Is This Really Happening?


Well-Known Member
The regulate like wine folks say support them.

I happen to believe we have to do a simpler step of expanding what prop 215 is to everyone and adding a few small changes such as job protection, private non-commercial trade and horticulture rights.

I doubt that commerce will fly but once the people are free and California opts out.. Well it will start the tide turning.

It's just that we fight each other on just about everything so we cannot get anything done.


Well-Known Member
Are we whining?

Are we losers who get our asses kicked and live with it?

Think about it...

Now on to a story about those behind the wheels.

There can be no doubt that this is an effort to tip the balance back and return the safe 1950's mindset but we already know that the generations have not pass away so we cannot expect to jump ahead politically. That is why I promote a small step of allowing people horticulture, use and non-commercial trade rights and I say skip the commerce for now.

But like some kind of mindless zombies there are those who could lead us to cannabis freedom who see only profits as the issue of cannabis legalization.

We need to kick some ass but it isn't only on the Federal Government side. Our profiteers who have made the profits are not interested in actual cannabis equality for all and in that we cannot get any place except to modernize the black market.

Well on that note let us read what is behind our "Medical Crack Down Dream Team" A small insight of the face of why the "human cattle" need to be herded away from pot shops and we also see the face of Save the Children. But save them for what.. Notice not from what but save them for what purpose?

Mr. Guy

Fortunately California is not the only state working to legalize marijuana. Even though the Obama administration is going back on there word, this topic has too much support to just go away. They will have to answer us. It's not a matter of if, but when. Washington is looking good to legalize it at this point so i am still hopeful


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah.. As long as people keep supporting Cannabis I agree with you that there is hope.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to all those losing their jobs. Kinda bad that the Obama administration went back on its word. Typical politico sale ole same ole.

I am thinking the pharmaceutical companies are seeing how big this business of medical cannabis is and thus enter campaign funds.

Imagine if these companies are forcing the hand of this administration. Just a wild conspiracy theory of sorts. Follow the money. As if

EVERYONE doesn't know how prescription drugs make the 80's crack epidemic look like small potatoes. Follow the money. What ever

happen to states rights? For all of you who wanted big government - here it is - you got it. With all that being said,

I like ERNST idea. He had the long post up top. The idea of growing in a non commercial way is spot on - in my book.
after looking into this for some time, this has become my personal belief. now all we need is some serious smoker with more money to donate to campaigns than big pharms to cancel them out. i wish us luck.


Well-Known Member
have you guys noticed the other thing that happened the day before the raids started? the IRS ruled that any business in the marijuana trade can no longer deduct business expenses from their taxes and will be basically forced out of business.
the article i read reminded me that it wasn't the FBI or the police who took down Al Capone - it was the IRS...


Well-Known Member
Yes I noticed. A 1-2 punch.

This is it folks. This is the war on high.

A group of 35,000 doctors just called for legalizing in the face of this U.S. Attorney action.


I certainly hope not. I live in Maryland and much of the talk among politicans for legalizing it here have been based on what is going on in California. I can only assume that this will negatively affect the legalization process here, and everywhere around the U.S. F*** the government for making a plant illegal.


Well-Known Member
It is unclear as to exactly what the effect will be but so far I understand this as being a policing action.
Supposedly they will leave the little guy growing their plants alone.
The major complaint other than the big industry complaint I know of so far is that after spending the season looking in the mountains and forests the haul of plants is way down because production has shifted to the Valley. I assume they mean the Central Valley of California where I admit Cannabis grows rather well.

As of yesterday the raids are unannounced so folks can expect military style machine gun commando action where they grab all the cash and weed.

It may well be that production of cannabis is organized in some instances or even illegal in scope when it comes to our medical program.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
So it looks like the Federal Government is serious that Cannabis business is not allowed.

So then we need to focus on legalizing cannabis for all like we do with prop 215.

We cannot fight the Tax Man and the Federal Government on taking property away but we can change out law to allow all of us to grow, use, and trade in non-commercial ways in California.

I know that I risk being told to F-myself again because folks want to open those doors and sell high priced cannabis and make a fortune but it isn't going to happen.

