Book section?


Well-Known Member
Not a big deal whatsoever, although the possibility would be cool. having a book section on the forum. I'm an avid reader and my fellow riu acquaintances might be able to expand my horizons. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
Lol. I like a good book and a beer. Preferably a blonde ale :)
Hmm... I'll have to give that ag o sometime... I usually read when I run out of weed, haha. Didn't think of including alcohol in that mix, though.

I'm currently reading "Tinkers" by Paul Harding. Amazingly descriptive and poetic imagery...


Well-Known Member
I have this post so I will look for it. I tried reading gabriel garicas 100 years of solitude. and descriptive, but all the information in such few.pages made me tired and yawn a lot. Lol reading when out of weed. A beer or two calms my.nerves a bit. More than that I get bored. Descriptive books are good. Now that I'm a little older I appreciate them a bit more. Any others or authors you'd recommend?


Well-Known Member
I'm not much of a bookie... I don't find fiction pieces that hold my attention very often. Tinkers is doing it though. I've been reading out-there stuff about sacred geometry and whatnot... Drunvalo Melchizedek's "Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life" is an excellent book, but it's definitely not for everyone. Some would consider it fiction I suppose, heh.

What I like about Tinkers is he takes his time to describe things that other authors would not, and effectively evokes strong emotional responses to things that would seem almost benign or irrelevant if it weren't for the way he chooses to frame and note them. Might not be for everyone, but I find it really captivating. It also explores interesting subject matter, like explaining how old clocks are repaired and really making me appreciate the difficult and meticulous nature of the work involved.

Oh, Rob Brezsny's "The Televisionary Oracle" is fucking amazing tripped out quasi fiction. You can tell the dude had a whole head full of acid when he wrote it. in a good way.


Well-Known Member
Havent read too much in that book. But that book is amazing. Have it downloaded on my.laptop, thats broken lol. That stuff about the dmt in the pyramids. The merkabah. Sick stuff. I love things like that. Quantum physics is fun. Not a bookie yet reading fairy tales for adults. Lmao. Jk. My friend has both flower books. I should try and borrow them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, if you're into "fairy tales for adults" it is epic stuff. :P

What i meant by "not a bookie" is I read maybe 2-3 books a year max, heh.


Well-Known Member
You can read a good bit of The Televisonary Oracle right on Rob's site... the guy's a fucking master... like a modern acid-fueled Alan Watts or something, heh.

Oh, Alan Watts. Good stuff to read if you like spirituality. I love listening to his lectures more, though. He classed himself a "spiritual entertainer" to keep people from being unnecessarily analytical about what he suggested... and I find it quite lively and entertaining as a result...


Well-Known Member
Sweet!!!!! Kinda slowed down on my reading. Looked for a book thread and nothing. So hopefully they start one. Amd I will definitely check them out. Good site riu is. Talk about.books, plants, get into.fights and shit lol. But ofd to.bed. You doing a grow at the moment. If so I'd love to check it out. I'll send a friend request tomorrow.