Club 600


Well-Known Member
lookin good,,whish i could zoom in and look all around
Thanks! Sorry I missed your IM from earlier. I went to sleep earlier than expected.
I think I have the mirror & view stabilized, and will make a final adjustment when the HPS light comes on in about 5 hours.

I do not know what you mean, but I like it.

I will attempt to discover the meaning of this (damn the dog is psychedelic, makes me babble, lol)
After I wrote it I realized how badly I had conveyed my message. :-)

It's my plants' "night time", but I put a 13w green bulb inside the Flowering Box and turned up the settings on the webcam so that I can broadcast almost 24 hours a day now.
I'll be putting a timer on the green light so it runs opposite the HPS.



Well-Known Member
Even when Mrs DST is working late, DST still manages to create 600 vibes around the know I am re-heating my chille con carne at 600!!! mwahahahahaha......

Well, I used the last of my Everclear the knowledge there was another one sitting waiting to be cracked open, almost like a fine Malt, lol.
Ground up RomulanxTimwarp, given about 30 second shake. Should be good to go tomorrow I reckon, already been smearing a bit on the last couple of joints and feeling very warm around the brainium....

Peace, DST


Active Member
Evening everyone,
hey another quick question....anyone ever cut down anNFT tray???

i need to shave 15 mm off each end to get it in!!

Anyone ever attemped this??

Cheers guys



Active Member
ollrite, went and take a close look at my tangerines and finally i see a small tip of a white hair tryin to come out.....will they keep on stretchin now or does it stop??


Well-Known Member
This is exactly why I don't have TV anymore.



Well-Known Member
This is exactly why I don't have TV anymore.
So I'm guessing you weren't inspired by his speech. Lol duchie, where do you find this stuff. That dude was just a tiny bit intense at the end, haha.

Congrats on the kittys wally. My they have long happy lives.


Well-Known Member
Not just any spliff. It would have to be something from the Breeders Boutique line in it for sure! ;) Then evry little tin gonna be iree.


Well-Known Member
So I'm guessing you weren't inspired by his speech. Lol duchie, where do you find this stuff. That dude was just a tiny bit intense at the end, haha.

Congrats on the kittys wally. My they have long happy lives.
LOL. That one I got from Huffington Post Comedy, their twitter updates. Not often I'll follow a link in their updates but once in a while I'll take the gamble. This one was only a minute so it didn't waste to much of my life.

Also, yes Wally, what Jig said. Congrats on your new kitties I'm sure they'll love being with you.



Well-Known Member
Doob... not only 'should' you be working on the contest entry... but you are making half the posts hurling us towards page 700. It's all good with me, but maybe not the best strategy.