Grow 2 lbs. on a 2’ x 4’ 32 Site DIY Aeroponic Unit


Well-Known Member

are you using this exact rubbermaid? if so just flip the lid upside down... you lose about 3-4" of interior height but you get zero leaks without doing a damn thing to the lid... works wonders.


Well-Known Member
Good info guys,
I do all my vegging in a aerocloner 12o {similiar to ams}
And have great results,but the roots tangle up and are hard to move.
Is there a easy way to seperate each root system so they wont tangle up?


Anyone have any pics of their crop for this system, I'm really interested but it's my first grow "ever" lol, and I'm a bit skepital about everything .


Well-Known Member
Hey DrGreen...

I've just been testing my new aero tub and it had the drip you were asking about in my aero thread! lol ... I don't need to use this new tub for another couple months but just wanted to know if you have any pics of what you did to fix it!

it would be better to use gorilla tape in this temporary solution. :peace:



So has anyone tried this stuff with success and pics? I'm thinking about tring it but, with 18 sites on 2x4 area with 3 3/4 inch pots.


Active Member
Epoxy 2 part glue, strong as a hamster and likes water.
Great guide, +rep to you my man.

Do you have aero-systems for cloning/vegging too? How do they differ?


Active Member
Where's those harvest pics? Just made the same system and used some aquarium silicon to hold the pump down. Only difference is I went with a PRO 500gph pump instead of the eco one.


Well-Known Member
i saw the see more buds vids and have a couple questions related to this set up ( which is great BTW) first to do this there has to be a large clone mother plant somewhere and was wondering if a clone mother can be kept alive for a long time in aeroponic systems or has to be in dirt? and the second is if i used a aero cloneing machine with 1.75 net pots, how do you transplant the rooted clones into these larger net pots without causing damage or stressing the plant?


Well-Known Member
This Can Be Done!!! :hump:

Being a first time hydro grower, with a couple other major elements, kept me from hitting the target number…this time. I guarantee that I can get it next time around. Fox Farm and this sativa were the main problems. But, as is obvious, this aero unit can take plants to full maturity. Now, on to the grow.

I had no hydro nutes for the test run, so I was given a trial set of GH to use. It worked absolutely great.

These are pics taken four weeks from cutting. The roots and stalk were more developed than they were on the finished plants (fed Fox Farm). The roots had actually crept up into my pump during the trial (I had questioned someone in this thread about it), and the stalk was as thick as my index finger. You can see the plant leaning at four weeks (from cutting).

(The plant next to it is Purple Kush, much slower growth rate.)

Two Grapefruit Haze and Purple Kush plants for the test. This is 4 wks. from cutting under a year old 600W HPS Hortilux.

After this test run, I was excited about the performance of aeroponics and ready to get started. I was still in need of hydro nutes, and since I had everything in the Fox Farm line except Grow Big Hydro I thought it was a no-brainer. I could simply get enough Grow Big, instead of a whole line of another product. BAD move. Fox Farm is a mediocre nutrient and this is a performance machine. At the very least General Hydroponics nutes should be used, but I would suggest Advanced Nutrients. I’m going with their Sensi line next time. (This is too much damn typin’, let the pictures talk).

Cut 64 clones.

Day 18, time for 12/12. Nothing is over 12 inches tall.

After one week 12/12. This sativa is going to keep stretching. An indica variety would be much better for this type of growing.

After two weeks 12/12. Notice the root structure (below) at this point (32 days, nothing like the white, developed roots of the GH test run at 4 wks.).

3 weeks 12/12.

4 wks. 12/12.

(That’s a couple of purp. kush plants in foreground and in peat.)

After 5 wks. 12/12. I had to lay some down (below) because these chicks had outgrown ceiling limits.

After 6 wks. 12/12.

7 wks. 12/12.

8 wks. 12/12.

Day 58 of 12/12. I was going for nine wks. but the trichs have caps and are a combination of clear, milky, and amber (mostly milky). Time to harvest.

I was hoping for 1 lb. from each table. It doesn’t look like I made it. I’m ready for round 2.

Look at these weak ass roots. Fox Farm turned everything brown (I used hydro. peroxide) right away, including the dental floss anchoring the thermometer.

I used this little (130 gph) pump to flush and fill. Three plants couldn’t keep up, so I cut them and used the sites for access. The stocking doubled as a filter and safety net should the assembly come apart.

The Conclusion

This aero unit can take 32 plants to full maturity. The grower’s skill level, strain and nutrients, among other elements, will determine the yield. In See More Buds 1 the grower got 1.5 to 2 lbs. from each of nine tables. It is very possible and a goal I aim to reach.

Blessings to all! :peace:


Well-Known Member
amazing!!! :D even though you had problems.

I am so gonna do this when i move out maybe cut the size down half. But really brilliant stuff! + rep if i havent.

safe and peace



Well-Known Member
i saw the see more buds vids and have a couple questions related to this set up ( which is great BTW) first to do this there has to be a large clone mother plant somewhere and was wondering if a clone mother can be kept alive for a long time in aeroponic systems or has to be in dirt? and the second is if i used a aero cloneing machine with 1.75 net pots, how do you transplant the rooted clones into these larger net pots without causing damage or stressing the plant?
keep mom in soiless mix. i clone in this to avoid compatibility problems. :peace:


Well-Known Member
THE CLONE KING, AWESOME! Thanks for showing up, Bro'. That was quick. And, I am deeply humbled but appreciative of your compliments. The fact is YOU are definitely an innovator, and I am attempting to emulate your discovery.

I am sure many people watching this thread have questions for you. In an effort to keep you from reiterating anything, can you post a link to the thread where you address questions about the grow in See More Buds 1, with the Aquamists? This may answer a ton of questions we have for you, the true innovator and pioneer. :peace: and many blessings. :joint:
ya know.... gk films the grows and publishes the books.... those aren't his grows, but grows he's picked and checked out and found worthy of sharing with the world.

just so you know :p. good guy, fruitcake too :D


Well-Known Member
coming from someone with an aquamist...

i blv in lollipopping in system like these as the res sites are close together.