3 Weeks Flower White Widow Pics


Well-Known Member
Here is my female white Widow she vegged for 2 months before i put her in flower this is my first grow tell me what you guys think of her ill try to take as many pics as i can The system is ebb n flow hydroponics check her out 3 weeks into flower



Active Member
looks awesome! good on ya for growing something so nice! did you use 18/6 lighting for veg? or more of a 20/4-24/0?? im a growing some in the ol closet...any imput appriciated...peace!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man yeah i grew in a closet too i just used 18/6 my man i heard you get better root structure on 18/6 but i guesss to each his own yeah man anything you need help with just ask i mean im no genious yet but i did a ton of research and i think my buds speak for themselves but mad people on here helped me this is a great site man keep in touch


Well-Known Member
thanks man here a couple more the last 2 are a fem skunk plant much smaller then the widow im only in 3rd week of flower so the resin glands havent fully pushes out yet so the stink isnt that bad yet. i have been using a flood cycle of 3 times a day for only 5 min at a time im using general hydroponic solutions and runnin around 1400ppm for the big huge plant using distilled water here are some pics i hope you enjoy tell me what u think



Well-Known Member
Mate they look very tasty indeed, im looking to do a white widow run as soon as my seeds rock up. what lights and supps are you using as in 600w high press sodium, canna, or dutchmaster nutrients. and how many widows to a light.
I am trying the canna and doing 2x 600w HPS 1 light per 2 plants in a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2.0m grow tent.
I am praying for a round 1 pnd per widow , what yield did you get off yours ?

fellow gardener... https://www.rollitup.org/../members/mosberg911.html


Well-Known Member
im using a 400w mh for veg and now they are flowering under 400w hps with general hydroponic nutes gro,bloom,micro here are some more pics for you guys tell me what you think ill tell you guys exactly how i did it

If anyone needs a feed chart hit me up ill tell you exactly how much nutes i put in of each at different stages of her life



Well-Known Member
im in the 3rd week of flower i have one beautiful female i took clones from and im gonna flower the clones once they establish some roots anything u need help with just ask i think i can help u out


Well-Known Member
Mate they look very tasty indeed, im looking to do a white widow run as soon as my seeds rock up. what lights and supps are you using as in 600w high press sodium, canna, or dutchmaster nutrients. and how many widows to a light.
I am trying the canna and doing 2x 600w HPS 1 light per 2 plants in a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2.0m grow tent.
I am praying for a round 1 pnd per widow , what yield did you get off yours ?

fellow gardener...
Dude, in the best of indoor grows you aren't likely to get an El Bee off one plant, Widow or not. If you are lucky and do an optimal job, you may get an lb. per 1000 watt light, if you are real good and Santa brings you a present! I have seen WW colas that were over 18" tall and at least 7-8" across plus all the other buds on the same plant and no way did they come to an LB. Sorry man! Outdoors different enchilada altogether. If somebody can show me otherwise, I would like to see a pic of a plant that will produce a pound of bud, indoors. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey bro ur prob right this is my first grow we will see how much i get i mean i vegged here for 2 1/2 months but im sure you know more then me i just hope i can some i took 45 clones off her so im waiting for them to take root then gonna flower them also



Well-Known Member
Here are some more pics of these nasty buds they are starting to give off a little smell i dont think the resin glands are well established Hope you enjoy would love to hear from other gardners

Check out how her crystals are starting to form its crazy



Well-Known Member
Thanks MidGrade im actually bummed because i only got her out of 9 plants they all turned male but i cloned her and have 40 clones waiting to root. They have not rooted yet because i tool them 1 week into flower and they still have to switch back to veg im hopin i get some clones out of the 40 i took now i have 10 more seeds germinating skunk fems, and white widow Here are some more pics beacuse the pics are coming out really nice with this cam and i know u fellow garders appriciate nice pic of beautiful Buds keep the replys coming my new project im gonna post here so i want to hear from all you fellow planters thanks hope you enjoy the pics the crystals are coming fast



Well-Known Member
Dude, in the best of indoor grows you aren't likely to get an El Bee off one plant, Widow or not. If you are lucky and do an optimal job, you may get an lb. per 1000 watt light, if you are real good and Santa brings you a present! I have seen WW colas that were over 18" tall and at least 7-8" across plus all the other buds on the same plant and no way did they come to an LB. Sorry man! Outdoors different enchilada altogether. If somebody can show me otherwise, I would like to see a pic of a plant that will produce a pound of bud, indoors. :mrgreen:

Hey laska

mate i have heard of people pulling very close to 1 lb per plant in a good indoor setup, i will be trying my best i have done alot of reading/ research and will work towards doing a Grow Journal. :hump:
Im currently working on one will get some pics and info maybe you can help :roll: cheers


Well-Known Member
Dude, in the best of indoor grows you aren't likely to get an El Bee off one plant, Widow or not. If you are lucky and do an optimal job, you may get an lb. per 1000 watt light, if you are real good and Santa brings you a present! I have seen WW colas that were over 18" tall and at least 7-8" across plus all the other buds on the same plant and no way did they come to an LB. Sorry man! Outdoors different enchilada altogether. If somebody can show me otherwise, I would like to see a pic of a plant that will produce a pound of bud, indoors. :mrgreen:

Check my gallery pics out - I am growing WW in a grow tent also. I have 1 x 400W HPS on mine & they are looking OK after 5 weeks flowering - Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Looking really good. I have 10 W.W. 5th week of veg fem seeds. so hopefully they will be all females. Have a queastion as this is my 1st W.W. grow. and have heard they can be fussy.Mine are going outside for the rest of the grow this week. Should they be topped? And how is the the smell during flowering? Don't want them found due to the strong smell.


Well-Known Member
This is my 1st grow so I'm still learning too, I heard they are fussy but I think not, as mine had early nute burn when under 3 weeks old & they bounced back incredibly & to be honest they just look after themselves if watered & maintained correctly so don't worry about being over attentive... I never topped mine but yes they can be topped...Try the FIM technique...

Mine are now nearly 6 weeks into flowering & the smell is just starting to be a 'slight' problem but I have this under control using a domestic 'ionizer' - They are very sticky now, but the smell is contained well in the grow tent & I have good ventilation also. I recommend 'ONA' Gel as a good product to get rid of smells from growing WW or any MJ plant... Good luck with all y'all grows!


Well-Known Member
ok fellas thanks for all the replies keep them coming i want to make this a pretty good thread ok im gonna tell you guys how i did my first grow edsthreads they are just smelling now they are 4 weeks into flower they did not smell at all in veg my man if u need any help i will supply you with feed charts anything you need

Garden i topped mine i usually do it after the third node then i bend them in flowering i have a new project coming up and i want you guys to check out all the coool stuff you can do first i will supply with the new flowering pics and i really think i can get a Lb out of her because of her long veg here are some pics

My system is a hydro hut which i use as my flowering room i use 400w mh for veg which is so the way to go 18/6 not 24 to each his own but i think 18/6 makes better root structure im using ebb n flow with general hydroponic nuts the gro bloom micro if anyone need feed charts i will suplly you with them check out the flowering pics then i will get into the 2nd project im doing

