Old Frog's Jack Flash Sea of Green (Clone Wars pt. 2)


Well-Known Member
Very nice setup and grow.
Can you give me any info on growing Jack flash about to start just got my seeds am using dwc. How about the stretch??? Got alot of vertical space in my 4'x4' grow area.

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
j h, MEANGREEN69, OldGrower, thanks for stoppin' in!

Is this Jack Flash from TGA or from Sensi?
This is a five year old indica phenotype from Sensi gfk420, taken from the Cannabis Cup it took third at in 2004.

hey old frog just wondering do you re-use your hydroton after a grow or just buy more?
kovo, youre right the covers primarily prevent algae and also airborne pests like fungus gnats. I rinse all the hydroton thoroughly over a screen outside and reuse it. The plastic covers can be bought almost anywhere, but I made my own out of the black/white poly they sell in huge sheets, because I have a lot hanging around and it's the same stuff.

How about the stretch???
Some info on the strain here OG. If you get the indica-heavy phenotype, it won't stretch that much at all, I can tell you that much. And if you can do it, just camp the lights ten-twelve inches over your plants the entire time, making sure to maintain roughly that same distance throughout, and you'll be fine.

More pics tonight. :bigjoint:

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
- Foliar feed twice a week on Tuesdays and late Fridays.

- Res. ppm is 1350 now until next Tuesday.

- ph is 5.8

- Ebb&Flo twice a day for two minutes at a time.

Easy Peasy.

Jungle time. :bigjoint:

Girls all grew into the lights over the weekend. These shots are right before I raised the whole thing by three inches for better coverage.

Tray A.

Tray B.


Coming down with a JF tomorrow so I took it out of the room to give a better idea of what one of these amazon banshees looks like alone.

Fully expect 114g off this thing.

Same plant macro:

Rest of the room's further behind 1-8 weeks.



Well-Known Member

Way to go!!! :clap::clap::clap:

Congrats on such explosive growth...

It's lovely to see such a healthy garden...

Now you make me itch to re-do my room right...:lol:

When I built it, I was still on crutches, so the craftsmanship and attention to detail was shabby at best...

Freaking newbs... always biting off more than they can chew...:lol:

But you, my friend are an inspiration...:clap:

I hope to learn how to grow like that one day!!!:shock::eyesmoke:

Grow Well...



Well-Known Member
Damn your shit is so clean...It makes me want to do ebb and flow. You keeping them lights cool enough for them to touch the plants? Im really looking foward to seeing your increase in yeilds with your changes...you gonna do co2 next round to show us what that can do?....lol


Well-Known Member

Those photos are freaking priceless.


are those 6" or 8' suntubes (cooltubes) ? either way... with 600's i'm sure you really can just about have the plants touching the fixture.

makes me wish i had an ebb and flow setup.

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the words of kindness dudes... :bigjoint:

Thanks for stopping in, bruno716 and twisted lemon. This is when it gets good... :blsmoke:

are those 6" or 8' suntubes (cooltubes) ?
DaG, they're 8" suntubes. Each tray's worth (three) of lights has its own 675 cfm MaxFan devoted to sucking heat. Heat coming off the glass is completely neglible. Ridiculous overkill. The AC is gathering dust in the corner still.

...you gonna do co2 next round ?....
Yep. :D

Now you make me itch to re-do my room right...
Rebuilding rooms is something my OCD insists on every six months... :mrgreen:

Tonight the second tier of trellis goes up and the reservoir gets flushed completely and cleaned out. :peace:

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Second trellis is a few days' up.

1300~ ppm
5.7 ph

Flood for three minutes @4am and 8:30pm. Twice a day, six minutes in total.

Foliar feeding twice a week still, wiping down the suntubes directly afterward.

Lights all moved ~6"/15cm up.

Hmmm, what else? Everything has been pruned/poodled up to the top 6-8 nodes for optimal weight/light distribution. No more pruning will be done for the remainder of the flowering cycle.

You either grow, or you shit-talk about growing, right? So here ya go, real pics, of real plants, under real lights:

Yes that is a rogue SC plant on the right hand side. Fucking A.

This thing's basically dialed in. So many more main bud sites than last time it makes me want to throw up cute puppy rainbows or something.



Well-Known Member
Hey thanks Frog, great update.
They're all kicking on nicely and look great as per your usual style.
Heaps of bud sites mate ;)
How long does it take to put that trellis up, is it a PITA?

How'd that SC get into the mix?


Well-Known Member
I see very few can even find the words...:eyesmoke:

What can I say????

Just freaking beautiful mate... :clap::clap::clap:

That's doing it in style... super clean... you ocd deff. pays off...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Do the two layers of trellis just give them support as they get heavy? Is the pvc just to attach the trellis? I ended up using string or duck tape(Living in the swamp brings out the cracker redneck in me). Your method looks way easier than what I did.

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
28 days in. Weeks 4, 5 & 6 are usually very similar in feeding schedule and ppm count.

- 1300ppm

- 5.8ph

- Flood twice daily @ 3 minutes per.

*Encountered a few fungus gnats so set up a kill-bucket of pesticide to sit in the room for the next few days.

Really happy with these JF colas.

Mammath, seven out of eighty are SilverXCough. Have since killed that devious clone mother, and will once again hope for 100% Jack Flash purity the next round... Speaking of which, are you pleased with your Sensi SK variety? Been thinking about getting another 8 weeker to sub for the 12-14 week SC.

StoneInLove: Yes, the pvc just stabilizes the trellis.

That's it for now. :bigjoint:

Orzz, thanks for the heads up on the pic upload times. bongsmiliebongsmilie

