Goodbye Steve King, and Fuck You


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but?

Dude, your population is one tenth that of ours. If you took everybody in your country and crammed them all together into an area the size of Texas, it would be very different. So, just shut the fuck up and start listening. You don't know anything about the US, have nothing to contribute about the US and from what you just said, don't even know what's going on in your own country. Just wait until the welfare funded by the Alberta oil fields dries up and it's going to get nasty in Canada. It's a good thing Canadians are so spread out.

Canada's racial divide: Confronting racism in our own backyard

Growing up in Jacksonville, Fla., Rhonda Britton experienced occasional moments of racism. As the only black girl in her junior-high class, she was once told by a white friend that she wasn’t allowed to come over and play.

But it was when she moved to Canada as an adult that she felt racism more overtly: In 2011, she discovered a historic plaque in front of her church in Halifax spray painted with the words: Fuck All Niggers.

It was a shock, and not the only one: She’d expected Canadians would be kinder and more welcoming than Americans.

But in Nova Scotia, where a large, historic black community has long faced racial discrimination, racist acts are both subtle and blatant.

She also found that Canadian kids didn’t learn as much about black history in schools as Americans; that news articles with black subjects were often filled with hateful online comments; and that racial profiling is common, particularly in the retail sector – in one instance, she recalls a security guard following her around a drug store while white customers faced no such scrutiny.

In her 14 years in Canada, she has been surprised not by the differences in racial tensions in the two countries, but at the parallels – even if Canadians may be reticent about acknowledging it.

“Things are more similar than we think.

I stayed away from this until now because it really isn't my business. But dude, you are as ignorant on this and just about every other subject as a Russian Bot, which I'm beginning to suspect you are.
Like I said we have racism too, infact, bigotry nearly ripped the country apart in recent history, it's a problem everywhere and acute in America. Many say it is a piviotal moment in American history and the greatest show on earth for some. These are the times that try men's souls.


Well-Known Member
Like I said we have racism too, infact, bigotry nearly ripped the country apart in recent history, it's a problem everywhere and acute in America. Many say it is a piviotal moment in American history and the greatest show on earth for some. These are the times that try men's souls.
Actually you didn't say that. You said, "yeah, but". Mow your own lawn. It's kind of shaggy. I would never have said that if you weren't always over here running my garden down.


Well-Known Member
Like I said we have racism too, infact, bigotry nearly ripped the country apart in recent history, it's a problem everywhere and acute in America. Many say it is a piviotal moment in American history and the greatest show on earth for some. These are the times that try men's souls.

Episode 4: The Angel Complex

On this episode, we discuss a core concept of Canadian identity – comparing ourselves to the United Stat
es. Race relations in our neighbouring country are often dramatic and sometimes violent. But does that mean our actual level of racism is lower?

Answer: no, no the level of racism in Canada isn't actually lower.


Well-Known Member
Actually you didn't say that. You said, "yeah, but". Mow your own lawn. It's kind of shaggy. I would never have said that if you weren't always over here running my garden down.
Sorry foggy it was not my intention. I know what America can be, I've witnessed it with Obama, I knew the underbelly existed, but not to the shocking extent it does, neither did a lot of Americans. Trump university has been an education for me and a lot of other people, until recently he was in a dangerous position in the polls, if it was not for covid and his disastrous response I doubt you would be rid of him, he was confident before covid for a reason. Others will arise to take his place though, now that he showed how, they won't be as stupid as Donald and they won't go away anytime soon.

America can be that shining city on a hill again, I hope so, because my future as well as yours and your children depends on it.


Well-Known Member

Episode 4: The Angel Complex

On this episode, we discuss a core concept of Canadian identity – comparing ourselves to the United Stat
es. Race relations in our neighbouring country are often dramatic and sometimes violent. But does that mean our actual level of racism is lower?

