Is my seedling ok?


Leaves kinda tacoing up and showing yellow... After reading up, and eliminating heat stress out of equation, and lights stress as my led us more than 2 feet above this one, can't be that... So it's probably mag deffeciancy? Waiting on my nutes to get here... But I thought atonington blend was super soil... I didn't think it'd need mag this quick... ?? I'm going to make sure it's not the fan blowing slightly on it... I'll point it away from the plant, and check back after work. Peace
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Still growing daily... Nice green thick stalk and white healthy roots poking through bottom of smartpot...


Well-Known Member
You Ooooze enthusiastic vibes, makes me happy to see a parent with the Babies, sweet :hug:.
time for a re-pot if the roots are showing, it's bigger than my 6wk old Durban P (40mm), and your nitrogen one looks better than my stunted afghan 5"@ 6wk,
Don't they grow up so quick, one day a baby the next.......
Enjoy be happy, smile, it's the sun Shine from your Soul


Well-Known Member
also a good safe pest controler is Neem, it'l help against the bugs, i heard mint is good at keeping spiders away?


also a good safe pest controler is Neem, it'l help against the bugs, i heard mint is good at keeping spiders away?
Thanks! I appreciate the kind words. I am absolutely a proud parent! I hope you have an awesome harvest! I'm rooting for you. Thanks for the tips!