A cop or cops just got shot and or killed in Dallas

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Maybe they had a score to settle and didnt give a fuck
If they had a score to settle why choose that location? Was there a cop shooting a civilian in texas recently that I don't know about?

It was a black lives matter protest. What could they possibly gain by having snipers shoot down towards the crowd?

I need to do some reading.


Well-Known Member
If they had a score to settle why choose that location? Was there a cop shooting a civilian in texas recently that I don't know about?

It was a black lives matter protest. What could they possibly gain by having snipers shoot down towards the crowd?

I need to do some reading.
Unfortunately everything we read today is what "insert whom ever you want" wants us to read. We'll never know the 100% truth about much anymore

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i fail to see how this is an argument except to prove the cops mistreated the man. unless the definition of racism is being handled in a convenience store parking lot. cause that's all i see. didn't hear any audio of the cops calling him a nigger or saying they lynch his black ass. i heard none of that. did you?
They shot him in the head.


Well-Known Member
boy those cops will think twice before pulling the trigger now.......life is worth nothing it seems....................................


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately everything we read today is what "insert whom ever you want" wants us to read. We'll never know the 100% truth about much anymore
That is why you should read multiple sources and identify the common facts and use those facts to draw your own conclusion.

We never knew the 100% truth about anything before either. It is much more transparent now but video can be just as deceiving as 2nd hand information.


Well-Known Member
The cops didnt pass the laws that caused all those things you are angry about. Lets change the drug laws. Address the problem, not the symptom. The government has you attacking the wrong organization.
They won't even legalize medical marijuana and you think we will get our freedom back by peaceful means?

You really are that stupid ain't you? Shit you think black people would be anywhere without that Black Panther shit? They assassinated MLK they assassinated JFK the police can either step down or protect their masters choice is clear it's us and them.

Only reason alcohol is legal is people like Al Capone. We the people need to take the power back and force change.


Well-Known Member
The thing is, people like you is gunna make the situation worse. Giving justification for cops that BLM and black folk are dangerous. Juries will also see this an be more likely to acquit cops killing black people.

Also, those cops that died in Dallas are thousands of miles away from Minnesota , also employed by different department. Dallas police chief is black. You are just an anarchist who gets some entertainment out of more black people and police who are going to die in the future by this escalation of violence.

of course they are, this is exactly what they wanted to happen, someone to "rise up" and take justice by killing cops. Why are they protesting DALLAS when that black guy was killed in Minnesota by the cop?

Literally every cop is guilty for the actions of the 1? What about cops in Europe or Mexico, are they guilty to? Also, using this same logic, then this black guy who killed 5 cops makes all black people guilty. Does that make sense to you?

2 wrongs don't make a right.
How many cops have they killed again?


Well-Known Member
..first shots of the neoteric American revolution? or terrorist attack? or tin foil hat FBI/CIA/FEMA plot?

for the record American police have killed more Americans then ISIS.....just saying..


Well-Known Member
aaaaand that's where you are wrong. twice as many whites die every year to cops. PER CAPITA more blacks die by cop. do you know what per capita means gnomie??
I'm not going to join in the discussion on the cop killings just now because the moment is too raw and there are families grieving right now.

However, I laughed out loud at your misuse of per capita. It's really funny when stupidheads try to act smart.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
They won't even legalize medical marijuana and you think we will get our freedom back by peaceful means?

You really are that stupid ain't you? Shit you think black people would be anywhere without that Black Panther shit? They assassinated MLK they assassinated JFK the police can either step down or protect their masters choice is clear it's us and them.

Only reason alcohol is legal is people like Al Capone. We the people need to take the power back and force change.
Anarchy is not change.
MLK never encouraged murder, and his situation was MUCH more hostile to black people.


Well-Known Member
this is how, a modern revolution would be fought, very much surreptitious ambushes, and such.

the worse part is, even though they fight for liberty(objectively) their actions will lead to the end of it.

everyone one of us thought: how long until someone starts sniping cops, under the current media coming out.

..too soon?


Well-Known Member
They won't even legalize medical marijuana and you think we will get our freedom back by peaceful means?

You really are that stupid ain't you? Shit you think black people would be anywhere without that Black Panther shit? They assassinated MLK they assassinated JFK the police can either step down or protect their masters choice is clear it's us and them.

Only reason alcohol is legal is people like Al Capone. We the people need to take the power back and force change.
The reason alcohol is legal is because congress legalized it after prohibition. Cops dont choose what laws to enforce. Lets change the laws....

Lets make all drugs legal so cops have no reason to kick in your door and shoot your dog. Can I get an amen?