Answer: no, no the level of racism in Canada isn't actually lower.
We have it, but it has less impact on our politics, it is a problem for individual hearts in the end, one of conditioning if you will, governments make it better or worse, mine and the system in which it is embedded, make it better. Trump makes it much worse than it has to be. The people of Canada are no better than anywhere else, people are pretty much the same everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Sorry foggy it was not my intention. I know what America can be, I've witnessed it with Obama, I knew the underbelly existed, but not to the shocking extent it does, neither did a lot of Americans. Trump university has been an education for me and a lot of other people, until recently he was in a dangerous position in the polls, if it was not for covid and his disastrous response I doubt you would be rid of him, he was confident before covid for a reason. Others will arise to take his place though, now that he showed how, they won't be as stupid as Donald and they won't go away anytime soon.

America can be that shining city on a hill again, I hope so, because my future as well as yours and your children depends on it.
Jesus, man.

Get your meds and take them. You don't know shit about this country and all you've been doing is shitting on it. I'm not standing up and proud of what's going on. I'm just saying you don't know shit about us.

Now, then, Trump's impeachment? Yeah, that's not going to happen. My saying that will trigger you to go on a tirade about impeaching Trump. You never stop, just like a bot.


Well-Known Member
We have it, but it has less impact on our politics, it is a problem for individual hearts in the end, one of conditioning if you will, governments make it better or worse, mine and the system in which it is embedded, make it better. Trump makes it much worse than it has to be. The people of Canada are no better than anywhere else, people are pretty much the same everywhere.
yeah, but

Nope, not yeah but. It's just as bad there as it is here. Your lawn is getting shaggy, go mow it and stop talking about mine.


Well-Known Member
yeah, but

Nope, not yeah but. It's just as bad there as it is here. Your lawn is getting shaggy, go mow it and stop talking about mine.
More demands? Moving the bar? Free speech my friend, I stay out of the primaries and vp picks for the most part, but not this particular fight. Though I'm just making some observations and my impressions for the most part, some Americans think they are relevent.

My lawn is fine, mowed it today. America is coming apart at the seams over racism, not Canada, my backyard is kinda boring, the real human drama is down south. I've helped solve the racism and bigotry issues in Canada and I'm well aware of our faults and don't gloss over them, but Canada's problems are not the issue, they are not acute.


Well-Known Member
More demands? Moving the bar? Free speech my friend, I stay out of the primaries and vp picks for the most part, but not this particular fight. Though I'm just making some observations and my impressions for the most part, some Americans think they are relevent.

My lawn is fine, mowed it today. America is coming apart at the seams over racism, not Canada, my backyard is kinda boring, the real human drama is down south. I've helped solve the racism and bigotry issues in Canada and I'm well aware of our faults and don't gloss over them, but Canada's problems are not the issue, they are not acute.
So that impeachement you keep ranting about?

Yeah, it'll never happen.

What is your government going to do about its loss of oil revenue? It looks as if it's permanent.


Well-Known Member
More demands? Moving the bar? Free speech my friend, I stay out of the primaries and vp picks for the most part, but not this particular fight. Though I'm just making some observations and my impressions for the most part, some Americans think they are relevent.

My lawn is fine, mowed it today. America is coming apart at the seams over racism, not Canada, my backyard is kinda boring, the real human drama is down south. I've helped solve the racism and bigotry issues in Canada and I'm well aware of our faults and don't gloss over them, but Canada's problems are not the issue, they are not acute.
Keep denying it and you keep proving your country has a big problem with even discussing the issue.

Racism not a big problem? Activist says survey shows Canadians 'in denial'

The survey also found that Canadians were more likely to view racial discrimination as the attitudes and actions of individuals, not a systemic issue embedded in Canadian institutions. Two-thirds of respondents said people from all races have the same opportunities to succeed in life.

“That is a fantasy,” said Toronto activist and writer Desmond Cole in an interview on CTV News Channel. “Unsurprisingly, a lot of Canadians are in denial that racism is a systemic thing.”

