Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Active Member
If I promise to stop discriminating .....will you ask your mommy to loosen the chin strap on your oopsy helmet cause I think it's a lil tight and it's suppose to be adjusted as you grow big goof .........Deal??
now you wanna pick on retards.. nice


Well-Known Member
The illuminati is comglomerat composed of many secret and public societies composed of the world's elite bankers,ceos,royalty,politician,basically anybody who is rich as shit. They all conform to a globalized zoinist\masonic (aka satanic) agenda to control the words governments and financial istitutions and impose complete global dominance.
Basically think of Satan as the a super evil god father and the illuminati as his organized crime family.
Once you figure all this out and come to accept it the spherical earth phanomena as a lie you have reached the bottom of the rabit hole.
The space are taught in school is a complete fabrication in order for the masses to deni there maker and accept Satan greatest lie as truth. The bible and other ancient people new this. Think about it really think about the speeds nasa claims are planet is moving and explain to me how you can even focus on a star in the sky with the naked eye?
This is all a journey of understanding and awakening is difficult to wrap your head around. It can take years but research for your self but I urge you to shy away from the alternative main media ie David ice, Alex jones,mark dice, people like that nothing but wolves in sheep's clothing.
The truth is out there! Lol X files hanahaha
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