In your opinion...... Is pot an addictive substance?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have had a debate with different people about marijuana being addictive. The majority understanding is that pot is not addictive but, to some people and maybe some people here it is.

I was debating with my dad the other day because he does not like my indulging in certain other substance and tried to explain to him (a now avid pot smoker) that people can become addicted to pot as well.

What do you guys think? IYHO, is pot addictive?


Well-Known Member
If feeling alive, focused and like your floating a foot above the floor, is addictive, then yes.

Chocolate, ice cream, and sex are also addictive.

It's not heroin.


Well-Known Member
yes, people can get addicted to just about anything. no, its not physically addictive. the feel good buzz and stress relief is what your actually addicted to.


Well-Known Member
I don't think marijuana is addicting at all. I go through long periods of time without smoking anything and don't feel any kind of withdrawl.


Well-Known Member
I know i'm addicted to watching my plants grow.
I do believe its mentally addictive. It's a nice feeling...Physically addictive, definitely not. I've taken breaks for up to 8 months without any physical withdrawl, maybe a little "fuzzy" for a few days after but then everything goes back to normal and I can even remember things better. Taking a break is nice now and then otherwise you get caught up in a fog...
Hey guys, I have had a debate with different people about marijuana being addictive. The majority understanding is that pot is not addictive but, to some people and maybe some people here it is.

I was debating with my dad the other day because he does not like my indulging in certain other substance and tried to explain to him (a now avid pot smoker) that people can become addicted to pot as well.

What do you guys think? IYHO, is pot addictive?
I don't think the plant or bud that comes from it is addictive, it's the person smoking it that could get "addicted". It's the "Are cigarettes addictive" debate all over again, since it's a matter of Will rather than weither it was grown to be addictive.


Active Member
Yes, Marijuana can be addictive and you can suffer physical withdrawal symptoms. This is from first hand experience.


Well-Known Member
Growing is more addictive than smokin to me. When at work, cant wait to get out and go home to check on my babies and see if they need anything. Then after they are taken care of I'll light up a blunt or hit the bong, but still looking at my babies and blowing smoke on them so they can HIGH also. LOL


Well-Known Member
Cigarettes are more physically addictive than pot.. clinically. Thats what studies show in the mental health world we're I practice and exist for a paycheck. In terms of perspective sex, drugs and different mind expanding experiences take us further from daily reality and that's the addictive part. As we experiment in getting away from daily reality I think we enjoy that and we see what it's like to basically get high (or stoned whatever your pleasure) and we like that.. we like getting away from the humdrum of life. Others call it sacrament and believe it gets us in touch with the universe and that an amazing feeling. The further you get from reality... LSD...Shrooms... weed... the more you may want to be. Into the infinite abyss.


Well-Known Member
You should have made this a poll.

I think it boils down to the individual ingesting the drug. I believe that people who are prone to addiction have a higher chance of becoming addicted.

I also believe that it is all in the individuals head. I don't believe that pot itself is chemically addictive and does not create a state of dependence in the user. The only thing that creates the dependence is the user not the drug.


Well-Known Member
Nope not to my definition of an addiction. I smoke weed daily and have for a long time, I could stop tonight (If I had a Reason) I have in the past. I never had any withdraw or anything. Addiction is a sick thing... I've seen addiction, if you crave weed so much you are an addict then you're a weak link.


I agree, it is not addicting. Studies show the same. I am a daily smoker and can stop anytime as I have before. It's a choice
and it's time to legalize it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Marijuana can be addictive and you can suffer physical withdrawal symptoms. This is from first hand experience.
Yes it can be mildly addictive but no where near the extent of cigs, coke heroin etc. As for the withdrawal symptoms ya they can happen but very minor, you might feel shitty for a couple days, but nothin to serious n very easy to overcome, From first hand experience n i smoke alot:joint::joint::joint: