if i had cataract in one of my eyes...


Active Member
can i get medical marijuana??...i was diagnoist with cataract in my right eye when i was a kid an im 18 now...i had surgery on it when i was very young....so yea am i a canidate for MM??

plz let me know.....yea im new to this site btw


Well-Known Member
Cataracts are pretty common, especially as you age. Dunno if they qualify, as cataracts are more of an nuisance than a disease, as I understand it. I mean, it's elective surgery.
Now get yourself some of that glaucoma, and you might get some.


Well-Known Member
I don't think there is any known benefit from mj for cataract sufferers. Surgery should fix it up, yeah? That, or a corneal transplant.


Well-Known Member
Damn . . . I had a retina detach about 3 years ago (no, Dammit, NOT an old war injury) and had laser surgery to repair the tear and stop the internal bleeding, but other than not being able to see clearly through the scar tissue, I'm in no pain. The weed does allow me to look beyond the blur (not notice it constantly).


Well-Known Member
can i get medical marijuana??...i was diagnoist with cataract in my right eye when i was a kid an im 18 now...i had surgery on it when i was very young....so yea am i a canidate for MM??

plz let me know.....yea im new to this site btw

to answer your question...if you have pain and your docotor can verify this pain that your having then yes you can get medical. put dont expect that when you see your docotor. most medical patients have a long medical history with there pain and disease.

if youve gone to your docotor before and he knows about your pain, and other medicines hes perscrbied you havent helped with your pain then IF medical is allowed in your state it is possible to get medical marijuana for you eye pain.


Active Member
i had a friend whos dad had eye surgery and had near constant pain after that, he smokes medical
yea i had lots of pain after surgery i had a scar from puting in the contac lenes and they fixed up it later on....i still see blur in my right eye which kinda sucks...right now im wondering if i can ever get it fixed :wall:

it would be kool if they gave me MM for that tho....whats the poteincey of MM anyways?? is it good stuff or wat??