Give Me 2.8 Trillion Or Granny Gets No Check

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Im on disability and my fuckin check had better be good,for any marijuana grower to side with osama ,I mean obama is stupid,that fuckin obama is as shitty of president thats ever been in the office .He allready spent so much money on his stupid stimulus plan thats theres not any left.I got 250 bucks on his big plan


Well-Known Member
So Obama's administration creates 5 trillion in debt in 3 years and its the republicans fault. Obama gets mad, storms out because republicans want to cut spending in addition to raising the debt limit and you call them the thugs. Priceless. I wonder how long before Obama starts telling Americans 2+2=5.
The situation is 30 years in the making, ignorance of the facts doesn't change them. You cannot start the longest wars in U.S. history and give tax breaks at the highest revenue bracket without depleting the national bank account and setting up the machine for disaster. Make no mistake the top 5% wealthiest in our country control 95% of the wealth and have had a 30% increase in profit over this period. Yet for some reason the trickle down didn't work, they aren't giving jobs, they are giving bonuses. This is just a fleecing that has been long in the works, at the end of it both parties will have destroyed the gov't and we will be subjugate to the oligarchy that is laughing while morons give away their liberty and future.


Well-Known Member
Im on disability and my fuckin check had better be good,for any marijuana grower to side with osama ,I mean obama is stupid,that fuckin obama is as shitty of president thats ever been in the office .He allready spent so much money on his stupid stimulus plan thats theres not any left.I got 250 bucks on his big plan
Your bitching but your the cancer that the republicans cannot stand, sucking on the big tit but ready to vote your own demise?!?!
jeez, this kind of ignorance gets my blood to boiling
I am sorry for the yell but OMG, what do you suppose the word "entitlements" refers to fella?


Well-Known Member
I love how Obama is playing hard ball with our nation's credit rating.
Why is it Obama that is doing the "playing", it sure seems to me that there are a whole lot of people at that table.
Or do you mean that because he doesn't shut the fuck up and do as the republicans say he is the problem?

I hate to be in the position to be defending him, there are issues that deserve criticism but these aren't the ones. Speaking of drinking the koolaid, there seems to be a rash or something. High on Faux?


Well-Known Member
Im on disability and my fuckin check had better be good,for any marijuana grower to side with osama ,I mean obama is stupid,that fuckin obama is as shitty of president thats ever been in the office .He allready spent so much money on his stupid stimulus plan thats theres not any left.I got 250 bucks on his big plan
so he gave you 250 bucks and you are complaining?

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
With all due respect, may I suggest that you guys, especially all of you progressive that post here, check out a movie titled "Saving Private Ryan. If you're under 65 years old, this movie is a must see. Take a good look at the sacrifices the Greatest Generation paid to keep our government out of the hands of the likes of Obama and those surrounding him in his administration. Watch it, then report back to this thread if you have the guts.


Well-Known Member
the sacrifices the greatest generation???? whaaa??

you are seriously demented or something. the guys in saving private ryan weren't thinking about the political rammifications of possibly defaulting on our debt.

they knew the US would always pay it's bills and they believed in a country that took care of it's elderly, it's sick and it's poor. they believed in a country that believed that you needed not be part of the board to be taken into consideration by your politicians. they lived during a time when wealth efficiently moved from our central bank and into circulation, creating demand and jobs. they lived at atime when disposable income was taken for granted, they knew they'd come back to a country with enough wealth to go around....

.... :P

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
^^^ Demented? Me? What's with the personal attack?

The GREATEST GENERATION came through the Great Depression and fought fascism and Japanese imperialism. Check the dates, then come back and discuss how they were dependent upon a fascistic government. If they were able to see what the last few presidents (yes I'm including Bush) have done to this country, they would turn their guns on Washington. Have you checked the national debt lately? Have you checked the economy lately? How's the unemployment rate treating you and/or your neighbors? Add back in food and fuel prices into the inflation figures. How's that working out for you?

Fascism has come to America and Obama and his crew have ratcheted it up to an entirely new level. Time to wake up friend.


Well-Known Member
lol... fascism??? it used to be socialism. soon it'll be fascist socialism. *yawn...

wealth concentrated in few hands is to blame. the national debt during and right after ww2 was proportionately larg... you know what?? nvmind.

you keep blaming the national debt for all our problems and federal deficit spending is the ONLY spending going on in our economy.

financial markets are frozen with exotic unregulated securities tying up hundreds of billions of dollars for the forseeable future.

outsourcing has poured billions of dollars into other countries, thank your god for free-trade agreements and free-market corrections.... when those vets came back they bought most of their things and they had a Made in USA tag. how about now???

tyranny is here. it's not the government. it's the greedy individuals and 'corporations' which have milked this countries wealth and they have no plans on letting go. our economy was great because a lot of people had disposable income, that's what was important back then. get ur head out of your ass man..

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Look fucker ... if you keep up with the personal attacks I'll report you to the administration. Ohh, I forgot .. you ARE the administration. :hug:

And yes, we have fascism. What would you call the bond holders at Chrysler being thrown under the bus in favor of the unions by Obama and his thugs? What would you call the take over of health care while keeping the illusion of private ownership (the doctors)?


You know Charlie, I am with you on this and the whole debt ceiling conundrum reminds me of quote from the the indian chief who upon hearing that the Dear Government was going to implement time zones across America. He said "Only the Government is stupid enough to think that by cutting a foot off the top of a blanket and sowing to the bottom will make that blanket longer"

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
You know Charlie, I am with you on this and the whole debt ceiling conundrum reminds me of quote from the the indian chief who upon hearing that the Dear Government was going to implement time zones across America. He said "Only the Government is stupid enough to think that by cutting a foot off the top of a blanket and sowing to the bottom will make that blanket longer"
Right, and then the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT had the Indians almost completely wiped out, then provided the remaining poor souls with a plantation, err ... I mean a reservation to live on.

Honestly, its beyond me how people are missing the movement to provide us all with a federal plantation to live upon. In fact, the progressives are cheering the damned thing on. Go figure!


Well-Known Member
Pointing out that where your head happens to be is not as offensive as calling names, quit being so sensitive and calling names. My Grandfather was at every major landing from the tip of Italy to Normandy, my family fights for our country to this day so I am not sure what your getting at Charlie. Moreover I find it contentious that your would be so ambivalent about the current fascist control scheme being "ok".

Always a sign of the koolaid residue, talking out both sides of ones mouth!


Well-Known Member
And you so called "conservatives" are selling out the hard work for human rights over business rights. Most of whom are happy to receive the benefit of the system while bad mouthing it and voting away your own benefit. You further vote to allow the gatekeepers to suppress liberty and freedom so the wealthiest can get the last 5% of the pie and leave the rest of us with nothing at all, just an empty bag of debt.


I don't have a hard time understanding how come a very large portion of the American people were able to be convinced to move away from even the very basic principles to which this nation was founded and embraced such an unsustainable and completely flawed idea that the Government needs to be involved on every aspect of our lives and make all the decisions for us.
I know exactly why but as I am sure you know subject is complex and full of nuances that on the surface pretends to benefit the people but in essence goes directly against those principles thus turning this country into a population of zombies led by political retards on both sides whose agenda is nothing but to please a higher order bend on achieving total power and control over their subjects on a global scale. Amazing.
Like my t-shirt says; The Founders would be shooting by now.