Why are my babies drooping


Well-Known Member
look like normal seedlings to me ,just don't over water.good luck
edit: do you have drain holes in the cups? also you could have put little more soil in them solo cups, no biggie tho
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Well-Known Member
Here's a tip: Your seedlings probably only need water about once a week at first. I'd recommend learning to bottom water when they get bigger, because they'll take up as much water as they need.


Well-Known Member
Probably a little overwatered. You seriously need to spray them 3x about every 4 days.

Seedlings like this are trying to develop roots. Some times the leaves tilt down when theyre doing that.
oh maybe thats why the droop happens at night when root development happens they stand back up after the lights been on for like 5 hours ...i spray them like twice a day as im waitinn on my humidfier so I have to mist the room like every 2 hours to keep it right drys at night a bit to


Well-Known Member
You can let it dry :) They prefer to breath. If your soil is dark like 1/8" into the soil it has enough water.

They dont start chugging water until flower. At night they all droop, thats normal. Do you have a fan on or near them yet?


Well-Known Member
As long as they have a wiggle youre fine. Helps making bigger roots = thicker stem. More nutes and water down the road.


Active Member
Do be mindful of how much air pressure they're experiencing. One of mine broke a cotyledon that dangled then by a thread. Next day she grew back together but still. I believe I had over watered also bc my leaves were plump, looked like they'd cry if you cut them.

As said. Minimal water for seedlings, I've seen dribble rings about midways between cup edge and stem. Also you can top up your soil, help support your stems more.
These are mine. The small sprout is 1 week old The other 5 are day 21. 2 weeks ahead. Just don't be overly kind. Water only when they want it.
Awesome mine are on track it seems they picked back up later in the day im guessing slight overwater mixed with night time droop I went and got a mini fan and put it on them now my leds push the air from the fan down giving them a breeze like effect

420 Garden

Well-Known Member
I run loaded soil. I don't know anything about what you are doing. My set up 1 bag FFOF mixed with 8 cups ewc, 1 cup garden lime, 1 cup feather meal, 1 cup bone meal, 3/4 cup Silica and 30% to 40% coarse perlite. I do nothing but WATER the first month. You can look up my posts under organics made easy.