Anyone Else Fell Like Cali?


Well-Known Member
now i am from the east coast myself but just have some quick things i observed about cali trying to legalize.

this has to be voted on by the state assembly. they represent all of the different selections of cali.

now i know for a fact there are alot of mad people in cali right just about the medical cannabis. my concern is this bill may pass in areas were cannabis is excepted but what about areas that are more conservative.

even if this does pass it is still against federal law so whats to stop the DEA from closeing down the cultivation centers.

these are some of my concerns dose anyone have anything t add?

i know there's a lot of cali residents on here whats your take? do you really think this will pass? and do you think the vote will overpower the conseratives that are there?


Well-Known Member
State laws take precedence over federal law. In other words, if Cali legalizes and the DEA continue their raids, they're doing it illegally.


Well-Known Member
State laws take precedence over federal law. In other words, if Cali legalizes and the DEA continue their raids, they're doing it illegally.

You must not live in The USA

Federal Law Is ABOVE State law ... You should have paid attention in school..


Well-Known Member
You must not live in The USA

Federal Law Is ABOVE State law ... You should have paid attention in school..
It is? Sorry, my bad, I watched a documentary about the subject, must have gotten it the other way around. But if federal law is above state law, what's the point of legalization anyways?


Active Member
yes fed trumps state. however. the current administration has allready said they will leave this issue up to each individual state. the DEA has allready been told to leave all medical marajuana distribution centers alone. there will be no more raids on cannabis clubs, and this came out just the other day. so if this passes, you will see hawai, alaska and others jump on board shortly.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
In the past, it has been political suicide to lobby for the legalization of pot, even though the Golden Goose (revenues from taxes) was in plain sight. So the coward Politicians ran from the issue. That Medical avenue was/is awesome. Instead of Kids jumping out the windows, as said in the 70's, "We are helping Senior Citizens in dire pain. They don't give a flying fuck about pain, drugs, health or death. What they do require is a feasible excuse to get the Golden Egg... follow the money. This Cal. deal looks really promising, because they need the money. They will start with taxing growers, permits, then more & more taxes for "holding", like cigarettes. But they get the money.
But there is another force to consider. Last Sunday on 60 Minutes, they talked about the Drug Cartels invasion in all parts of the US., not just the Southern parts. Here, in South Texas, they talk about different gangs fighting over routes on the US Interstates. I-35, I-10, etc. It's going to get bloody. Along with this, which several Police Officers will be shot, execution style, and the golden goose that Cal. is showing, things are going to change fast. Finally. IMO.


Well-Known Member
ya i was gonna say. lets think aboutt this for a sec. could this really work?
But think how many less people would be after you as a grower or seller or consumer. The state makes most pot arrests, the Feds usually only go after large grows or really blatant ones. It would make their efforts futile./


Active Member
State laws take precedence over federal law. In other words, if Cali legalizes and the DEA continue their raids, they're doing it illegally.
i believe its the other way around. fed law over state law. but doesnt matter. feds cant stop the only business in cali thats making money. i talked with my friend who's mom is a DEA agent. there will be no more raids. as for legalization, i think everyone is in congruance that this is a one shot deal to get ca out of debt. even if they did a 5 year trial period it will show them what they have been missin out on for years. 1 billion + income per year? and i dont think this is even taking into the money they will save on less crowded prisons. they better not mess up on this one. funny thing is, im a conservative, but i support this 100%. baby boomers are the ones we have to worry about. my dad always calls it doofie. haha


Well-Known Member
Less crowded prisons also means less jobs. Private prisons are a multibillion industry that is really thriving right now. They are building prisons everywhere and hiring guards. These are welcome industries in most areas now with the economy in such bad shape and so many people unemployed.Just another aspect to think about.


