piercing plant stems ;-)


Well-Known Member
well i was close enough... your a truck driver? so why don't you grow weed in your truck?
i drive to fast for the sun to keep up...yes im faster than i ray of light ;-)[video=youtube;x3ov9USxVxY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ov9USxVxY[/video]


Well-Known Member
in supercropping, typically the plant heals the snapped portion of the stalk to be a bit bulkier and stronger than the rest of the stem

i have read a few testimonials that this seems to increase the plant's capabilities of nutrient transmission up the main stalk. i haven't read any scientific explanation to this but it doesn't seem entirely illogical. just not 100% positive.

so what i'm saying is that playing with a plant's response to stress has usually shown to have SOME effect on bud characteristics

and flipping your shit and calling snake-oil off the bat is pretty immature

productive discussion, boys


Well-Known Member
ok, vet, please tell me scientifically how poking holes in your stems will increase thc production, and not what they told you on those videos cuz that's a bunch of snake oil bs and not science based..
your floor madame..
those videos look like bamboo anyway


Active Member
I say go for it. It would change it up in the grow room and make a fun test run. I want to know how it goes. Why do you guys come on here to rip her about asking a questions and saying she wants to try it? Don't you have something better to do


I say good luck your grow your rules. Personally though I would worry about inviting some disese or deficiency to the plant. Maybe as a precaution to that maybe put some kind of cloning gel around the piercing site to seal it. Food for thought. Peace and happy farming;-)


Well-Known Member
I say go for it. It would change it up in the grow room and make a fun test run. I want to know how it goes. Why do you guys come on here to rip her about asking a questions and saying she wants to try it? Don't you have something better to do
yes will defo give it a stab...lol.......... ;-)


Well-Known Member
I say good luck your grow your rules. Personally though I would worry about inviting some disese or deficiency to the plant. Maybe as a precaution to that maybe put some kind of cloning gel around the piercing site to seal it. Food for thought. Peace and happy farming;-)
no need its the last week and at the end of the day its one plant and if it starts to look like its getting shizzed up i will take out the knife and chop the fooker up ;-)


Active Member
I think everyone is missing the point. The whole idea is to stab the girls in the last 2 weeks of flower...Its like everyone thinks the day you stick it into flower your gonna stab them ha..come on bert from afgan,keep those nipples in the truck haha


Well-Known Member
I think everyone is missing the point. The whole idea is to stab the girls in the last 2 weeks of flower...Its like everyone thinks the day you stick it into flower your gonna stab them ha..come on bert from afgan,keep those nipples in the truck haha

pmsl....are you sure you want me to keep these in......... ? well ok now i know your sure...........over and out bert ;-)



Well-Known Member
It won't be worth it no. This myth was started because there was some fairly good scientific research done which suggested that THC and other cannabinoids were a defence mechanism produced in greater quantities when when plants were stressed. This is why some people don't water much during the last days of flowering. Water stress was said to be a big contributor to small increases in THC content.

What is clear from the research paper I read was that there wasn't enough evidence to totally prove the case for water deprivation. There are similar suggestions about THC being some sort of plant sunblock, but the evidence for that is shaky too. The reason why these plants, and only these plants produce cannabinoids is still something of a mystery to science, and is way more complex than simply being helped by poking a great big hole in your stem.

But what started as simple few sentences suggesting that THC may be a defence mechanism of sort gave lots of people crazy ideas that attacking their plants would increase potency. What is certain, 100% fact is that if putting holes through your plants really did anything for your bud then more people would be doing it by now.

Feel free to experiment for yourself, but I for one consider this myth BUSTED.

As an added nugget of info, columbian gold was a type of potent weed which was popular in the 60s and 70s. The "gold" colour was achieved by slicing the plant all around the main stem near the end of flowering, cutting the top bark layers only. This cuts off nutrient and water supply to the bud leaves, turning them yellow. These were then not trimmed too much, which gave the schwag it's look. Apparently, doing this didn't increase potency, but was purely for the look of the final product.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't do anything...all that guys plants looked no better than mine..and really you only need so much resin, and a lot of strains now have more than their fair share...but beyond that, all jabbing a hole in the plant does is jab a hole in the plant...which is one more wounded spot where mold and what have you can get inside of...so it really wouldn't be a great idea...especially since the only benefit I can see is that the stem would thicken a bit to heal over the wound...