So why not do the people thing?

Let us make it legal for everyone and not require a medical card.

If I can grow and trade with you or perhaps get some of one kind from you and another kind from someone else and that is legal then is that so bad?

Is having California be the first State to opt out of Cannabis prohibition a bad thing? We don't need dispensaries and businesses to make that happen.

It's time to focus on a simpler first step. For the people.
If anything, we need MORE dispensaries. Getting rid of the dispensaries is exactly what the federal government wants. Why advocate the federal governments position?

The want to get rid of cannabis related businesses because those businesses have the power to change laws in ways that normal people do not. If the dispensary system is allowed to expand, they will be powerful enough to lobby congress to change the cannabis laws nationwide. That's why the government is going after them.

Going back to the days where legal cannabis businesses are not allowed is a step back, not forward. It takes the power away from us allowing the police to come pick us off one by one.


Well-Known Member
I read today that one article is asking where is Obama's explanation as to what this effort will do for us.

It's time we have someone stand up and say I am responsible so address your grievances to me. This 4 US attorneys who seem to be leaderless yet who are shaping the future of Cannabis in California are not responsible to us from what I know.


Well-Known Member
Ernst I see you on every post I post on. Lol. I understand there are bills we can help sign and such but there has to be someone on this forum who has access to the inside. I'm just suggesting a lawyer or someone high up get some statements out. Even if we can get a reporter to ask Obama whats going on with the DEA.

Talking is a good start but we need an action plan against these highway men. Violence isn't an answer, we would need something diplomatic.


Active Member
after looking into this for some time, this has become my personal belief. now all we need is some serious smoker with more money to donate to campaigns than big pharms to cancel them out. i wish us luck.
<<< is that not the same old same old? I do not care if my NAME & address ARE on WH.GOV I vote and I am LEGAL And kindly get over the fact that I have trouble with cap lck I type with 1 hand. Politicians only look at numbers can we show then the numbers? not in a 1000 person Gallop poll? Our real numbers with names and precincts? I have to show ID and answer some BS question to vote. So if we are not up right enough to ID our selves on petitions like Obama's we do not count. So the first norml petition is signed by 46k people do we need 50 petitions by state: As the site states duplicate petitions might confuse things or do we show our actual numbers and be counted?


Active Member
We need a cannabis lobby.
We need to state who We are and not be Anon amouse. Mice do not vote: while your at it vote on the two petitions I started after signing all the pro marijuana petitions,, In GOD WE TRUST! All others pay Cash!
Leave the pledge of allegiance alone. There are too many things that need attention now.

The pledge of allegiance was a traditional part of the start of the school day for a long time. How many pushed to have it removed? I believe it should be reinstated and with the words One Nation under God. This nation was founded on the precepts of religious freedom and the pledge of allegiance is not advocating a religion, But unity in the class room.
Leave "In God We Trust." the motto of the United States of America

Leave the motto of the United States of America "In God We Trust." In 1956, the United States adopted a motto, "In God We Trust." In a time of national healing for a country founded on religious freedom "In God We Trust." does not point to any individual religion but the Freedom of personal belief. Focus on more productive areas we all have our personal beliefs.


Active Member
If a million names showed up split on 50 petitions how many doors would FEDS be knocking on? Do we teach our children how to Stealth grow or show them to stand up for what is right? And lose then to the CHOKING GAME?


Active Member
I read today that one article is asking where is Obama's explanation as to what this effort will do for us.

It's time we have someone stand up and say I am responsible so address your grievances to me. This 4 US attorneys who seem to be leaderless yet who are shaping the future of Cannabis in California are not responsible to us from what I know.
aS I have a 100cubic cm space in my head, Ernst would you draft a petition for ________ state for the legalization for growing Marijuana for personal use 100 sq feet or 100 plants. Tax state tax stamp to transport across state lines. Growers state permit like concealed carry permit. (Might just include gun permit, tax TIN, WITH Grow permit 1 stop shopping?) I will post it to Obama's for Georgia as that is my state. Don ( already has my name stand up and be counted!)