Disability fraud: What to do about it?


Active Member
Disability fraud is rampant during our time. I personally know several people that are in no way whatever "disabled" pulling either partial or full benefits from either SSI or VA. As a veteran, I find the VA disability fraud particularly outrageous.

The real crime of these fraudsters is that they ruin it for genuinely disabled people. You see, our political process is too stupid and/or invested in the status quo to admit that they have fucked up in individual cases. So what they do, is cut benefits across the board when things get tight. The fraudsters still get their benefits, just at a reduced rate, as do the honest people.

As far as I know, you can't even report SSI disability fraud. As for VA, I will find out soon because that I do not tolerate. If the VA can't get its head out of its ass, then I will petition my elected representatives to cut their budget. And encourage others to do the same.


Well-Known Member
You can report SSDI fraud.
The amount of info they want though is insane.
They want named ss# date of birth
And a lot of other stuff you can't get.

I actually think they dint want you reporting


Well-Known Member
The current scam of choice.
I know of a few individuals who are raking in the money by abusing the current dopey system.
Seems to me that it is intentionally set-up for abuse and fraud...too easy to get away with bogus claims.


Staff member
People say that and my poor sick mom has been fighting for two years to get it. Its not as easy to abuse as people think.
it took my mom 10 years to get onto disability, ...10 fucking years.
they had to back pay for 10 goddamn years

she had to go to fucking court to prove her disability.

although this was in Canada, but like with everything else in life some people abuse systems, but its a small number compared to the people who actually do need it.
and just because someone doesnt have a physical disability doesnt mean people should judge them to think that they are abusing the system.


Well-Known Member
I know two individuals who are now gaming the system here in the US.
It was quite easy for them to do this...IMO far too easy...
They claim mental disability and then get nice free government money...even though both are independently wealthy...They lie and cheat without ramifications.
Now the moral dilemma presented to me is if I should turn them in...or not????


Well-Known Member
How many times have you smoked or grown pot while it was illegal? Like i said, no moral dilemma. Mind your own business.
I know two individuals who are now gaming the system here in the US.
It was quite easy for them to do this...IMO far too easy...
They claim mental disability and then get nice free government money...even though both are independently wealthy...They lie and cheat without ramifications.
Now the moral dilemma presented to me is if I should turn them in...or not????


Well-Known Member
In SSDI they investigate the initial claim.
However if you appeal your denial. And get a lawyer. There is no one representing The government. It's an automatic win.

My ex neighbours. 3 generations of SSDI abusr


Active Member
It would cost more to investigate & prosecute than they pay out in fraud. Not much to gain.
Never said prosecute, which indeed would be expensive. Just stop the payments. As for the cost of investigation, well, consider the cumulative amount of money over the years for which the fraudster is getting checks.
How about mind your own f'ing business.
How about it is MY FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS paying for these fraudsters.
The current scam of choice.
I know of a few individuals who are raking in the money by abusing the current dopey system.
Seems to me that it is intentionally set-up for abuse and fraud...too easy to get away with bogus claims.
I do wonder about the intention. Bureaucracies love to get bigger. Not long ago, the VA had what I would characterize as a "mobile disability recruiting vehicle" at the local Walmart. Used to be that you had to actually contact the VA; now they come to you.
...As for people gaming the VA, I doubt it. The criteria are set and cases are decided based on the criteria. Not very long ago a quarter of all homeless were veterans.
You can doubt it all you want but con artists are everywhere. VA disability fraud is a growing problem and it has been reported upon, sporadically, by the media. I witness it first hand, every day, and it makes me sick.


Active Member
it took my mom 10 years to get onto disability, ...10 fucking years.
they had to back pay for 10 goddamn years

she had to go to fucking court to prove her disability.

although this was in Canada, but like with everything else in life some people abuse systems, but its a small number compared to the people who actually do need it.
and just because someone doesnt have a physical disability doesnt mean people should judge them to think that they are abusing the system.
I am talking about the USA, not Canada, no idea what is going on in their system.


Well-Known Member
Never said prosecute, which indeed would be expensive. Just stop the payments. As for the cost of investigation, well, consider the cumulative amount of money over the years for which the fraudster is getting checks.

How about it is MY FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS paying for these fraudsters.

I do wonder about the intention. Bureaucracies love to get bigger. Not long ago, the VA had what I would characterize as a "mobile disability recruiting vehicle" at the local Walmart. Used to be that you had to actually contact the VA; now they come to you.

You can doubt it all you want but con artists are everywhere. VA disability fraud is a growing problem and it has been reported upon, sporadically, by the media. I witness it first hand, every day, and it makes me sick.
I think if your around this many fraudsters everyday it says a lot about you.

I don't believe you. I've been every step of the way with my mom, I draw a check from the VA. I'm telling you now anyone smart enough to game the system is smart enough to keep their mouth shut.