A Pro Palin thread

what... huh?

Active Member
Whats so wrong with this quote?

No fucking shit. Israel was reborn of injustice, and should be as embarrassing as our treatment of the native Americans. It should be a thing of shame. We, at least, are afforded the luxury of inheriting that fight from the colonialists we rebelled against. There is no excuse for Israel, or Great Britain, or our compliance in it. There is an interesting story about how that all came about, involving a thinking machine... but it isn't relevant.

That being said... what's done is done, and they are a sovereign nation, and have a right to defend themselves... but it is contentious shit.


Well-Known Member
Your guy won...why all the anger guys? Is it because of his impending failure, er, success, as you must see it?

Palin is still governor. I'm ecstatic about that.:bigjoint:

what... huh?

Active Member
Your guy won...why all the anger guys? Is it because of his impending failure, er, success, as you must see it?

Palin is still governor. I'm ecstatic about that.:bigjoint:

Israel has nothing to do with Obama... How about instead of this we address the substantive parts of my post in relation to this thread which is about Obam... er... Palin. Let's get back to that, who again... is not my guy. He is the lesser of evils. Way lesser.

We can survive a shot of socialism in the arm. If anything it will embolden true conservatism. I am also pretty sure "my guy" knows Africa is a continent. You would think, since she reads all newspapers she would have come across that somewhere.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
really a pro palin thread why? most republicans i know threw in the towel when she was nominated. whats the point of this the woman is a moron to put it in terms even she would understand.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what the purpose of this thread is. Are we supposed to comment on Palin, Stevens, or both?

Personally, regarding Palin, I don't think she ever has a chance to represent the republican party again on a grander scale. She's too polarizing, in my opinion. She represents what so few American demographics stand for, so her influence is quite small.

I would love to see republicans gain strength by moving towards the old-school conservative ideal. I do not like neo-cons (like Palin and Bush) and want them to fade away. I want to see a party whose base is fiscal conservation and personal independence. I would also love a potent third or fourth party. 230 million people cannot be fairly represented by two very similar parties. I would like to see at least 4 viable parties. Would I like to see Palin in charge of any 4 of these hypothetically viable parties - hell no!
Run-off elections
More Representatives (1,700 at least, vs the current 435, better would be 10,035.)

Anything that is more representative than our current scheme of representatives that are not.


New Member
Obama listened intently to Rev. Wrong for twenty years. Only when it interfered with his career did he step up.

It shows a basic lack of moral principles.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
moral or sane politicians? stop joking around cj besides mcain had associations with a rather racist pastor himself. besides if i was black in america i would be pretty pissed off myself.


New Member
Obama is a politician. That means he knows when something is politically poison, hence the dropping of the reverand Wright. Actually, it would have cost him the election to agree with Wright, but in my humble estimation, Wright was entirely correct in his speech. The USA is guilty as charged. BTW, fuck that ignorant slut, Palin.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
like i said im white(irish) but i see what goes on to the best of my ability regarding subversive underground racism that is still quite prevalent in american society. its just most in this day and age is spoken behind closed doors. i can understand the anger its not unjustified in any way.


New Member
moral or sane politicians? stop joking around cj besides mcain had associations with a rather racist pastor himself. besides if i was black in america i would be pretty pissed off myself.
I find faith hucksters to be an afflicting thorn in my side, but McCain didn't kick his Pastor to the curb when he hit a bump in the road.... a man of principles.

I don't agree with some of what McCain stands for, but I will always choose a person of principle over one who merely changes spots when the going gets rough.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i understand your point. but his pastor was blatantly racist in his sermons i dont see how supporting such a man shows moral principal unless of course discrimination based on race is still ok.


Well-Known Member
Let's get back to that, who again... is not my guy. He is the lesser of evils. Way lesser.
I am also pretty sure "my guy" knows Africa is a continent.

Denial or bargaining? So early on, it must be denial...

PS-It's a PRO Palin thread. Post away ladies... after the "news", of course.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i also try to avoid the news as it raises my blood pressure too much basically it was just some racist rhetoric. i dont remember precisely word for word it was before the election it was in the news. you know the standard religion/racism championed by the south.


Well-Known Member
Whats so wrong with this quote?
As to Obama's religious leader... this is what HE (Obama) had to say... and I concur.

"I never even seen the dude before...he's craazy, and I don't associate with crazies...I swear to GOD!"

(I took the liberty of removing the UHMs, Ahhs, and fluff.)

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
you have an uphill battle defending palin. i cant believe anyone finds her qualified all politics aside she does not have the needed intelligence to lead this country in the modern world plain and simple most republicans i speak to agree.


Well-Known Member
you have an uphill battle defending palin. i cant believe anyone finds her qualified all politics aside she does not have the needed intelligence to lead this country in the modern world plain and simple most republicans i speak to agree.
Most Republicans you know probably voted for Obama, too.