The not nudity, nudity thread


Well-Known Member
I actually googled artistic non-nudity and i have not posted any porn , you think breasts are porn ? stop being so mellow dramatic , you started a thread, get over it.
so you're gonna go all agro on me about it? and then call ME dramatic?

typical. :sleep:

i started the thread so people could post pictures of things that LOOKED like naked things, yet actually WEREN'T. such as a funny looking carrot, or mountains that looked like boobs.

i hope this helps ease some of your tension and clears up any misunderstanding you may have.


Well-Known Member
erm dont quite no what to say to that , am certainly not getting "agro" as you put it , it's just a thread with pictures and i happen to think most of my pictures are quite good , even if showing a breast or 2 , i just wondered why you seemed to be getting so upity about it , does it really matter ?


Well-Known Member
erm dont quite no what to say to that , am certainly not getting "agro" as you put it , it's just a thread with pictures and i happen to think most of my pictures are quite good , even if showing a breast or 2 , i just wondered why you seemed to be getting so upity about it , does it really matter ?
yes it matters, you are VIOLATING the tou.

i'm a mod, doing my job for the benefit of the site. why are you hassling me for that? i am trying to be nice about it. i haven't even deleted your pics. i am simply trying to ask you to not posy NAKED pictures on our forum. why you can't just say "ok" and move on i don't know. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
yes it matters, you are VIOLATING the tou.

i'm a mod, doing my job for the benefit of the site. why are you hassling me for that? i am trying to be nice about it. i haven't even deleted your pics. i am simply trying to ask you to not posy NAKED pictures on our forum. why you can't just say "ok" and move on i don't know. :neutral:
I dont care that your a mod that just means you work for nothing , and i am not hassling you , you made the comment about my posts like it actually matters , delete the damn posts child , i wont post here again , i dont argue with ppl on here and your pathetic thread is all yours.


Well-Known Member
yes? Someone pulled a shit load of pictures, and they where not naked. ...all it takes is one dush bag mod that thinks he ir cunt she is god and that will get everyone running to another site. I am not saying it was you, but some jack ass that is to much of a pussy to speak up


Well-Known Member
yes? Someone pulled a shit load of pictures, and they where not naked. ...all it takes is one dush bag mod that thinks he ir cunt she is god and that will get everyone running to another site. I am not saying it was you, but some jack ass that is to much of a pussy to speak up
i don't really delete posts. i try to let the section mods take care of their own sections. i only concerned myself here because i started the thread and felt i could help clarify my intent. i suck at "personal relations" though. i mean well, but often come off differently. i guess. i haven't deleted any pics or posts here.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
anyone who wines and moans about a few genital or titties shots not being on here is the laziest person in the world, the search bar has to be close to your cursor find another site

that being said bring on the genitalia , but keep it classy(shakes fist)


Pickle Queen
yes? Someone pulled a shit load of pictures, and they where not naked. ...all it takes is one dush bag mod that thinks he ir cunt she is god and that will get everyone running to another site. I am not saying it was you, but some jack ass that is to much of a pussy to speak up

I deleted what i felt was inappropriate and i'm not afraid to say so. Wow bunch of drama queens, if u wanna look at those pics do so, but why post them in a thread that could have been pretty damn funny, well still is thanks to a few adults ;) Oh wait big bad rep points or likes right? Jeez grow up and stop ruinning Fdd's thread with ur nonsense