temptation.

As I have already stated. In every part of the world people do not walk about naked. Some people prefer modesty to flaunting it, and cheapening it. Some people are romantic and save there beautiful god-given body's as something special for someoene special. Even in the west, traditionally women dressed conservatively, its only this generation were the morals have loosened.

I also have the right to walk in my backyard topless. Its legal here in Ontario Canada BUT I don't do it. :hump: bongsmilie

I live in Africa which has the world's greatest tradition in topless women. In certain mature societies, this is possible. However in every city there are many places where even the most daring sunbather would not go topless. Its too dangerous.

How is it safer that your women walk behiond you????:confused:
So that we ward off the attackers, and show strength. Letting the woman go in the door before you, opens her to danger. The man must protect and therefore he must lead the way. A coward sends his woman in first!

I am wearing jeans and a t shirt that has 3/4 sleeves. Which means most of my arms are showing :o Sorry if that offends you. :blsmoke:
It offends me nothing. But there are many young boys who may stalk you as they are immature and silly. All cultures have this problem. Safer to be modest.

Allah Akhbar


Well-Known Member
Are you guys being serious? Because I'm faded, and this struck me kinda as funny. Not just the lats one, lol, but I guess he was quoting lacy saying her arms are showing...sorry if it offends?

I dunno if I should be laughing or not...


New Member
What the hell happened here? I don't think I have time to read all of this right now...
Are you guys being serious? Because I'm faded, and this struck me kinda as funny. Not just the lats one, lol, but I guess he was quoting lacy saying her arms are showing...sorry if it offends?

I dunno if I should be laughing or not...
If you read it all ou would know why I said that. Yes i was being sarcastic but this guy is tring to tell me that his culture dresses them woman in ropes to completey cover them selves up so that it is safer for THEM. Oh please. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Well, I mean, I've never lived where he lives, so how do we know he's wrong? Not everywhere is like America, or Canada, or whatever. I mean, not all countries are the same. Maybe it is safer there. I mean, figure that there, the women aren't all a bunch of women like YOU and ME, they're different, they were RAISED there, THAT way, it's how they are.

I mean, of course you and me hear this, and think POPPY COCK (lol, I just wanted to say cock, I'll admit it). But we were raised in a completely different type of society, you know what i mean?

The way I see it, when in rome, do as the romans do. If I'm in a country where it really IS dangerous for women, then I would probably listen to the suggestions about covering up and staying with men. Because I'm not going to get raped and killed just because I refuse to honor anyone elses customs but my own. Usually, I would probably just honor their customs out of respect, you know?


New Member
[............................................quote=PoseidonsNet;784066]You believe that women should be covered in over to avoid temptation.

As I have already stated. In every part of the world people do not walk about naked. Yes I understand this BUT there is a HUGE gap between naked and being fulled raped in cloth :shock:Some people prefer modesty to flaunting it, and cheapening it. Who says I go around flaunting my body??? I certainly don't. I am extremely reserved. Some people are romantic and save there beautiful god-given body's as something special for someoene special.I agree with you in that sharing ourself is something extremel special BUT to wait for the special person before considering sex is not a good idea for most people in the world. What if you are not sexually compatible? What if your mate is a he/she?
Ok es I am joking with you but seriously. :roll:
Don't you people have arranged marriages???? Even in the west, traditionally women dressed conservatively, its only this generation were the morals have loosened.Yes I do agree. Morals are very slack it seems.

I also have the right to walk in my backyard topless. Its legal here in Ontario Canada BUT I don't do it. :hump: bongsmilie

I live in Africa which has the world's greatest tradition in topless women. In certain mature societies, this is possible. However in every city there are many places where even the most daring sunbather would not go topless. Its too dangerous.Although it is legal to go topless here I wold never go topless and have never seen anyone else here go topless. But then again...I don't go out much. :lol:

How is it safer that your women walk behiond you????:confused:
So that we ward off the attackers, and show strength. Letting the woman go in the door before you, opens her to danger. The man must protect and therefore he must lead the way. A coward sends his woman in first!

It offends me nothing. But there are many young boys who may stalk you as they are immature and silly. All cultures have this problem. Safer to be modest.Oh yes don't I know it. Most of my attackers were young boys. KIDS. PUNKS. They are evil:evil:......................................

Allah Akhbar


New Member
Well, I mean, I've never lived where he lives, so how do we know he's wrong? Not everywhere is like America, or Canada, or whatever. I mean, not all countries are the same. Maybe it is safer there. I mean, figure that there, the women aren't all a bunch of women like YOU and ME, they're different, they were RAISED there, THAT way, it's how they are.

I mean, of course you and me hear this, and think POPPY COCK (lol, I just wanted to say cock, I'll admit it). But we were raised in a completely different type of society, you know what i mean?

The way I see it, when in rome, do as the romans do. If I'm in a country where it really IS dangerous for women, then I would probably listen to the suggestions about covering up and staying with men. Because I'm not going to get raped and killed just because I refuse to honor anyone elses customs but my own. Usually, I would probably just honor their customs out of respect, you know?
Yeah maybe. But if rape isn't about sex but power what does this have to do with it.

I don't believe in his ways but if I went to his country I would respect them but since I am NOT in HIS country I don't.
Sorry but I still don't appreciate the way the treat their woman.
He can sugar coat things all he wants but I just don't think their customs and laws concerning woman are for the woman's safety.

When you are told what to believe and haven't given the right to have your own beliefs and opinions...how does he even know what he believes to be true??

He was the one who brought religion into it.:confused:


Well-Known Member
The problem in the modest countries is that when a poor woman is raped she has no good reason to report or tell a soul, as she would be condemned and shunned by the very people she should rely on. Plus the rates for rape in those countries is very high for that reason.....It can be devastating to the survivors .


Well-Known Member
When women are considered "property" their value is diminished. Look at most muslum (sp) countries, and how the women are considered second class, nothing more than chattel. In some places not even equal in value to the farm animal's they raise...........
An enlightened society........my ass


Well-Known Member
Yeah maybe. But if rape isn't about sex but power what does this have to do with it.

I don't believe in his ways but if I went to his country I would respect them but since I am NOT in HIS country I don't.
Sorry but I still don't appreciate the way the treat their woman.
He can sugar coat things all he wants but I just don't think their customs and laws concerning woman are for the woman's safety.

When you are told what to believe and haven't given the right to have your own beliefs and opinions...how does he even know what he believes to be true??

He was the one who brought religion into it.:confused:
But why do you believe what YOU do? Because you were raised where you were, and were taught that you could have your own freedoms and your own thoughts, and that you are a person with RIGHTS.

I mean, it goes both ways. He believes what he believes because he was raised there and that's the way it is there. I believe what I believe because i was raised HERE.

And whether or not their customs are for women's safety or not, it doesn't matter, because those are their CUSTOMS. When you're a kid, being raised by your parents, you don't question what they tell you, you just accept it.

Do you know how many KIDS I had to hear racist shit from as a child? One boy told me that "my daddy says mexicans are only good for gardening and cleaning." Did the kids really believe that? Of course not, idiot probably didn't even understand it, but he was just spewing the nonsense he was raised with.