New Member
Only if you cut the main stalk just above root level. Then weeds are tough! Try to do half one day and the other half a couple of day later if it looks like you are taking too much at one time. Rememer for FIM you are just looking to cut about 3/4th of the actual growing tip. I use a little 4" trimmer scissors. Supercropping just take a little practice. Squeeze lightly and if it doesn't bend squeeze it just a little harder and try again. You're just looking to crush the outer "shell" of the stem to make it took unstable to hold itself up. You should be able to bend it over at least 70-75%. Also note that they have a tendency to want to prop themselves back up again after a week or two but that's ok. After you bend them they will stay low enough. It they get in the way again, supercrop it again a little higher. When you damage them on purpose sometimes, it's actully good for them due to the fact that the plant sends repair parts to fix the damaged area and it helps the plant in general get stronger.