yesterdays project! continued! half way there.


Active Member
ok so yesterday i had a huge project to do. and today im going to have to finish it. jus wanted to give an update on wats going on. i have 15 plants, 8 afghan kush, 7 purple kush, all in 5 gallon buckets. i wanted to max out my yeild and really let these babies grow so i decided to put them in the ground. so me and a few buddies dug holes about 3/4 as deep as the bucket is tall. we cut the bottoms of the bucket off and set the babies in the ground in the bucket :mrgreen: so lets get the pics started.

ok so in these first few pics is the start of the project.:eyesmoke:
this is where we started digging the holes and we moved most the plants to the opposite side of the tent.


here is when we got the 6 holes dug and just started setting plants in.


now we are were digging the last 3 of the day and by than came up with a little system to dump the dirt. haha check it out!:eyesmoke:


let me know what you all think. i got about another 4 hours today to get the other 7 done. ill post a final pic when im done.:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member're not gonna eb able to move around in that greenhouse at all...gonna be buds ar far as the eye can see! Looking good, nice satisfying hard work makes a stoner proud!


Well-Known Member
Looks great MG420! like Meta said, nothing like the feeling of a hard day's work to satisfy...along with a bowl!


Active Member're not gonna eb able to move around in that greenhouse at all...gonna be buds ar far as the eye can see! Looking good, nice satisfying hard work makes a stoner proud!
Haha I know! I plan on jacking the tent up when they flower for ventilation, also so I can move around in there:). Im about to put another 4 hours in. ill post,more pics.


Active Member
the grows looking great but just curious y did u stick the buckets in the ground
I stuck them in the ground because I couldnt afford more soil, I only had a lil spar from the begginging, and money is tight. So I just,cut the bottom of the buckets out because I put 1 1/2-2 inches of river rock at the bottom of each bucket for drainage. That way just rocks came out really when the bottoms came off, and I have the left over ffof from the beggining of my grow in the bottom of the holes for a lil fresh soil. So ya, stay,tuned ill have more pics later;)


Active Member
Ok so I got everything done today:) all went well, and the girls are lookin great. Im gonna try to upload the pics tonight if the computer clears up, if not tho first thing in the morning.


Active Member
ok, hows it going everyone. so yesterday i finished everything i was doin in the greenhouse. of course i took some pics. but sadly half way through my camera died. anyways i do have 1 pic of it completely finished tho. most of the pics are of my shimdig system of how to get the dirt from the holes to the corner of the yard.. ha and the boards really helped alot. ha anyways here they are.:eyesmoke: oh and also theres one pic with the 9 that i put in the holes two days ago when i showed up yesterday. they looked great!:mrgreen:

k3.jpgk4.jpgk2.jpgk6.jpgk1.jpgFinal product.jpgk5.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Personally I would have spaced them out more but you will be fine. I made the same decision to have them close and I am going to regret it come harvest. LOL


Active Member
Hah yea I know wat u mean. But im gonna jack the entire greenhouse up about 2-4ft in a few weeks so hopefully thatll help. I stayed out last night so later when I get home ill take another pic u show everyone how theyre doin


Well-Known Member
It's not gonna help you with crowding. :)

Here is what mine looks like now.


That first row in the front of the frame are already touching and they haven't started flowering yet. It's going to be like 1 giant bush in your greenhouse. :) Not necessarily a bad thing. :)


Active Member
Damn those look great! But our growing conditions are quite a bit different than mine, I live in south pudget sound area wa state. Do u think mine will get that big??


Well-Known Member
Not sure of your region as I am in Central Cali. I would expect that you would have a nice yield but I don't think they will be the size of mine. I have had mine out for a while now.

As far as Kush goes I am running..

2 Pre'98 Bubba Kush
2 Redwood Kush
1 Platinum Bubba Kush
