SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member
ive seen pics of buds the size of someone leg on overgrow, i believe it was by a member named bushyoldergrower do a search you may find it.y would someone lye? who cares really lets just share our info and help others instead of finger pointing , arguing whos the lyer lmao just my 2 cents happy growing ppl HEY BUGS I LOVE MONEY TOO , dont we all ......


Well-Known Member
thanks man. i think they have a bad name because many grow them with insufficient light. treat them like white widow and they will treat you back like lr2. wait a minute is that a good thing!! lol. Seriously though i think they have alot of potential and i've heard the smoke is fine. we'll see in a month or so. can't wait.


New Member
funny,but not he doing abf style? a little confused on how this could happen?..i was alble to tell i had females from my that not the case?/
there was some confusion surrounding this. it was from seed i believe.

Damn bugs..i didnt know you stop posting pics...was wondering how come no pics..damn looks like i met a cool dude a lil too late as far as that goes.
ya i had to quit for now, maybe later as ch said , and i promise i was never cool

yes just hyroton flood at 4am for 7min 12pm 7min, 730 pm for 7m lights out at 10 pm till 4am . they look awsome now ...its 730 am. but around 7pm at night a few look droppy or tired
im using a 1 inb cube witch the clones in
is the cube in the water when it floods? it must be 1/2'' above the flood line on the hyroton then fill in the sides to support the cube/cutting. i say you overwatered, but get back to me.

FYI, Bugs don't post pics becuz he cant grow for shit....LOL!!!:oWhen u grow at 1100 degrees :fire: u dont get huge yields, but taste is unbeatable... Right Bugs?

damn dude, you cut me real deep just then:bigjoint::clap::clap::clap:

How the fuck do u get a male in a SOG? I thought he had a hermie... My bad. Thanks for the chart smart ass!
arent we happy these days. you made the wrong assumtion and your being too funny

Whoa Bugs, didnt know u turned into such a bitch. U have one good harvest and u know it all? Didn't know the feds would single u out over the ten thousand others that are on here. SORRY BRO!
i said security issues not feds ass pirate. you can suck my ass. here to help not argue:finger:.

so whats up bugsrnme .. how did you have problems? why no pictures
no problems, just preventative measures on my part due to some things going on on my end.

That is a SCARY avatar dude.... :shock:

is it the devil?
i know, right? that shit had me in a trance.


Well-Known Member
no i think the cubes get flooded, so your saying the cube cant be flooded what should i do ? like i said they look great until couples hrs prior to lights off . but it was yesterday i noticed but i now remember i was servicing that light at the time so it was off but the other was running , could the light being off cause droppyness after say 5min?


New Member
no i think the cubes get flooded, so your saying the cube cant be flooded what should i do ? like i said they look great until couples hrs prior to lights off . but it was yesterday i noticed but i now remember i was servicing that light at the time so it was off but the other was running , could the light being off cause droppyness after say 5min?
not enough to notice. but that cube holds too much water and can/will cause overwatering. back it off to 2 per lights on and see how it goes. when i use floc i only water once at the most twice per lights on. that 3rd one is juuuuuust a lil too much. in the future set your cubes a half inch above the flood line and then you can water 12 times if you wanna.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks bugs im putting at 2 floods im gonna start flowering now they are growing fast. as the plants go into flower mode wouldt they need more floods say 3 or 4 or is 2 ideal per 12/12 they were getting a steady 3 floods per 18/6 i hope they are ok . they are getting 24hrs darkness now to begin flowering


New Member
ok thanks bugs im putting at 2 floods im gonna start flowering now they are growing fast.
that should do it but definately put the cubes a lil higher in your next runs
as the plants go into flower mode wouldt they need more floods
not if they cant use it due to the cube being overwet. but no anyway....flooding more will only help up to a point. it's more about what the conditions are and what's in your soup.
say 3 or 4 or is 2 ideal per 12/12 they were getting a steady 3 floods per 18/6 i hope they are ok . they are getting 24hrs darkness now to begin flowering
good luck:weed:


Well-Known Member
I swear reading this thread makes me laugh.:-P

We have all the family dynamics here.

