Session Etiquette

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
The cigs during your session got me thinking about etiquette as a whole.

Mainly because my brother will park a bowl and just let it smolder out, ITS A WASTE OF FUCKING SMOKE! I stare him down when he does this but he's too into the fucking TV or whatever he just holds the pipe like hes about to put it to his mouth, it takes him a good 2 minutes to hit a goddamn pipe sometimes. It makes me want to quit smoking him out. I also probably pack 3 bowls to his one on average.

So, do you green your bowls, pass left, right, is cornering a large concern?
and what do you do with bowl parkers?


Well-Known Member
Just ask him if he is done with it. Or just chill out, he could be savoring the moment or you could just be impatient.

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
I might be a little impatient, I mean who cares if he is letting the bowl cash it self out. Lat night I asked him what he was doing, he was just fingering the mouth piece of the bowl. "oh just feeling the glass" so I said, "I don't think that's what its made for"

parking a bowl is when you stop rotation when you are half ways done smoking it because it wither needs to be parked or I don't know because you want to hold the pipe a few minutes before you hit?

Maybe its just me, when some one passes me smoke I promptly hit and pass.(to the left)


Well-Known Member
I might be a little impatient, I mean who cares if he is letting the bowl cash it self out. Lat night I asked him what he was doing, he was just fingering the mouth piece of the bowl. "oh just feeling the glass" so I said, "I don't think that's what its made for"

parking a bowl is when you stop rotation when you are half ways done smoking it because it wither needs to be parked or I don't know because you want to hold the pipe a few minutes before you hit?

Maybe its just me, when some one passes me smoke I promptly hit and pass.(to the left)

Ahh I gotcha. You're not impatient. I would be pissed too if someone was sitting there babysitting the blunt/Bowl etc... It's not fair distribution.


Well-Known Member
na your right dude, people get stabbed for fucking up a rotation

i mean since hes your brother and all i can see why your so nice but im like you i hate when people just zone out and "park" the bowl (never heard of that terminology, but i like it)

ill be sitting there waiting for the bowl a whole like 5 mins has gone by and it still hasnt made its way around and i look over at jimmy and hes just sitting there STARING at the bowl...

like wtf 3 hits just got wasted in the smoke you just let cherry away

normally he gets skipped and hes not allowed to smoke the rest of that bowl

but the next one hes allowed to try and redeem himself


Well-Known Member
I like to think I'm a polite and respectful smoker. I always match the same amounts my fellow smokers put in and sometimes put in more. I usually try to corner while still taking a nice hit when smoking in bowls, pipes, and bongs. I always puff puff pass. And if it's not my weed in the bowl I always let the packer get the greens. If only all people could be courteous. But in the end, I'll still be high so I don't really complain. And the first time you fuck up rotation with me, you get a verbal warning, and after that...well, no one has fucked it up more than once now that I think about it...and as far as bowl parking goes(we say microphoning) you get bitched at for that and usually are forced to pass the bowl or blunt or what have you.


Well-Known Member
I just put it all out on the table like a buffet. No need to worry about who gets more hits than the other or who does not pass it fast enough. I personally have other things to worry about other than Joe got one more hit than someone else. Problem solved.


New Member
I always have to smoke with a babysitter. We each do one bong, then one the second one, she holds up the bong. Just hangs out holding it for 5- 10 minutes. I call "babysitter" and get the stink eye.

"sorry but I like my hits right in a row, that 10 minute pause between each one doesn't do a whole lot for my buzz"


Well-Known Member
I just put it all out on the table like a buffet. No need to worry about who gets more hits than the other or who does not pass it fast enough. I personally have other things to worry about other than Joe got one more hit than someone else. Problem solved.

not all of us have the weed to create a cannibis buffet sumtimes we only have a dime and a couple heads to smoke up


Well-Known Member
I believe it's where you hit just a proportion of the green looking weed in the bowl and pass the bowl with half of the bowl still looking green or whatever.


Well-Known Member
is that the corner... cool cuz i do that too its only proper ediquette

we never really had a name for it, just saving the next guy sum green


Well-Known Member
cornering is when you hold the flame at the edge of the bowl instead if waving it all around to burn as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
My friend and I don't do cornering. Whoever packs the bowl gets the green, because we're both lazy when it comes to breaking it up, and packing the stuff.


Well-Known Member
i dont get all this shit with sharing pipes and bongs and the such, i just smoke a full one to myself, then make a full one for whoevers with me, rinse and repeat


New Member
i dont get all this shit with sharing pipes and bongs and the such, i just smoke a full one to myself, then make a full one for whoevers with me, rinse and repeat

We use a one hit bowl, you load it, do a hit, reload pass it over. It would be rude as hell to just sit there and load bong after bong after bong for yourself and not let the others in the room participate. :bigjoint:


My buddy does the same thing but a tad worse... He'll put it close to his mouth and start talking, commenting the bud/ pipe/ bowl, until one of us says "Dude, fucking smoke". No comment from blunt smoking though, go figure.

Speaking of blunts, another friend of mine likes to take his blunts out on dates. You'll pass the blunt to him, wait like 5 minutes for it to return to you. Where is it? In his hand.

I don't smoke, I get stoned. So if I'm passing it, I'm trying to patiently wait for it to return so I can do one thing with it... SMOKE IT. So to everyone... Smoke the pot and pass it. Want to spend time to savor it's taste or talk some bullshit? Smoke stems and get the fuck up out the roto, me thinks. ;)

If you don't smoke by my rules I will beat you with a bamboo stick. :)