

Active Member
I was just wondering as a person that has had enough of life and all its rejections i just was curious.I'm tired of all the bullshit and can't stand it anymore im not looking to get high just not to wake up thanks:cry:


Smoky McPot
Are you fucking serious? Even bums have enough hope to not kill themselves. First of all, there is no reason to end your life, if its that bad, then change it. Run away. Go to another country. Just do whatever the fuck you want. Secondly, why are you asking this forum for a way to kill yourslef? Are you really that dumb? If anyone responds with an answer to a way to kill yourslef then they deserve to die themsleves.


Well-Known Member
please go and take some time to sit down with a good friend. NUTHIN is worth not waking up. find someone to help you out....


New Member
Im sure if u take enough of the shit it will kill u. Im not trying to tell u what to do, thats ur decision and nothing we can say can stop u. But dont kill urself, nothing is worth killing urself over. If u seriously think u have nothing to live for and are really thinking of killing urself just do sumthin else. Take a trip to a far away country where u can get away from most the shit, go deep in the jungle and live with the tribes or sumthin. Killing urself is a very very last resort, and shouldnt even really be considered a option. Just dont do it. find sumthin u like to do, theres always better days ahead u just gotta deal with the shit and be patient.


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering as a person that has had enough of life and all its rejections i just was curious.I'm tired of all the bullshit and can't stand it anymore im not looking to get high just not to wake up thanks:cry:
please dont be stupid...please !!!

life is a beautiful thing that has its shitty times. the sun will rise tomorrow...:peace:

i sure hope you post again with a better idea of fixing your problems..:-?


Active Member
naahhh, pils will just let you live with a really high medical bill for reviving your think youve got problems? man, if you were in my shoes youd already be dead 3 times over!!! and not like a pussy with pills but with 9mm in your fucking brain!!! but guess what, I'm gonna live just to piss off the people that try to keep me down, me thinks you should do the same, ON YOUR FEET TROOPER!!!!


Well-Known Member
i find throw old food at babies (or toddlers) to be quite an uplifting acasion, id say try that or just smoke da ganja brotha


Well-Known Member
suicide is a finnal solution to a temp. problem. I'm not going to say it is stupid,but what i'm telling you is do anything but that. I understand that somtimes you feel like you cant take anymore. But you just have to tuck in your shoulder and take on the world.

Killing yourself isint just taking you off the planet. Its killing everyone that loves you. Think of them. Just work long enough to buy a 1 way ticket to somwhere far away. and never come back. at least then your loved ones cant think it was them.

If you need and more advice dont hesitate to contact me.



Well-Known Member
I was just wondering as a person that has had enough of life and all its rejections i just was curious.I'm tired of all the bullshit and can't stand it anymore im not looking to get high just not to wake up thanks:cry:
bro i have been up for almost 3 days straight while someone very close to me is on a certain drug binge. they have been berating me and pushing my limits.a few times i have almost said fuck it and given up on them. this is not my friend but this drug spewing this venom at me. my world is upside down right now. i have the heart of a scrapper. and i will ride this out with my friend til we both find peace and better days. i have been where you are my friend and didnt think i had the strength to get up off the mat a few times. hopefully you will find some peace and tranquility not far away.:peace:


Well-Known Member
:peace: hey bro....there are lots of others here with you too. best wishes and intense karma your way.....may you have the strength and patience and perseverance to see this through! :peace:

bro i have been up for almost 3 days straight while someone very close to me is on a certain drug binge. they have been berating me and pushing my limits.a few times i have almost said fuck it and given up on them. this is not my friend but this drug spewing this venom at me. my world is upside down right now. i have the heart of a scrapper. and i will ride this out with my friend til we both find peace and better days. i have been where you are my friend and didnt think i had the strength to get up off the mat a few times. hopefully you will find some peace and tranquility not far away.:peace:


Active Member
cause i'm on probation, but i've lost all hope because of it i can't leave the state . i really have no choice and my life has lost all meaning my ex busted me for weed (bitch) and that was the only thing that kept me what do i do now?


Well-Known Member
life will get better it always does
if what your doin dosnt make you happy then you can stop what your doing and go somewhere else
get stoned and go for a walk and see how beautiful life is


Well-Known Member
cause i'm on probation, but i've lost all hope because of it i can't leave the state . i really have no choice and my life has lost all meaning my ex busted me for weed (bitch) and that was the only thing that kept me what do i do now?

you can talk to just about anyone here. we're here all day. it may sound weird but i find a lot of comfort in this site. don't hesitate to pm me or any others who have offered help. many of us have been in your shoes. in fact i personally can tell you exactly what happens when you take an over-dose of clonipin. it's not pretty and i'm still here so.............

we love you