Racial attacks in Wisconsin.

its not even about the evil black guy.

africans in the uk are alright, they contribute to society, but the jamaicans are a very different story.

for your info, i dont sit indoors all day in fear of blacks,lol

i lead a very healthy lifestyle, im an outdoors type of person, dont think im some guy who gonna spend his life sitting indoors,lol



Well-Known Member
its not even about the evil black guy.

africans in the uk are alright, they contribute to society, but the jamaicans are a very different story.

for your info, i dont sit indoors all day in fear of blacks,lol

i lead a very healthy lifestyle, im an outdoors type of person, dont think im some guy who gonna spend his life sitting indoors,lol

how is hating black people part of a very healthy lifestyle?


Well-Known Member
I love/like all until you show me other wise...and then I blame the person not the race or nationality
im not saying i hate them or fear them, i just dont have no interaction with them in my day to day life. i dont plan on it either.

im not looking to start an argument here guys and gals.



Well-Known Member
im not saying i hate them or fear them, i just don't have no interaction with them in my day to day life. i dont plan on it either.

im not looking to start an argument here guys and gals.

"black guys just impregnate white girls and leave them to it"
When you make stupid bigoted comment like this where do you think it will lead ???? I guess you just one of the ignorant scared ones that use the internet to spread your racist hate..be honest did a Jamaican black guy steal your broad from you and now you have a personal vendetta against them now ??? Hey if you small in the manhood department just grow the best killer weed...She will stay just for your weed guy, but at least she stays..lol or she could just take your weed and smoke out with the Jamaican guy


Well-Known Member
I see not one person was able to show any proof of video or pictures of white people getting beat by 12,20,or 300 black people, so I thought I would provide some of what happened in Mississippi recently to a black man by white teens. In this day and age if they say what happen in Wisconsin someone would have some kind of cam pic or video to back it up..Well here is some shocking shit that happen in the "good old south"



Well-Known Member
Sigh. This isn't about Mississippi.

You shouldn't believe people who were there, Nothing is true unless someone has video of it right?

What color are the kids in these videos?


Everyone knows you are a racist if you accuse Black people of being racists.


Don't worry about witnesses, thay are all racists. Everyone knows that white and black and Latino teens all hang out together.

I wouldn't worry about the fact that 100% of the people arrested were black, they were all racially profiled and they let the white and brown kids all go and only arrested the black kids, that is because the police chief is racist too.


Black people cannot be racist.

If it were 300 white kids attacking Black folks you can Guarantee it would be all over the news as hate crime.


Well-Known Member
I showed you a video of a truck running over a man...and you show me nothing..again show me a video of 300 black people beating white folks..If it was 300 white kids I would say the same thing..somebody had to take a pic or get a video of the mayhem. Hell this the youtube age... NOT SOME HE SAY..SHE SAY BULLSHIT..I just watch all these and not ONE freaking fight.Hell only one busdriver looks to have maybe got hit..wheres the witnesses that got beat..wheres the injurys....just some people saying..I guess all these white folks don't have or know how to use a smart phone...I remember when that white girl said that some Obama supporters beat her ass and put a B on her face..remember that..dumb chick did it herself ..and people sitting on the curb with no handcuffs does not mean they went to jail or did what you say..Funny how this media TRIED to start some racial bullshit that seems pretty far fetched, but media these days never surprise me...Watch this one and watch the whole thing.. for the end shows the truth..Just so you can see that media does try to make something out of nothing..



Well-Known Member
Remember this girl said she was beat by Obama supporters..COme to find out that she beat her own ass...hence the reason why the B is backwards (she did it in the mirror)...How dumb can you be and remember all the people who fell for it..

Stupid chick.png


Well-Known Member
Remember this girl said she was beat by Obama supporters..COme to find out that she beat her own ass...hence the reason why the B is backwards (she did it in the mirror)...How dumb can you be and remember all the people who fell for it..

View attachment 1726196
So now you are saying that 37 people beat themselves, including 8 people who are still in the hospital? And two of those people are police?

Perhaps when you watched the first video you didn't notice all the kids lined up against the wall? See any white or brown kids? Nope, you sure don't.

