egg shells


Active Member
what does the calcium do for the babies
but egg shells are mostly used as organic bug killer and for nutes
calciumm helps the plant be healthy and i use a bunch of egg shells to help kill bugs.

here is what you do boil some eggs save the shells. then crumble them up and put them in a circle around the plants stock wich any bug that crawls through them will die. and definetly any bug with a segmented body. it cuts them in half and gives the plants calcium.

then for the flying bugs i buy praying manticess. and thos kill any flying bugs that land on my plant. but i hope this gives you the info you need


Active Member
the only thing you are going to get out of eggshells are calcium. if you are going for a organic approach. i would buy for like 15 to 20 dollars some organic nutes for the veg stage of your plant. and as for the eggshells just break them up really good and put them on the top of the soil.
and if you need nitrogen use rain water. but make sure you check the ph on it tho. but rain water has a abundance of nitrogen.

and for flowering. buy a bottle of "black strap mollasses" this is very good for you plants during flowering. it will make rich thick dense buds. wich i use 1tbs to 2tbs per gallon. and the good thing with black stap then regular mollasses is that it isn't sweet so it won't bringn ants and other bugs to your babies.