Well-Known Member
well... just wanted so say imn FINALLY gonna be orderin my 400 watt HPS!!!! XD my gf's gonna help me pay for it. i think im ordering it on friday. soo oidk how long it'll take to get here.. soo im gonna start flowering 4 plants at a time.. but do them in 4 week cycles.. kinda like how im doin now.. but doubling up. gonna have 2 plants thta i just start flwoering.. and 2 more that are already 4 weeks into flowering.. soo basically ill b harvesting 2 plants every 4 weeks. =) i germed the Sour Kush and Sour Cream seeds last night. =D just wanted 2 let every1 know. ill prob make a new thread 2night for the full moon,chronic,sour kush, and sour cream. =)