We have the grouchy uncle that lives downstairs and complains about everything (GB) .

There is the older brother that blows though town to borrow money from anyone that will give it up (CH).

We have the mentally challenged sibling that everyone makes fun of when he is not looking and most of us think he was dropped on his head (Paper)

There is the very quite aunt that doesn't make a peep just makes posts and leaves (Livesoul)

We have the youngest child "Danny Partridge"that is always yelling at everyone "hey look at me look at me!" (ROS)

The Family Clown cant keep a job, berates and makes fun of everyone, eats all the food in the house smokes all your cigarettes , and you NEVER EVER leave your GF by herself with him. (Sparkafire)

And then we have the THE FATHER of this fucked up family. He is one that got into this because he knocked up Mom when she was 14 and had no choice but to marry and start a family. He conjoles and steps in between fighting siblings stopping blood shed, Complains that he is over worked and always wonders if he could have had a life outside this confining Board. He has grown into his role as the "Father" for he is a pretty smart guy, but I think he would rather be a cross dressing fireman because he is always lighting shit on fire and pretending to be some kinda baroness thingy.

Our house is the cool neighborhood hangout we have all the kids for 6 blocks around come into our house looking for someone to play with or eat free food. Some end up being adopted by the family but it can be a rough and tumble family so not too many stick around, but then again we can only have one retard at a time anyway.

This is our family its a big one, its a fucked up one and i LOVE IT!!

If you have an addition to the family let me know you guys know this board more than I and i will make a tree or some bullshit thingy.

No paper you cant change your title.


New Member
god i miss this man. we are kinda dysfunctional. but me and gypsy and yes even ch all love each other, just like deep down you and paper lover each other too. stinkbud is still on the list though, as the uppity sibling who went off to college so he could get him one a dem dere double wides. and now thanks everyone should be like i can stay bitter a long time. god dammit sparky has rubbed off on me.

btw only on page 6 of the bible for those who care. but sooooooo much distilled info in there. i keep making lil notes attatched to als writings to clarify for the challenged in us of course . sparkster


Well-Known Member
check out the lowryder2s today. just started budding. 22 days from seed today. can't wait till their huge. 2 weeks maybe.


Well-Known Member
omg now ive just noticed a little bit of algae in the channels of my tables. what can i do to fix this fast ? im not adding h2o2 should i be ? if so what percent of h202 do i need ? how much per liter of water ? . its gonna be a ruff one :(


Well-Known Member
i think i may have to re-construct my table stand, is it normal for abit of water to be left in the channels? may tables may be slight off level too . fak


Well-Known Member
funny,but not he doing abf style? a little confused on how this could happen?..i was alble to tell i had females from my that not the case?/
pretty late response but not too late. I had purchased some seeds from attitude and one of the mothers actually turned out to be male. It was the first set of clones i had taken so I didn't realize. I did catch a few other males and removed them, but somehow missed that one. No excuse, was a lazy/stupid mistake. Just finished disinfecting the entire room, took me 3 hours. I've learned my lesson. :wall:


Well-Known Member
omg now ive just noticed a little bit of algae in the channels of my tables. what can i do to fix this fast ? im not adding h2o2 should i be ? if so what percent of h202 do i need ? how much per liter of water ? . its gonna be a ruff one :(
A little algae will not hurt anything. if you have to slope the table towards the drain SLIGHTLY.

If you run a circulating hydro system without pathogen controls you WILL get slime. :idea::fire:

I use 35% H2O2 at 2ml/l. If you can find the 50% stuff use 1ml/l. Don't bother with the 3% stuff as you will need several metric fuck tons (20ml/l) :shock::shock: to get the job done.


Well-Known Member


the fuck you looking at?!?!


and where is the free food mentioned above?