Well-Known Member
"WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney General Eric Holder signaled a change on medical marijuana policy Wednesday, saying federal agents will target marijuana distributors only when they violate both federal and state law.
That would be a departure from the Bush administration, which targeted medical marijuana dispensaries in California even if they complied with that state's law.
"The policy is to go after those people who violate both federal and state law," Holder said in a question-and-answer session with reporters at the Justice Department.
Medical marijuana advocates in California welcomed the news, but said they still worried about the pending cases of those already in court on drug charges.
California law permits the sale of marijuana for medical purposes, though it still is against federal law.
Holder did not spell out exactly who no longer would face the prospect of raids by the Drug Enforcement Administration. But he was quick to add that law enforcement officers will target anyone who tries to "use medical marijuana laws as a shield" for other illegal activity.
"Given the limited resources that we have, our focus will be on people, organizations that are growing, cultivating substantial amounts of marijuana and doing so in a way that's inconsistent with federal and state law," the attorney general said.
Advocates and government officials had been waiting since President Barack Obama was sworn into office for a clear signal on what the new president's drug policy would be toward medical marijuana. As a candidate, he repeatedly promised a change in policy in situations in which state laws allow the use of medical marijuana.
Yet shortly after Obama took office, DEA agents raided four dispensaries in Los Angeles, prompting confusion about the government's plans.
Thirteen states have laws permitting medicinal use of marijuana. California is unique among them for the presence of dispensaries, which are businesses that sell marijuana and even advertise their services. Legal under California law, such dispensaries are still illegal under federal law.
Kris Hermes, a spokesman for national medical marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access, said he welcomed Holder's perspective.
"It signals a new direction and a more reasonable and sensible direction on medical marijuana policy," he said.
Still, Hermes said his Oakland-based organization was concerned about the fate of more than two dozen California medical marijuana cases currently pending in federal court.
"There remains a big question as to what the federal government's position is on those cases," Hermes said. He pointed specifically to the case of Charles Lynch, who was federally convicted for running a medical marijuana dispensary collective in San Luis Obispo County last year.
Hermes said Lynch could face decades in prison when he is sentenced Monday even though his clinic had been compliant with state law.
Associated Press writer Thomas Watkins in Los Angeles contributed to this report."

to qoute tupac.... to live and die in la its the place to be!


Well-Known Member
this guy is absolutly correct... it has been long an argument of the elected officials on wether the founding fathers meant for the state to have the absolute power or the federal government... nobody can decide on this.. today we live in a world where the federal gov has absolute power and i dont think many people like it this way.. i believe the system was setup to give the states absolute power... just my intake

State laws take precedence over federal law. In other words, if Cali legalizes and the DEA continue their raids, they're doing it illegally.


Well-Known Member
It is? Sorry, my bad, I watched a documentary about the subject, must have gotten it the other way around. But if federal law is above state law, what's the point of legalization anyways?
the point of legalization at state levels and county levels is to show the federal govt that certain areas of the country are supporting it medical use and understand that its illegalization back in the day was bogus anyway.

the more the country legalizes in states and counties the more likely the feds will legalize too. if noone showed support do you think anything would ever get done about the issue. no. it wouldnt be contested so the feds wouldnt have any obligations. the only reason its illegal now is because it hurt pharmeceutical companies and paper mills back in the day. and there was the race issue that was played. it was actually said that MJ made criminals comit more crimes. and it made black people look a second time at the white lady. this is true. ill try to find the sourced for it. i believe i read it in a book called 50 things you shouldnt know, Vol. II


Well-Known Member
not only did BLACKS smoke marijuana but those damn Mexicans did too and us scared white people didn't want any outsiders in our community so if we banned marijuana then we could ban the blacks and wetbacks from our community...

