Bubblelicious Med CFL SOG


Active Member

Going to toss some mylar up in the area later. (Hey I know I said this was a Low Budget CFL stealth micro test, but even someone just starting out may end up with mylar so hey imma use it :p )


Well-Known Member
well its not a bad looking cheap setup dude. i think the layout is great to have them alternate like that. i left my lights on for 24hrs the first month. 18 the next. now im getting ready to start flowering. the constant lights seem to help make them bushy. now after a month of 18/6 they are much taller, and not so compact. hope that helps


Active Member

Mylar definitely needs to be added today so that I can get at least a tiny bit of canopy penetration. (If i don't fall asleep all stoned on the couch :p)

Area is a smörgåsbord of Flowers.

When Mylar is put up Pics will be taken as plants are removed so real comparison shots can be taken. Also when the plant's are removed to put up the mylar nodes too far below the canopy will probably be removed (unless I am too stoned then probably 1 or 2 will have the lower nodes removed before I get bored of it and find myself doing something else :p )


Active Member
Flowering Day 36

Camera didn't want to take any good pics at all, mylar has been put up & clones back in area. Pics of area tomorrow.

Crappy pics of some of the plants when they were pulled from area. some of the plants have atleast 9-10 4"x1" flowers from lower branching.




Active Member

Time left to harvest ranges from 4 weeks - 9 weeks. (Since all the clones seemed to want to start to flower at way different times due to the fact that the mothers had not matured before clones were taken). So there is a lot of time left to pack on a lot more height and mass.

a 500% nute watering was given today this is just a 1 time thing and will be reduced back to the %250 that i have settled with. They should be able to handle it, they could go almost a week with a %400 solution (of course during veg :p) before even the most minute signs of nute burn showed.

Nute build up is generaly not a problem since @ every watering all plants are watered until at least 20-30% of solution drains out of the containers. (this normally takes a matter of seconds considering how small of a pot a 1/2 2 liter is :p )


Active Member
Flowering Day 36

A few pics I took of area right after i got all the clones back into the area. (this cam sux so bad that only x2 26w 2700k's can be on when taking pics or else the light reflection from the mylar turns the pics all white :/ lol cheep freekin camera :p )




Active Member

I am X'n my fingers that i do not see any burn or very minimal burn from the 500% nute solution used yesterday.

Plant's will not be given any nutes today & plant's will be watered untill 40-50% runoff occurs (to remove some of the nutes from yesterday from the soil.)


Active Member
quick info in case someone needs to do some math

1 lm/m2 (lumens per square meter)
= 1 lux (lx)
= 10-4 lm/cm2
= 10-4 phot (ph)
= 0.093 lm/ft2
= 0.093 foot-candles (fc)

1 meter = 3.3 feet
1 square meter = 10.8 square feet
1 foot = 0.3 meter
3 feet = 1 yard = 0.91 meter
1 square foot = 144 inches


Active Member

Plant's were watered with no nutes & 40-50% run off. (small flush after 500% nute solution)

Stretch of around 1/3" on the main cola's inter nodes occurred from the 500% solution & water flush. New growth on the inter nodal buds is exploding.

There still is absolutly no smell yet unless the plant's are touched. No bubblegum smell though, of course i don't touch any of them hardly ever so. Still have a lot of time to go to first harvest. (and if you look through the last few days of pics you will see just starting to flower plants (there are a total of 4 that are no more than 2 weeks into flower, they have been in the area just as long as all the rest of the clones and took that long to start to flower :/ )


Active Member
Flowering Day 38

See the plant in the very front right corner, thats one that just started flowering like a week ago and its been in the area just as long as all the other clones!. jacked up, gonna have a like 9 week stragler :/ lol

omg damn this camera sux ass.



Well-Known Member
Flowering Day 38

See the plant in the very front right corner, thats one that just started flowering like a week ago and its been in the area just as long as all the other clones!. jacked up, gonna have a like 9 week stragler :/ lol

omg damn this camera sux ass.
DAMN RIGHT MY MAN:hump:lookin really good keep doin what u doin :peace:when u think harvest will be? maybe 3 or 4 more weeks?


Active Member
Thanks man :)

The earliest from today will probably be almost 4 weeks but most will be probably 6 weeks or so.

I'm really just going to eye it. I like to wait until most of the trichs are amber, but honestly i don't even check. I just wait for when all the hairs have changed color and been sucked into the ripened calyx's. It's perfect time to pick in my eyes :) I don't have a pic myself since i just started the pic thing, lemme see if i can find a visual online.. When the buds are ripe they tend to almost look totally different than the day before, almost like a glow about them, dunno i'm sure you all know what i mean :p

Kewl found an example right here at RIU :p

BELOW IS NOT MY PLANT, IT IS SpruceZeus from here :)