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New Member
Hempy is kind of a hybrid between soil and hydro. Closer to soilless than anything really. I was doing what people call "hempy" before there was a name for it. I've got experience with both and IMO soil is easier. Not saying that hempy isn't easy, I just find soil to be EASIER. It's all about personal preferrence really. I've seen growers that on their first grow built a high pressure aero set up and had amazing success with it on their FIRST grow! I've also seen people who have tried their hand at growing in soil numerous times and couldn't seem to make it work. For anybody to say that one is absolutely easier than the other is kind of closed off and just doesn't make much sense. What's easier for me may not be easier for the next guy and so on. If hydro is easier for you, great! If soil is easier, then that's cool too. It's all about finding what works best for YOU. My advice for anybody starting out is to go soil or soilless first. Yes, you can make hydro work but there are far more success stories with people starting out on soil first. Happy growing everybody and Merry Christmas!:weed:
I don't see anything hybrid about hempy buckets.
I also don'T see more success with people starting in soil, just don't see it.


New Member
One of the only things I've seen said in this thread that is almost true about soil in this thread is that it's easier to get a superior taste in organic soil (most soil growers don't actually grow organic though) but it's not impossible to match it in hydro, just a lot harder and expensive. That being said, a friend of mine grows the same cuts I do, his in organic soil, mine in hydro with gh 3 part. Honestly I would say that his plants are about 10% more aromatic than mine, high is the same, mine actually look better and I always get more yield though. Here in Japan we don't have hydro stores where I can buy a lot of the stuff that is out now like the kelp sprays, oil enhancers and other products that are made to help hydro produce the same kind of buds but a lot of people swear by them.


New Member
Wow, I hope some of the dust has settled and everyone's ego has been put back into check. Japan, take a breath, if all you know how to do is talk down to people please find a different site to bother people. Yes you may know you method hands down and be the big man over there, here you are one of hundreds of thousands of growers. You have valid points and points and generalizations which are to put it bluntly pure bullshit.
Hydro growers, you might have a wonderful set up, congrats more power to you for finding your way. My best friend started growing hydro in 1981 and I have watched him and his set up for 29 years, it ain't my thing. Yes he has wonderful plants, healthy plants, does he have bigger yields than I do in soil, I really don't see any difference.
Soil growers, especially organic soil growers, congrats the natural way. Soil has as many variations of growing as this soilless/hydro,however you want to classify it. My organic grow certainly isn't any easier than a hydro or soilless. I mix and make most of my own dirt, compost continually, remix mediums, etc. You can buy dirt at the store, water with miricle grow and be done with it. I don't want to smoke it though.
I see benefits in each system they all have advantages and disadvantages, I see where either could be very simple. In the end though it all comes down to knowledge, understanding the knowledge (just because you know what the book says doesn't mean you can apply it), practice and exploring new methods continually.
So please ya'll express your opinions but leave the egos at the door and talking down. Many ways to achieve the same and I mean the exact same result, doesn't mean any are wrong or right, just so they work in your grow.
Doc111, right on and well said before.
itzjt, lots of good points
Japan, some valid points but please tonedown a bit.
Merry Christmas to all
Stfu, seriously nobody gives a shit about your friend. Tell you what buddy, take your ego and go lecture somebody who cares.

Have a nice Christmas


One of the only things I've seen said in this thread that is almost true about soil in this thread is that it's easier to get a superior taste in organic soil (most soil growers don't actually grow organic though) but it's not impossible to match it in hydro, just a lot harder and expensive. That being said, a friend of mine grows the same cuts I do, his in organic soil, mine in hydro with gh 3 part. Honestly I would say that his plants are about 10% more aromatic than mine, high is the same, mine actually look better and I always get more yield though. Here in Japan we don't have hydro stores where I can buy a lot of the stuff that is out now like the kelp sprays, oil enhancers and other products that are made to help hydro produce the same kind of buds but a lot of people swear by them.
Wow. No one cares about your cuts or your friend or how your shit will always be better to you. You're a child.

Happy holidays!


New Member
Nobody cares but everybody is commenting on it. yeah right. You babies are so concerned about the words that you look right past the message because your feelings can't handle it and you're calling me a child? Would you like a hug there baby?


Lol, no the words really don't matter at all- that's the point: the 'opposing' words seem to apply equally well.

If there was any other point I must be missing it because the rest seems all bullshitty.


Well-Known Member
Nobody cares but everybody is commenting on it. yeah right. You babies are so concerned about the words that you look right past the message because your feelings can't handle it and you're calling me a child? Would you like a hug there baby?


New Member
You're not trying hard enough, but that's not surprising. Good news is a new year is about to start and you have a chance to change your life around.


Active Member
I'm new here, but not to growing by any means.

I've done both and would never go back to soil.

Hydro is not harder in my opinion, it just costs a bit more to start and requires its due diligence.

IMO, with the right nutrients, good meters, and near-daily diligence, hydro is easy and the results are amazing. Using backup systems and timers assures that it is as forgiving or more forgiving than soil. After all, if you forget to ebb and flow for three days, the timers will do it for you the same way a drip system works with soil. I'm referring to rockwool, not NFT or aeroponic.

As far as a chemical taste, wow... I've never had that happen. I suspect cheap nutrients and/or poor curing is more to blame or possibly pesticides. A good hydro nutrient will never be detectible, just my experience and opinion.


Well-Known Member
I do both and prefer hydro. It's easier to operate on a larger scale, it's less time-consuming to maintain, and a lot less touchy if problems arise. I'd recommend everyone start out in the dirt and once you can grow healthy plants from start to finish, move up to the more advanced way to grow.


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything hybrid about hempy buckets.
I also don'T see more success with people starting in soil, just don't see it.
The term "hybrid" was a reference to how the hempy system has the benefits of hydro with the ease of soil. Different people see different things. You may pay more attention to hydro grows being a hydro guy and I may pay more attention to soil grows being a soil guy.:joint:


New Member
Well I would agree that taking care of a hempy is a lot like taking care of a soil plant. Some concepts of run-off and feeding/watering when the plants need it.
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