Do you think I can get close to these figures?


Well-Known Member
So I want to have 5 patients including myself, by the end of the next month.

That gives me a total of 72 plants, I figure I'd get 6 oz's per plant(could be worst or better)

So 72 x 6 = 432 oz's per yield @ 4 crops per year.

So that's 432 x 4 = 1728 oz per year, give or take 500 oz

So 1728 x $200 = $345,600

I figured I'd have a total of $15k total in lights, buckets, soil, plants, seeds, nutrients, a/c, and my monthly consumers bill, with consumers probably close to $12k and the rest on the other stuff.

Do you think I could net at least $200k?


Well-Known Member
really? I thought that would be average since they do, 3oz up to a lb, as you know it varies per plant/strain


Well-Known Member
what do you think average is, or your own experience, and how tall are you growing them?

I plan to do at least 6-10 feet.


Active Member
Its impossible to average 6 oz's per plant without some serious veg time, they would have to be massive and take about 6-10 weeks veg. If you were to veg them that long then you certainly would not get 4 crops per year.

If I were you i would assume getting 2 - 2.5 oz's per plant. To assume more than that would be dreaming.

2oz x 72plants = 144oz
x 4crops = 576oz per year

That is a realistic estimate.

How big a space do you have? 72 plants will take up a lot of room

This is assuming that 5 patients can afford to buy 144oz per year each (28800 each)


Active Member
how much room do you have to grow 72 giant plants? You would need about 4 square foot per plant if you plan to grow 6 feet plants. So 4 x 72 = 288 square feet just for plant space, then you need walkways, fans, etc.


Active Member
I really don't think you have thought this through properly. A medical grower supplying 4 other patients clearing 200k net per year, thats a joke :)


Well-Known Member
6 zips a plant is very doable if you do 2 harvests a year not 4 would be better off ripping out 72 plants every 9 weeks and hoping for an ounce a plant..with almost no veg time.


Well-Known Member
Ryan i hate to say it but you sound like you dont know shit about what your trying to do and just want to make as much money as you can off sick people in the name of MMJ. If you dont even know what kind of yield you can expect ehn you obviousl dont know how to grow and you arent gonna just magically make 200k in a year.

Even if you get these 5 patients and get all those plants, most states require half of them to be veg plants and the other half being in flower so right there your numbers are cut by some percent (varies state to state)

Im sure more people can point out different holes in your logic I just named the first thing that came to my mind.


Well-Known Member
michigan doesn't require any amount per veg/flower, and i have now 3 patients, and have 36 of them going, I will be flowering 10 of them starting this weekend. We will see.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn';t give you the sweat off my ball's!! You are not who we want on here you are a user and are trying to take advantage of people who are in dire need of relief!!go elsewhere!!jack


Well-Known Member
I accept $225-250 donations for the best stuff around are you kidding me? Go pay $350 / 20g for the same shit and get at me.


Well-Known Member
an ounce is 28 grams buddy you can't be skimping bags you won't have any customers 20 g's thats over 1/4 of an ounce under but I'm all for making money just keep honest bags prefferably over 28 grams an ounce if you hook them up with 30 gram ounces they will come back as long as the price is low and good quality
I accept $225-250 donations for the best stuff around are you kidding me? Go pay $350 / 20g for the same shit and get at me.