wtf happened to me today?


Well-Known Member
k, this morning i had:

blunt, filled w. a dub of some medical indica..
a space cake(concentration was 1lb of shake in 3 batches)

3 hours after that, had another blunt and a couple bowls

around 4-5 hours after that, i had another blunt and a couple hits off my sneak-a-toke

so, after all this smoking, i went to my friends house, and i started to feel insanely body was pulsating, my heart was racing, my ears started ringing, i started sweating, and my eyes got real heavy as my body felt we go inside, and i smoke another blunt w/ my buds thinking it'll make me feel better..well it made it more intense.

i got out of the chair after smoking the blunt, and as i got up i started shaking and blacked out..i got up and we went to taco bell and i ate some food, went back over to his place, and i went to sleep and just now got up.

anyone know what happened? it was freaky..(im fine now btw)


Well-Known Member
You just had some wicked weed ;) U had to much for that day.... Any other day you prob would of been fine, just one of those days.. if it happens more often maybe ask your medical doctor what the fuck is going on man, cuz i want some :D


Well-Known Member
You can get real fucked up eating dope..creeps up on you and hits the back of head with a you kept smoking.... duh..... :)


Well-Known Member
k, this morning i had:

blunt, filled w. a dub of some medical indica..
a space cake(concentration was 1lb of shake in 3 batches)

3 hours after that, had another blunt and a couple bowls

around 4-5 hours after that, i had another blunt and a couple hits off my sneak-a-toke

so, after all this smoking, i went to my friends house, and i started to feel insanely body was pulsating, my heart was racing, my ears started ringing, i started sweating, and my eyes got real heavy as my body felt we go inside, and i smoke another blunt w/ my buds thinking it'll make me feel better..well it made it more intense.

i got out of the chair after smoking the blunt, and as i got up i started shaking and blacked out..i got up and we went to taco bell and i ate some food, went back over to his place, and i went to sleep and just now got up.

anyone know what happened? it was freaky..(im fine now btw)


No one laced his shit with ANYTHING.

He had a whitey!

This is classic case whitey!

Fucking hell you people are stupid thinking his stuff got laced with shit.

From urban dictionary :

1. Whitey
an undesirable reaction to smoking cannabis common amongst lightweights and first-time tokers. Symptoms include dizzyness, clammy skin, nausea and vomiting.
It gets its name from the paleness of the sufferer as the blood drains out the capillaries under the skin due to a decrease in blood pressure.

"oh man, I don't know what you put in that joint, but it gave me one hell of a whitey."

The result of the subject's inability to handle their intake of alcohol or drugs.

Symptoms of being "on a whitey" include vomiting, nausea, tiredness, unconsciousness, and a pale facial complexion (which is how the term came out).

Can also be used as an exclamation of disappointment.

This term is most used as a slang term inside the UK.

It generally means when you smoke too much weed and start feeling savage, throwing up, not being able to move because it makes your head spin and you feel sick, passing out.. The first signs are usually when the person quietens down and starts going pale..

This is FACT, it does happen.

You Americans need to learn about this shit instead of blaming "laced weed" when in actual fact YOU COULDN'T HANDLE THE WEED!!


New Member
Yeah ... You just had waaaay too much ganj in your system dude. I can't believe you thought smoking another blunt would help .. lol !

Even just smoking a little bit brings your heart rate up...


Well-Known Member
p.s. It is purely the tolerance levels of your body. Some days you can have a low tolerance, some days it can be high. If you smoke too much weed in one sitting, you can pull a whitey. They are horrible. So pace yourself if you start feeling swirly and weird.

This has and can happen to all smokers, no matter how long they have been smoking ganja.



New Member
You probably would have felt better if you puked.. This happened to me before when I was in the car, and I felt really strange, so I had my ex pull over and I regurgitated a huge amount of puke in the road all at once. My head stopped spinning and I felt 100% better after that. I'm surprised that rancid taco bell didn't make you blow chunks.


Well-Known Member
p.s. It is purely the tolerance levels of your body. Some days you can have a low tolerance, some days it can be high. If you smoke too much weed in one sitting, you can pull a whitey. They are horrible. So pace yourself if you start feeling swirly and weird.

This has and can happen to all smokers, no matter how long they have been smoking ganja.

Yo, spot on. I'm chronic 37 years and it happens sometimes. Although I never knew it had a definition. Thanks there Arrid.
Fuck, that's the beauty of growing older, all the shit you still learn. lol


Well-Known Member
he got so fucked up from space cake, if you ever ate some good THC you will know what i'm talking about........its not the same as smoking, eating weed product gives you a different high and a long lasting high


Well-Known Member
damn arrid don't like americans much? =)
It sounded like he wasn't new to smoking so I gave an explanation to as what would cause this outside of pot
I haven't had a "whitey" before. But have seen lightweights go threw this, none which led to shaking and passing out. That just sounds to me like some lace shit. I don't get laced weed ever so I couldn't compare. But he saw the blunts being rolled so I guess maybe he did have a "whitey"

have heard of people passing out from weed that had been dipped in embalming fluid then dried.


Well-Known Member
damn arrid don't like americans much? =)
It sounded like he wasn't new to smoking so I gave an explanation to as what would cause this outside of pot
I haven't had a "whitey" before. But have seen lightweights go threw this, none which led to shaking and passing out. That just sounds to me like some lace shit. I don't get laced weed ever so I couldn't compare. But he saw the blunts being rolled so I guess maybe he did have a "whitey"

have heard of people passing out from weed that had been dipped in embalming fluid then dried.
I don't have anything against Americans, sept you're fucking this world up. ;)

That being said, the majority of people on this site are American and even then a lot of them don't know about whiteys and blame it on laced weed.

I had many whiteys back when I was a newbie toker, jittering out, shaking, not being able to speak, not being able to stand, talk or walk, it does get better when you are sick, but you still feel savage afterwards.


New Member
Honestly I'm a little shocked that an experienced smoker would assume that it was laced in this case... I don't even eat weed morsels and I would know that it was responsible for him getting sick...

If he didn't eat weed and then smoke right afterwards, it wouldn't have happened to him. Or if he didn't smoke after he ate it. I don't get why he did anyway... But I guess he had his reasons.. I mean, how fcked up can one get? lol


Well-Known Member
lol guys thanks for teh replies..breathesmoke i was thinking the same shit in retrospect.. "how the fuck did i think smoking another blunt would help me?"
rofl, like a true pot head..

maybe it was a whitey, idk. to the dude who said i was having a panic attack, that's exactly what i thought after-the-fact.

the edible had me high earlier for a good 3-4 hours, it was a wicked body high..but i also figured it may have had something to do with my ungodly seizure later that night, ha..

brb smokin a blunt
