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hay i m beginner. I think i got some problem right now with my plants. Today evening i found one bug on leaf. The bug colour is white. I don't know how can i solve it. I will post tomorrow current condition of my plant. I took the photo 6 july . It is already 26 days old. Here is my 26 days old plant

mari1.jpgmari2.jpgroot 1.jpg

It's Green Poison and i used Hesi Nutrients. PH level is between 5.5 and 6.8 but i can't control the ph level when i m going to work. I mean i setup them in my Balkon and when the sun diretly them the ph level become high.

And i put the nutrient Hesi's ratio. i don't know like proffesional.

pls advice me i will update current condition tomorrow.

forgive my english skill. i can't speak and write as well




Well-Known Member
The plant's have good coulour perhaps a tad more nutrient's but if this is your first set then leave has they are or you may over do it.The comment's on how the leave's are growing take no notice off, we are all growing to make hard dence nug's not lovely looking palnt's all though this will come with more experiance but other than that keep the light has close to the plant top's has possible realy close i mean by this and you should grow a good healthy plant that should provide you with some grade a bud...................tyke...........................Any problem's post me dude .peace


Well-Known Member
Here is our latest



Well-Known Member
holly shit that is some dank lookin buds
miind if i ask what u use?
Lol thanks man I cant believe how good they are lookin as well and nice avatar and buds you got too.
250w digital hps 2100k lamp about 3 inches from top canopy.
Soil is 10% perlite 40%mushroom compost 50% miracle grow time release soil
45% humidity throughout temps usually around 78 with nights around 5 degrees less
I actually vegged these 2 of 3 plants(1 hermied n chopped) under a 4 ft 40 wattX2 florotube shop light with great success for bout a month and a half keeping the tops within 1 inch to touching the plants which required daily adjustments. Fed MG nutes till a week after 12/12 until my Jacks classic blossom booster arrived and I started at 1/4 strenth and got up to half strength then started having what I believe was ph problems do to using different water sources and then it was alot of flushing and back to 1/4 strength which im at right now.
Oh yea and they didn't get the hps till about 2 weeks after 12/12. Next go round Im gonna do all plain soil and perlite with lime in hopes for more control over nutes and ph. I did have closet door open most of the time and sleep right next to plants and actually blow on them all the time for co2 so maybe that actually helped? Blackberry sounds tasty by the way.


Active Member
Jesus Christ that picture right above my post looks like a huge huge huge furry pot leaf. Its got the 2 branches hanging down as bottom leafs, and the 4 big ones on top. That baby is beautiful, please post the final yield that things a monster.


Well-Known Member
Orange Bud supercrop ready for harvest. Day 42:weed:

Day 42...ready for harvest...I was about to scream NOOOOOO! Wait!!!!...then I saw who it is...I guess you know what you are doing!...if it was me...

Looks lovely by the way...excellent job dude!



Well-Known Member

Day 42...ready for harvest...I was about to scream NOOOOOO! Wait!!!!...then I saw who it is...I guess you know what you are doing!...if it was me...

Looks lovely by the way...excellent job dude!

Thanks Citystars and Duke.

Been cloudy for over a week with very few clear trichs showing. But the ambers are quite numerous and showing fast. It will take me a week or so to completely harvest. But the window is def open to begin. Orange Bud is a 45-55 day strain.