If you take a look back in time you will see that this is probably what most people were thinking. I have a black girlfriend so don't take this text out on contrast and tell people that this is what i believe in. This is how people thought back then... the ban on marijuana is a ban on non-whites ..... the war on drugs is the war on people... we need to change our ways people and you all know it and agree to it. :)

the point of legalization at state levels and county levels is to show the federal govt that certain areas of the country are supporting it medical use and understand that its illegalization back in the day was bogus anyway.

the more the country legalizes in states and counties the more likely the feds will legalize too. if noone showed support do you think anything would ever get done about the issue. no. it wouldnt be contested so the feds wouldnt have any obligations. the only reason its illegal now is because it hurt pharmeceutical companies and paper mills back in the day. and there was the race issue that was played. it was actually said that MJ made criminals comit more crimes. and it made black people look a second time at the white lady. this is true. ill try to find the sourced for it. i believe i read it in a book called 50 things you shouldnt know, Vol. II


Well-Known Member
the point of legalization at state levels and county levels is to show the federal govt that certain areas of the country are supporting it medical use and understand that its illegalization back in the day was bogus anyway.

the more the country legalizes in states and counties the more likely the feds will legalize too. if noone showed support do you think anything would ever get done about the issue. no. it wouldnt be contested so the feds wouldnt have any obligations. the only reason its illegal now is because it hurt pharmeceutical companies and paper mills back in the day. and there was the race issue that was played. it was actually said that MJ made criminals comit more crimes. and it made black people look a second time at the white lady. this is true. ill try to find the sourced for it. i believe i read it in a book called 50 things you shouldnt know, Vol. II
not only did BLACKS smoke marijuana but those damn Mexicans did too and us scared white people didn't want any outsiders in our community so if we banned marijuana then we could ban the blacks and wetbacks from our community...

If you take a look back in time you will see that this is probably what most people were thinking. I have a black girlfriend so don't take this text out on contrast and tell people that this is what i believe in. This is how people thought back then... the ban on marijuana is a ban on non-whites ..... the war on drugs is the war on people... we need to change our ways people and you all know it and agree to it. :)
Yeah, I know what you guys are saying, read it all in a book by Jack Herer - The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Quite a fascinating read, actually.

I also did some research, and as far as I understand, if the state law and federal law are in conflict, a federal court settles the disputes. So, if I understand everything correctly, if a state legalizes marijuana, which is obviously in conflict with federal law, a federal court is supposed to decide to either let the state pass it's law or deny it. If it's passed, the DEA has no right to act in that state.


Well-Known Member
yes, and medical marijuan was taken to court and the feds ruled it to be illeagle because its prohibited by the fed gov... :( but they never tried out right legalizing marijuana :bigjoint: i bet it would stand a chance in the fed court

I also did some research, and as far as I understand, if the state law and federal law are in conflict, a federal court settles the disputes. So, if I understand everything correctly, if a state legalizes marijuana, which is obviously in conflict with federal law, a federal court is supposed to decide to either let the state pass it's law or deny it. If it's passed, the DEA has no right to act in that state.


New Member
That only speaks of medical marijuana, it says nothing about pot for recreational use.

I wonder...... even though the fed considers weed illegal for recreational use, if CA does pass their legalization law, will the fed turn away the tax dollars generated? They can't have it boths ways, they're going to have to pick a side and the projected US deficit for the next 10 years is not a pretty number.

I hope CA passes it, then the winds can blow the law eastward.


Well-Known Member
South Texas wrote:
"They don't give a flying fuck about pain, drugs, health or death. What they do require is a feasible excuse to get the Golden Egg... follow the money. This Cal. deal looks really promising, because they need the money. They will start with taxing growers, permits, then more & more taxes for "holding", like cigarettes. But they get the money."

Exactly , the governments are going to have to find a way to control the distribution,,,,,,,sort of like how the drug cartels are doing it now..I don't see how they will be able to tax it , once it is legalized , I maintain that IF they legalize it everyone and his brother will know someone who is growing, people will be giving the shit away ,like a weed. And that is the last thing the Government wants to do.
As S.Texas said " they don't give a flying fuck" about anything but POWER and MONEY.:finger:em