Cole said while many Canadians may acknowledge that racism exists in the country, many of those same people might oppose government action to address the treatment of people of colour.

I'm not really interested in discussing another country's problems. Mine has plenty enough and I figure it's not really my business what your country does. I'm just saying, back off and stop running my country down when it's obvious you don't know shit about us.

Now, then, that impeachment you have ranted about for the last 3 or more years?

Not going to happen. I said so earlier on and you just kept bathering on to show your ignorance.


Well-Known Member
So that impeachement you keep ranting about?

Yeah, it'll never happen.

What is your government going to do about its loss of oil revenue? It looks as if it's permanent.
Don't need to discuss it on a thread concerning Steve King and racism is not a current acute issue, if you want to distract and compare fine. As for tar sands revenue, I guess we will adapt like you folks are gonna have to, times will be hard all over foggy, here too.

Ok, lets briefly look at impeachment, I've spoken to it plenty. There are plenty of impeachable offenses surrounding covid alone, people want answers or will oversight is ongoing and gathering facts. Then they will proceed to investigations and then perhaps, Nancy willing an investigation & impeachment vote in a few months, there is no down side to this for the democrats and only an upside really. If there is even is a trial, the result either way will damage the GOP anyway you look at it. Too many advantages not to bring it to an impeachment vote in the house at least.

Now I'm gonna watch some TV


Well-Known Member
Ill skip all the verboseness.

Oh look how easy it is to show Canadian racism.
Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 7.57.49 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 8.01.08 PM.png

regina-professor-says-canada-fails-to-recognize-its-own-racism-when-looking-at-u-sScreen Shot 2020-06-03 at 8.03.45 PM.png

I don't have a clue if any of the above is credible, but I just am demonstrating how ridiculous the bar is for just making shit up. Does Canada hate the Inuit and have a racist whatever you call Trudeau's office?

I trust you guys to do right at the end of the day, or at least keep your nuts on a leash.


Well-Known Member
Ill skip all the verboseness.

Oh look how easy it is to show Canadian racism.
View attachment 4584624
View attachment 4584625

regina-professor-says-canada-fails-to-recognize-its-own-racism-when-looking-at-u-sView attachment 4584630

I don't have a clue if any of the above is credible, but I just am demonstrating how ridiculous the bar is for just making shit up. Does Canada hate the Inuit and have a racist whatever you call Trudeau's office?

I trust you guys to do right at the end of the day, or at least keep your nuts on a leash.
You bet and I'm aware of the issues, lived in Winnipeg for many years and there was racism and abuse by police of the native population and I knew a few too, I've always worked against such things and a reason I support the liberal party and want to see more done. Some of the mindfulness people and groups I knew were quite active in the human rights movement, we were big on social stuff. The NDP is big on first nation issues and support, they are far left and everywhere they've governerned it's been a fiscal diaster, that why I'm a liberal, not many are party members of any kind in Canada.

I don't inflame racism in America, some others post inflammatory stuff, I do not, I often try to explain how feelings caused by conditioning can evoke powerful emotions that cause a lot of normal people to not just support Trump, but to be like him too. I don't think most of these people are evil but they believe stupid shit that turns them into suckers. Your relatives are not stupid, you do not come from a family of morons, smarts has little to do with it, the data does not support this. Your family members are not stupid and neither are you, something else is at play that filters and distorts peoples perceptions, it's just aided with simple narratives and reified by Fox. If you understand what drives your family you can love and forgive them easier and realise they are misguided and not evil as many believe. I'm sensitive to the fact that this will be fought out in families and among friends, I have seen few outsiders display such nuance.

There are protests in Halifax with thousands of people in the streets over this in the midst of a pandemic, I heard from someone today there were protests in Sydney across the harbor. So I guess you could say I have an interest in America's acute problem that is nearly ripping it apart and filling it's streets, my streets too. Look at the NYT video James posted, the last few second show the protests in Halifax, my backyard.


