bubbleponics superior to aeroponics

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Active Member
and i know yall probably gonna jump on me like,look nikks is ridin for him like hes his daddy,and before yall say that,im gonna tell yall this,90% of the people who seek advice on anything hydroponic,has read either purps or rosemans journals,i know yall wont admit it because yall feel its a sign of weakness to admit that yall seeked advice,but learning from someone doesnt make you weak,i actually thank god for people like them,unbiased when it comes to teaching folks,yes i have a bubbleponics system,but i originally started with an aero garden,did purp shit on me when i needed help just because i didnt have a bubbler,nope,he opened his mind and allowed me and countless others to peek in,and for the record,any of yall in here cant say that the man hasnt had tremendous success in his past and current grows


Active Member
who's the other guy in the fight? i missed him i guess. this has been pretty entertaining though:clap:
im glad you are entertained,im an entertainer,when im not growing some serious smoke,im at the club working part time as a male stripper lmao


Well-Known Member
New blood? ive been growing way before i even noticed this site was here..so you sayig you joined before me holds nothing here padna.My first grow was when i was 15 in soil.Im alot older now.
Never heard of u neither? who are you? just another grower like the rest of us? So you are better than us since you got a lil rep and posts that just means you spend alot of your time on here.


New Member
well we ALL do tend to stick together with like minded folks on here. sometimes to our own detriment. i dont see any positive coming out of this at this point. i was trying to lighten the mood, but failed miserably. and i'm not sure but i think i'm getting bitched at a lil bit.....not sure. this was fun.
see you guys later. happy growing


Well-Known Member
for the record i called noone in here..Man i just cant find it in my heart to ignore GOD!
Please dont send me to hell loudblunts


New Member
im glad you are entertained,im an entertainer,when im not growing some serious smoke,im at the club working part time as a male stripper lmao
it was fun for a bit, now it's getting uglier by the minute. well my wife has a fistfull of dollars with your name on it!:clap::clap::clap:


Active Member
i learned off purpdaddy, yet he joined AFTER ME???


and i learned off of Roseman????


not saying they aint good or bad growers....

but you need to LOOK before you post....

seems puzzling to me how i can learn and copy off someone who has joined the forums AFTER me

and NO, everybody who's grown HYDRO DOESNT follow Roseman & PurpDaddy

its ONLY you Stealth Hydroponic folks..... so please dont try to discredit the TRUE MENTORS of this forum

Purpdaddy and Roseman ARE NEW BLOOD. Roseman has been here since 2007 and i still aint heard of him.
look im not saying that you arent a master grower yourself,man i wish i wouldve read some of your stuff also,the more i learn the better it'll make me,but truth be told that sice i joined up its basically been those guys and a few others that helped me,im not knocking you at all,and yes they might be new jacks,but they made a few journals since i been here and theyve been really cool as far as giving advice,so in my book they are good


Active Member
it was fun for a bit, now it's getting uglier by the minute. well my wife has a fistfull of dollars with your name on it!:clap::clap::clap:
cool,when yall come in look for RED VELVET,thats my stripper name,im the one with the weed browny wrapped around my cakk,and the red silk cape on...lmao


Well-Known Member
No loudblunts didnt learn from me but i can bring a bunch in that did and are now having successfull grows..so you joined 6 months before me makes me new blood


Active Member
hahaha been in a downward spiral

they must be recruiting their thugs to take over MOASH's thread.

they must want to jump him in the SH's cult!
im not a thug,im just an athlete,that rather grow my own than pay the weed man,im from new york so if i sound like an angry dude,dont take it personal,its that we are in a recession and the corner store doesnt have any dutches,sorry if it seemed like i was starting wit you


Well-Known Member
New blood? ive been growing way before i even noticed this site was here..so you sayig you joined before me holds nothing here padna.My first grow was when i was 15 in soil.Im alot older now.
Never heard of u neither? who are you? just another grower like the rest of us? So you are better than us since you got a lil rep and posts that just means you spend alot of your time on here.

look bra....

sit down, roll up a swisha.... and smoke with me....

take your heart off your sleeve. stop being so defensive....

you dissect my post, yet you have nothing to say about Nikk

my post was NOT to offend you, nor to belittle you.... it was in reference to NIKK

she implied that im watching your journals and all the shit...and that im just jealous or whatever....

THAT is what my post is about.

aint nobody say SHIT about i've been growing longer than you or since you registered on this site a little later than me that i've been growing.... did i say that ANYWHERE?

your sidekick/groupie came in here backing you up, jumped in the fire without knowing shit and without thinking...yet she post.

only a fool would say 'oh you just jealous and blah blah and you know they been reading x's journal and they learned everything from x

yet the person they classify as 'they' registered BEFORE x

also nobody ever claimed to be nothing CLOSE to a master grower NOR any better than the next man, NOR any less, if you woulda read you would have noticed in the beginning of the thread, no matter HOW many grows i do, i WILL STILL be a noob cuz i like learning shit everyday and i dont ever wanna stop learning cuz it gets boring when nothing is new.

so stop being so damn defensive.... calm down... smoke of that purp


New Member
there went the neighborhood.......ok i cant stay away....like a trainwreck.
just a matter of time until the mods shut it down at the rate it's going in here.
so we really cant just hug and be nice guys?


Active Member
and for the record i dont know purp neither,i aint never met him,smoked wit him,or even seen that man,but im an avid reader who wants to smoke west coast weed on the east coast and he took me under the wing as far as growin is concerned,so in my book he cool as hell


Well-Known Member
wow.... all the animosity? i mean homo? wow name calling too?

i mean the name says Nikk....i thought it was short for Nikki.... Excuse me for using common, logical sense. But im sure name calling is real mature ;)

and okay, i coulda left the groupie cheap shot out....but hell i thought cheap shots were still free :)

Get my face off your sac? How old are you again? Real Mature homie ;)

You didnt say Loudblunts, but you said 'they' and i was the only one talking. You can play innocent all you want to... but not born yesterday :)

chill out. smoke some weed. i thought we was stoners?

why do yall react so defensively?

Nikk, even you just said that your words may sound rough cuz you from NY.... okay...whas to say im not from NY. So calm the fuck down and stop tryna hype my words into something they are not.


Active Member
and loudblunts,i aint got a problem wit you my dude,so lets smoke some shit at this hour and calm our brains...much love homey


Well-Known Member
word! thas all i was tryna say.

yall thinking im tryna attack and shit....and it aint even like that.

why you think bugsrnme tryna keep the peace?

we all cool
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