Post your experience with racism here

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So ending segregation is just as wrong as slavery, got it.

No, using force to implement slavery, which is a kind of forced association, and using force to implement forced associations of other kinds, springs from the same well.

I'd say, that you didn't get it. In fact you are believing in two opposing things at once, which makes you hypocritical and bound by the limitations of your cognitive dissonance.

First you correctly abhor slavery, then you use the very same means slavery uses (force) to create an interaction, that of a forced association.

You ignore the means (again).

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So equal civil rights are exactly like slavery and rape, got it.
No, again you don't get it.

Equality of self determination is an equal right.

So called civil rights violate the ability (right) of an individual person to self determine.

One is a right, one is not. None of us has the right to force people to serve us, do we?

Please leave the conflation arguments to your Poopy friend. Thank you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So civil rights are basically rape and pedophilia is consensual, got it.

Civil rights are statutorily created license to force another person to serve you. They are misnamed and do not create equality, they create the ability of one party to forcibly cause another to use their resources and body to serve them. That is wrong, so is slavery.

You are not engaging in refuting my posts, perhaps it is too difficult for you to. You are trying to attack me, which is sort of the tactic of a weak debater.

I'll catch up with you later, some of us have to go produce things to eat and don't rely on a coercive redistribution system to feed us.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So civil rights only exist to rape and enslave white people, got it.
No, my understanding is they equally oppress all races.

For instance, shouldn't a black person be able to determine how he will use his own body and his own property as he sees fit?

Should a black person be forced to serve a white person? Why do you like that? Are you a racist?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I don't think that a black person or a white person should be forced to open a public business.
There is no such thing as a "public business" in the sense that you have used it. It is a statutorily constructed idea. It created a pseudo form of ownership, which is oxymoronic. A privately owned business cannot also simultaneously be a "public business". Government word smithing again.

I'm glad you don't think people should be forced to do some things. Now please work on feeding yourself and lose the idea that some people should be forced to give up their labor to feed you and you will be on the right track.


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a "public business"...
Only according to utopian libertarian mouthbreathing arachnocapitalists who sit in their mother's basement all day with their fingers covered in Cheetoh residue, drinking Mountain Dew and being teenage virgin men's rights activists while wearing a fedora and reading The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand. In other words, only according to idiots like you.


Well-Known Member
Only according to utopian libertarian mouthbreathing arachnocapitalists who sit in their mother's basement all day with their fingers covered in Cheetoh residue, drinking Mountain Dew and being teenage virgin men's rights activists while wearing a fedora and reading The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand. In other words, only according to idiots like you.
Nailed it


Well-Known Member
You don't need to have a meltdown and get completely butthurt over civil rights.
True story below

According to a Veteran's Administration study
Half of the Vietnam combat veterans suffered from what Psychiatrists call Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder
Many vets complain of alienation, rage or guilt
Some succumb to suicidal thoughts
Eight to ten years after coming home Almost eight hundred thousand men are still fighting the Vietnam War

None of them received a hero's welcome
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