Well-Known Member
Ill skip all the verboseness.

Oh look how easy it is to show Canadian racism.
View attachment 4584624
View attachment 4584625

regina-professor-says-canada-fails-to-recognize-its-own-racism-when-looking-at-u-sView attachment 4584630

I don't have a clue if any of the above is credible, but I just am demonstrating how ridiculous the bar is for just making shit up. Does Canada hate the Inuit and have a racist whatever you call Trudeau's office?

I trust you guys to do right at the end of the day, or at least keep your nuts on a leash.
So we have something like 6 supposed Canadians all posting the same crap, running down the US continuously. I was able to flip one of them back and forth to different hot topics just by mentioning them.

It just seems a bit strange that they all showed up at about the same time and started posting the same divisive crap in volume.


Well-Known Member
So we have something like 6 supposed Canadians all posting the same crap, running down the US continuously. I was able to flip one of them back and forth to different hot topics just by mentioning them.

It just seems a bit strange that they all showed up at about the same time and started posting the same divisive crap in volume.
Some do post divisive or inflammatory things I don't like and I've ripped a strip off a few. It appears your trying to turn Canadians into the the 'other', I'd worry more about the Russians and their American buddies, in government and not sow division among allies over frank analysis and sporadic editorialising. If you are concerned about "Canadian influence", I suggest you take it up with the site owner, a fellow Canadian. Shit I'd be more concerned about covid than Canadians and other allies on the site speaking uncomfortable and inconvenient truths.

Your internal issues have spilled over into my country and put people into the streets in the midst of a pandemic, aside from Trump being a national security threat of the first order.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but?

Dude, your population is one tenth that of ours. If you took everybody in your country and crammed them all together into an area the size of Texas, it would be very different. So, just shut the fuck up and start listening. You don't know anything about the US, have nothing to contribute about the US and from what you just said, don't even know what's going on in your own country. Just wait until the welfare funded by the Alberta oil fields dries up and it's going to get nasty in Canada. It's a good thing Canadians are so spread out.

Canada's racial divide: Confronting racism in our own backyard

Growing up in Jacksonville, Fla., Rhonda Britton experienced occasional moments of racism. As the only black girl in her junior-high class, she was once told by a white friend that she wasn’t allowed to come over and play.

But it was when she moved to Canada as an adult that she felt racism more overtly: In 2011, she discovered a historic plaque in front of her church in Halifax spray painted with the words: Fuck All Niggers.

It was a shock, and not the only one: She’d expected Canadians would be kinder and more welcoming than Americans.

But in Nova Scotia, where a large, historic black community has long faced racial discrimination, racist acts are both subtle and blatant.

She also found that Canadian kids didn’t learn as much about black history in schools as Americans; that news articles with black subjects were often filled with hateful online comments; and that racial profiling is common, particularly in the retail sector – in one instance, she recalls a security guard following her around a drug store while white customers faced no such scrutiny.

In her 14 years in Canada, she has been surprised not by the differences in racial tensions in the two countries, but at the parallels – even if Canadians may be reticent about acknowledging it.

“Things are more similar than we think.

I stayed away from this until now because it really isn't my business. But dude, you are as ignorant on this and just about every other subject as a Russian Bot, which I'm beginning to suspect you are.
They don't call Nova Scotia the "Mississippi of the North" for nothing. If you wanna look at how Halifax treated our Black community, just Google "Africville".

Things have been a powder keg here for a long time. Although we are the largest and most Liberal city on the east coast, our history with our black and Indigenous people /communities is not good, we have a lot to atone for. The favored saying with the ignorant around here is "I'm not racist, but.. ".


Well-Known Member
I don't trust anyone that eats poutine.
Hey we just had 22 gunned down in a mass murder by a psycho in my backyard, we ain't perfect, but a lot of Americans wish they could be a bit more like us lately. Peace anc civilization awaits on the other side of the river Captain. :D