******what do u need to get 200onces per crop ? *******


Well-Known Member
200oz ??? how ???
hi guys lets say somebody wants to get a average of 200oz each crop indoor what would be recomended ?
surface ?
how many lamps ? ex : 10 x 400wtts or 4x1000wtts
how many extractors ?
best strains ?
how many plants ?
how many crops can u get in 12 months ?
any realistic help would be appreciated would like to analize different types of setups and budgets
thx guys
Sounds great but I would grow in soil if I were you. Get your feet wet before you jump in.
Lul, definately going to get busted.

What good is that much weed when you'll be in jail for 20 - 30 years without it?

If this is for a medical grow, it's worth it because you'll actually be able to keep the money. If it's for the streets, well they will just take all your money when you get busted, and everything you own. If this is for personal use amongst a bunch of friends... LOL.


Well-Known Member
Lul, definately going to get busted.

What good is that much weed when you'll be in jail for 20 - 30 years without it?

If this is for a medical grow, it's worth it because you'll actually be able to keep the money. If it's for the streets, well they will just take all your money when you get busted, and everything you own. If this is for personal use amongst a bunch of friends... LOL.
this is true.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
You asked me to stop by, and I did. My impression is that you may be getting in a little over your head. I could be wrong. Tell me, though...what kind of growing experience do you have? What is the largest grow op you've managed?


New Member
your goin to need min 200 plants and around 10,000 watts a completley controlled room and plants reachin 60" at end of harvest


Active Member
15x600w lamps if you got a decent growing enviroment 20 600w lamps to make sure you get 200 oz (most people will state less light but with a big operation it would be harder to get plant to optimum out put_
15x air cooled hoods
4 plants under every lamp
60x 5 gallon pots
10xosc fans for air movement
10,000 m3 extractor and filter to match
5000+ m3 intake
300 gallons + soil/coco
mylar sheeting
15x meter squared drip trays
massive water tank
combo meter
temp and humidity reader
alot of nutrients
alot of electric
alot of time
one person could do it but it would be a full time op
stop being greedy grow what you can smoke
thx mate thats exactly the type of answer im looking for


Active Member
there is a bunch of ways but my recommended one is given no height restriction, grow 25 plants in 32 gal trash cans under light movers!


Active Member
definitely not using a bunch of 400's lol fuck that you need the big boys and big plants or tons of very small plants - medium plants arent gunna cut it

the space you have availiable is a key factor here and without that its all whatever ya know so give us some dimensions here, give us something - anything
what do u think would be the ideal space wise
the details i gave was just as a exemple
me to be honest ill use 20 to 30 cheese exodus seeds 450 square feet and 20 600w hps
all that hydro a a/c bout 20 extractor co2 a fair few fans
let em grow real big with loads of head room bout 8-10 feet
at least 10square feet for each one minimum probably more like 15
some nice nutrients
sterelise the all place after build steamed clean couple of days b4 start
+ a extra room for cuttings and mother plants veg room
thx peace


Active Member
thx for ur input guys
i think i didnt make my question really clear tho
i got my own idea already that is probably a good one
i know loads of strains i know about lighting
i know bout soil,hydro,aeroponic
i know about possible disease bugs etc
i belive im pretty clued up about growing etc but that is not the question
the question is
what would U do
if uve done it how did u do it
as different ideas, a few brains always better than one
thats it really i hope its a bit clearer now


Active Member
Realistically if you are going to put this much effort into your grow I would say just save your money.

Good luck :leaf:
This would be a full time job for sure. 12+ lbs each turn might be possible on paper but no way in hell out of 300 sq feet with 1 person tending and trimming. A standard 2 car garage in the US is around 380 to 400 sq ft. I have seen one with 8 1000 watt bulbs burning with an EXPERT grower steering the ship and he still was only hitting 8 to10lbs dry max and it was a clusterfuck the whole way. Controling the room was rough when flowing that much water. Temp, humidity,insects, nutes... makes me tired even thinking about it. Max I've ever had fired up was 4x1000 and I still have the callous on my index finger and thumb from trimming that shit 3 years ago. Good luck but Im happy being a hobbiest at this point.
You asked me to stop by, and I did. My impression is that you may be getting in a little over your head. I could be wrong. Tell me, though...what kind of growing experience do you have? What is the largest grow op you've managed?
first thx for stopping by i appreciate that
as im in the uk i dont really wanna go into details bout growing experience
and i dont belive in people who brag coz u may think its a lie or overexagerated etc
all i can say really is i use to live in the south of france and got a fair share of nice big crop guerilla style i think u say in the US and a bit less experience indoor
but that being said im really not trying to do all that on my own or got the million dollar stupid idea
im trying to demonstrate something for the uk
+ its always interesting to c how different people would manage a setup differently for a same goal
now i think rite know u the one with the most experience on here
what would u do
space wise
wattage wise
system wise
how would u deal with that much electricity
i basically want people to give me there ideas if they ad the money the space the know how the time etc how would they do it maybe just one maybe 2-3 different setpup to compare on different budgets but all indoor
ps : if im still not clear just ask and if u dont have time thx for stopping by anyway

u in california rite ? is it possible for europeen to come there and get a medical card for weed or do they have to live there + lets say i move there would i be able to grow ive always asked myself that question
thx again


Active Member
Lul, definately going to get busted.

What good is that much weed when you'll be in jail for 20 - 30 years without it?

If this is for a medical grow, it's worth it because you'll actually be able to keep the money. If it's for the streets, well they will just take all your money when you get busted, and everything you own. If this is for personal use amongst a bunch of friends... LOL.
in the UK not the US so busted doesnt work the same way + i didnt ask for legal advice did i didnt even say i was gonna do it so re read the all thing from the begining mate
peace lol


Well-Known Member
quick and easy 200 pots in 1 gallon container soil veg for 4 weeks 4 x 1000 watt lights grow plants short and posicle stick just cram those fuckers in and do alotta bending use the wonder women outta your picks your come real close lol


Well-Known Member
u can fit 54-56 one gallon containers in a 3'x6' area one 1000 watter should cover it now multiply x 4 ..people will say thats not enough light but it will do to get u your 200 oz's a google search does wonders


Active Member
You could get a doctors rec easy enough but in my city maybe 5 out of 50 clubs would let you in. I have a mailing address on mine and some wont let me in because a physical address is not listed.

There is a guy here on RIU that has a thread about going 12x12 from seed that is doing over an ounce a plant. Doing that in dirt might be the easiest way because they dont get to big and you can put them right next to each other and not worry about them branching. 600's would be perfect because you wouldnt have to worry about light penetration. He is in soil so everything can be moved if need be and start to finish is about 13 weeks.

This could work with 200 plants but you might have to start with 300-400 seeds to get 200 females. I wonder if his technique would work with clones? If so a few BIG mothers could get you 200 rooted clones. Maybe put those at 24hr for a week then pop the 12x12. Even in California 200 plants are a one way trip to pound ya in the ass federal prison but with his technique it could be done without much trouble tending the plants.

If you did 9-12 plants per 600 in corn type rows with about a foot and a half betweeen lights, daisy chain those lights together for cooling in 3 rows of 7 with a few feet between the rows of lights to have room to move around. I've never done it with 7 hoods but maybe cooltubes with 8 or 10" push and pull cooling fans could keep them cool.

As for your question about power I have no idea. 21x600=12,600 watts. plus at least 6 8" hood fans 6 in room fans 3 vented in room air conditioners @ 1400 watts each (at least for where I live in the summer) whould total up to be a shit ton of power. Some people around here were stealing power, got busted and got off on the plants but went to federal prison for stealing public utilities.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be smarter to read through the journals of some of the BIG, successful, growers?
Ya know, do a comparison with the information they have already provided to see if it fits your needs?

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
first thx for stopping by i appreciate that
as im in the uk i dont really wanna go into details bout growing experience
and i dont belive in people who brag coz u may think its a lie or overexagerated etc
all i can say really is i use to live in the south of france and got a fair share of nice big crop guerilla style i think u say in the US and a bit less experience indoor
but that being said im really not trying to do all that on my own or got the million dollar stupid idea
im trying to demonstrate something for the uk
+ its always interesting to c how different people would manage a setup differently for a same goal
now i think rite know u the one with the most experience on here
what would u do
space wise
wattage wise
system wise
how would u deal with that much electricity
i basically want people to give me there ideas if they ad the money the space the know how the time etc how would they do it maybe just one maybe 2-3 different setpup to compare on different budgets but all indoor
ps : if im still not clear just ask and if u dont have time thx for stopping by anyway

u in california rite ? is it possible for europeen to come there and get a medical card for weed or do they have to live there + lets say i move there would i be able to grow ive always asked myself that question
thx again
I ask about your experience not just to see if you're up for this, but also to see what kind of settup I'd recommend. Why don't you read my entire thread very carefully and study all of the pics. Most of your answers are right there. As far as yield, we exceed your goal every 60 days. If, after you have read the whole thing you have any questions, shoot me a PM.

To give you and idea, our capitol investment so far has been $80,000.

I would suggest you hire someone with several years experience operating 10k+ grow ops. I can tell that you do not have the experience needed to pull this off. Bottome line is, if you have the experience needed, you wouldn't be looking here for ideas. I don't know if you're just wasting people's time here, or if you're really gonna try this. If you are gonna try it without hiring an expert, plan on a minimum of 1 years trial and error before you either get it right, or wise up and hire someone who can get it right.

Bottom line is, you're going to need help. Why not hire someone with the needed experience?


Well-Known Member
Use 1000's only they penetrate the canopy better and give more light per bulb. Do 60 for every two lights. Prefer 2gallon pots with three week veg time. I start them in 1 gallons then switch when they go into the bloom room.
Depends where u live. i wouldnt run that many if you are scared to go to jail for 5 years min. Id say 99 plants at each place.
Where am i from its production if you grow more than 400.
Just grow bigger fimmed plants. Its all about how much light and space you have.
If you dont get 200 ozs off 8 lights... your new, so start smaller