The Official Bubba Kush thread


Active Member
hey guys, im currently growing 3 bubba kush ladies from the Green house, turned out one of them was a hermie and i now have a grow room full of seeded plants, not a massive issue, looks like theres still gonna be a nice yield of some high quality herb, only problem now is i am having a massive nute deficiency that only seems to be affecting the "seeded" bubba kush plants. i have included a few pics of the bubba kush before they were pollinated, and a few pics of a severely affected fan leaf. i believe the deviancy has actually been caused by excess levels of another nutrient, possibly due to the fact the plants needs have changed since being pollinated, i have flushed the medium but have seen no sign of improvement. i have no experience in breeding and was hoping that someone could shed some light on what nutrient appears to be deficient, and any solutions. here is a little info to help the prognosis:
week 7 of flowering
area affected: mainly fan leaves in the middle of the plant, progressed to upper leaves: overall yellowing with dark purple veins and raised edges
medium: plagron royalty soil mix
nutes: plagron bloom, superior potash, monster bloom,
additives: head master, bud xl
i have also been adding some epsom salts




Active Member
looking a stabones pics it looks like he is having the same problem, my friend is also having the same issue, it would seem this is a trait of the Bubba Kush


Well-Known Member
did greenhouse bubba, 4/5 hermied. the one that didnt hermie was a keeper. I take/chop mine at week 8, great taste and stone, and it displays the same colours as yours. i dont think its a deficency you got, but a genetic trait. when i take mine at week 8, its 25% amber. good luck, shame about the herms.


Well-Known Member
One Funky looking plant. The pics might not do it justice. She is all vertical. All the branches basically go STRAIGHT up. And the deepest green leaves I ever saw :-) Can't wait to see the bud...dare i hope for some purple colors?

Only feed nutes twice. Used Fox Farm Ocean Forrest mix. Transplanted 2 times.

I can just picture long ass buds up each stalk :-D:hump:



bud bootlegger
man, i just got some pre 98 bubba from riot seeds, femenized, and i can't wait to get these bad boys cracking..


Well-Known Member
i didnt have any hermie issues, and also i let it get pretty cold in my room towards the end of flowering which helps bring out the purple with the bubba and the yellowing is because i havent given them any food in the last two weeks
looking good dude!
those are looking nice wyteberrywidow
Nice plants, I think they like you. :joint::peace:
Thanks guys i got some pre 98 bubba bx2s to run after these come out.Trying to keep this thread alive

im growing bubba kush soon im getting the suplies today i was seeing if you guys had any tips
I know mine is a heavy feeder and she looks great.Not much tips you need