Club 600


Well-Known Member
Does look like a bit of wind damage Budolskie. Nice Harvest to keep you going Bear!!! Love that scrog FM!!!! And very nice Stank Ape to boot. Lovely pic shot. Just poppin in to check eveyone is cool. Off for a post dinner joint. Check yas ron. DST


Well-Known Member
Does look like a bit of wind damage Budolskie. Nice Harvest to keep you going Bear!!! Love that scrog FM!!!! And very nice Stank Ape to boot. Lovely pic shot. Just poppin in to check eveyone is cool. Off for a post dinner joint. Check yas ron. DST
Puff Puff Pass bro...:bigjoint:

RIU is acting up for me AGAIN! What else is new.

@DaSmokingBear, I will make a Pipe out of it when I harvest her!!! Should be cool to smoke her buds out of it!


Well-Known Member
Back and suitably bonged and spliffified. Uploading some pics at the moment (hopefully that works). I got a pm from a friend about him coming to visit. When i replied to it I got a screen that came up asking me to enter a code incase I wasn't a human being because of the content of the email (what a joke). It said I had the option to ask my site controller to whitelist me (when was i blacklisted, lol). Anyone else had that?

Anyway, let me go check this uploader thingmawhatsit.


Well-Known Member

stomper og cross, skinny pheno

stomper og cross, fatter pheno,

CheesexUrk - Breeze, quite a weird looking thing. I got another one with huge flowers and a large cola (but it was in the back so I'll take a pic another time if I remember)

More DOG (with spots of neem drips from a leaky spray can I have, incase anyone asks:))

DOG boobie...




Well-Known Member
cheers Don,

Who knows what they are singing about here, but it doesn't really matter, lol...(Don, I blame this on you for posting that vid on your thread! haha)


Well-Known Member
No, I have not sprayed with the stuff for a while (cof knows the brand, can't remember, some organic stuff by all accounts). I had thrips early on and when I srpay the top level in my cab there are often drips when I have to tilt the spray can.

EDIT: I would never spray anything on my plants that is not organic btw.

Post EDIT: I used some stuff from Bayer for Spider Mites a while back (probably not very organic if it's bayer...)


Well-Known Member
right on I try to only use fish oil on my plants, but there have been a few times when I thought the battle was lost and I had to turn to more darker means of defence..this round its all about preventative defence durring the veg stage..


Well-Known Member
Big time, I am spraying my outdoor regular as well as the other girls in veg outdoor. Plants with a healthier veg give healthier flowers! We get lots of winds, live in an area with lots of grass and trees so constantly get things coming in.