You can keep finding stuff that has no bearing on the subject at hand and it will continue to not make one difference to this situation. Just because an official cell phone video hasn't come out yet is no reason to say it didn't happen. You believed OBL was killed by seal team 6 right? Yet there is no body and no video. Must not have happened right?

When people are throwing rocks at me, the last thing I think of is getting my phone out and videoing my own demise. Maybe you should ask some of those cops that beat themselves in the face and required hosp[talization, hell one of the cops bashed the back of his own head in.

Your assertions are ridiculous. You didn't watch a single video, because to do so would be to admit you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
So now you are saying that 37 people beat themselves, including 8 people who are still in the hospital? And two of those people are police?

Perhaps when you watched the first video you didn't notice all the kids lined up against the wall? See any white or brown kids? Nope, you sure don't.

You can keep finding stuff that has no bearing on the subject at hand and it will continue to not make one difference to this situation. Just because an official cell phone video hasn't come out yet is no reason to say it didn't happen. You believed OBL was killed by seal team 6 right? Yet there is no body and no video. Must not have happened right?

When people are throwing rocks at me, the last thing I think of is getting my phone out and videoing my own demise. Maybe you should ask some of those cops that beat themselves in the face and required hosp[talization, hell one of the cops bashed the back of his own head in.

Your assertions are ridiculous. You didn't watch a single video, because to do so would be to admit you are wrong.
Where did you get the number 37 from, or that cops are in hospital..please provide link..thank you ....and I put up videos to show this goes both ways...mine just shows what actually happens..not he say she say like yours...again provide links to those numbers


Well-Known Member
Where did you get the number 37 from, or that cops are in hospital..please provide link..thank you
Want to know how I know you didn't watch a single video? Because those statistics are in several of them, perhaps you really ought to try and watch them, you just might learn something.


Well-Known Member
I did and did not see nor here what you say..perhaps you can tell me the time number that it was said on....and I see that you did not read what I wrote or you would have seen that I did comment on the people on the curb( not wall as you say)..now again where did you get those numbers from ????


Well-Known Member
ok the last video does say officers got hit..still not finding that 37 number...my take was teens got to fighting and then it escalated to a bunch of fights everywhere...don't think it was a racial riot though..I think these teens where fighting everybody being stupid dumb teens
"black guys just impregnate white girls and leave them to it"
When you make stupid bigoted comment like this where do you think it will lead ???? I guess you just one of the ignorant scared ones that use the internet to spread your racist hate..be honest did a Jamaican black guy steal your broad from you and now you have a personal vendetta against them now ??? Hey if you small in the manhood department just grow the best killer weed...She will stay just for your weed guy, but at least she stays..lol or she could just take your weed and smoke out with the Jamaican guy

hahahahahah, you are a total joker. fuck the blacks and the feral kids that are running riot.

black people are just generally fucked up. compare them and their lifestyles with asian and white people, world of difference. if its a fight you want you can fuck right off. i dont like black people, in my view they dont contribute to society and contribute fuck all to their kids when they become absent fathers.

just cos your a liberal cunt i dont give a fuck, your entitle to your views. multicultural society is fucked up. go live in new orleans for 6 months in a black community and tell me that they are human,lol



Well-Known Member
hahahahahah, you are a total joker. fuck the blacks and the feral kids that are running riot.

black people are just generally fucked up. compare them and their lifestyles with asian and white people, world of difference. if its a fight you want you can fuck right off. i dont like black people, in my view they dont contribute to society and contribute fuck all to their kids when they become absent fathers.

just cos your a liberal cunt i dont give a fuck, your entitle to your views. multicultural society is fucked up. go live in new orleans for 6 months in a black community and tell me that they are human,lol

poor baby..I'm sorry that you are afraid of black people...I feel sorry for you.:hug:. I'm black or brown or whatever you want to call it...Got family from the island..My lifestyle is great..Spent 22 years USAF..Own three laundromats...house,cars,truck paid off ...Have 3 beautiful, mindful and intellegent children..I can sit home all day and watch porn if I wanted...Sorry your life is so screwed.....One thing I have learned from travels is that you got fucked up people in every race..and you also have some wonderful people in every race..Sorry you so fucked up you don't know that...

Please everyone give this guy a hug he needs it:hug: