seeds gender predestined?


Active Member
Are particular seeds male and female? In other words, can a seed or the plant's sex change during the growing (from the time you plant seed in soil+) time or is the sex of each seed predestined already? I've had a couple of my plants (2 out of 7 so far) turn out to be males. I want to knwo if it's something I'm doing that is causing the plant to be a male, or if it's just the luck of the draw.

At the same time, how accurate are feminized seeds? Is it a high percentage, 80%+, or are those also fairly arbitrarily labeled?

Thx mucho!


Active Member
Sex is predetermined, Some time ago some on these boards suggested that you could increase your fem ratio by choosing only seeds with a small indent near the point. I'm not sure if it was actually proven, I can say with certainty that of the after hearing that I inspected my last batch seeds. Out of 10, 3 were indented and they were all female. also fem. seeds reduce the number of male seeds but increase the number of hermis which can be just as bad.


Well-Known Member
I agree with all the posts thus far except for this one.
Until someone can explain to me why the stripes would be effected by gender, I'm not going to put any faith into it.
Yeah, so maybe seed is what it is to be then.

Thanks for steering me away from the volcano and stripes guys......

I would like more info from you guys on why, but I really do think I should search more by myself. And I highly respect your opinion as I do not have any experince with stripes and volcano's.


Well-Known Member
Okay, retarded question.

Here we go.

So MJ micheal jackson, is the only plant in the world that grows as a male or female right?

So, in that wierd sense of a plant, compared to a human, you have to ultrasound a female pregnant woman if she wishes to know the babies gender, so......

do you think you could ultrasound a seed? haha.......


New Member
haha no i don't think so considering even once its cracked and grown you won't be able to tell for another few weeks


Well-Known Member
Okay, retarded question.

Here we go.

So MJ micheal jackson, is the only plant in the world that grows as a male or female right?

So, in that wierd sense of a plant, compared to a human, you have to ultrasound a female pregnant woman if she wishes to know the babies gender, so......

do you think you could ultrasound a seed? haha.......
I would imagine if there was some kind of genitic code or something to identify but the comparison is 180 degrees different. An ultrasound for the baby is done at a stage of growing that enables the procedure to see what sex the baby has grown into. The seed in "seed form" hasn't grown into anything yet.
Your question should be "can you ultrasound the womans egg to determine sex" I would believe the answer to be no.


Well-Known Member
I would imagine if there was some kind of genitic code or something to identify but the comparison is 180 degrees different. An ultrasound for the baby is done at a stage of growing that enables the procedure to see what sex the baby has grown into. The seed in "seed form" hasn't grown into anything yet.
Your question should be "can you ultrasound the womans egg to determine sex" I would believe the answer to be no.

Excellent point sir. I didnt think of the embryo as emptyness much like "water" until the sperm "seed" makes contact.

So you could say it is the water that fertilizes the seed, much like the sperm.


Well-Known Member
Excellent point sir. I didnt think of the embryo as emptyness much like "water" until the sperm "seed" makes contact.

So you could say it is the water that fertilizes the seed, much like the sperm.
I dont know what fertilizes the seed other than moisture starting the process....I am no scientist or doc. Maybe there is a better answer out there?


Well-Known Member
I dont know what fertilizes the seed other than moisture starting the process....I am no scientist or doc. Maybe there is a better answer out there?

Well no, Im not either of those as well, or looking for answers about ultrasounding a seed haha, but I was just trying to make some conversation.

When you blew my mind by saying the embryo is empty in the first place. I was just saying like the sperm introduces life to the embryo, the water, to a seed, does almost the exact same thing......

And the soil kinda acts as the womb hehe.

Doctor Bones, youre wanted in room 420.

haha.....good one Jerry.....


Active Member
This is all gr8 conversation, but I'm screwed with 4 out of my 5 plants being males!!!! Pointers for future: should I just purchase feminized seeds or ....? My seeds were mostly from Nirvana seed bank, and from Dutchman's, and the only one that has grown into a female, so far, is the freebie the guy threw in...Thai-Haze-Skunk! How unlucky can I be?


New Member
This is all gr8 conversation, but I'm screwed with 4 out of my 5 plants being males!!!! Pointers for future: should I just purchase feminized seeds or ....? My seeds were mostly from Nirvana seed bank, and from Dutchman's, and the only one that has grown into a female, so far, is the freebie the guy threw in...Thai-Haze-Skunk! How unlucky can I be?
sorry man thats just unlucky, happens sometimes i guess, not to me yet luckily:mrgreen:. i'd say stick with the regular seeds, not dissing fems, just my preference


Active Member
guess I should give up playing the lottery! So, do you guys think the remaining seeds in the bags will have the same sex so that I can pitch them, or use them still?


Active Member
I'd vote use them, just because you got 4/5 males on the first attempt it doesn't give any indication of how the next attempt will turn out... hell that's probably where all of your females are hiding!