diesel ryders


New Member
anyone grown them and got any advice, i'm going to to keep them on 18/6 the full grow, do they like lots of nutes or just a little? I germed some seeded and they seem to be taking ages to show, the seed are up but they haven't popped them yet, are they slow starters?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have grown them and have 1 girl 3 weeks old i think, check my jurnalin my signiture theres lotsa pics lol. Good luck its a really nice smoke

mr west

Well-Known Member
i had 3 out of the ten that germed and never broke out the seed case and they shriveled up and dies but i have had 3 girls and four boys that were fine


New Member
damn maybe i should take them out of the case then, done it before to my ak-48s (probably shouldn't have but it was my first grow and couldn't leave them alone) but they are fine.

mr west

Well-Known Member
i would if given the chance i left it too long and they died, ive done it to other strains and they were fine. its a tricky time hope u got a steady hand im clumsy as fudge lol


New Member
just wondering, i've only done one grow the ak-48 and they were vigorous growers no matter what i did, but when they are at this stage do they like lots of water and nutes(small doses of nutes though) or to dry up a bit? I heard that drying up can encourage route growth but at the moment i want the other growth so i'm guessing feed it alot???

mr west

Well-Known Member
have u freed the plants from the seed case? I dont give nutes till they bout3-4 weeks old, be carefull not to over water them. i water my sedings every other day and mist them 2 times a day.


Well-Known Member
doing a seed run of diesel riders atm :/ like 5 inches of bud, prolly couple hundred seeds. Smells dank for how small it is and there only being like 1 cola.


New Member
have u freed the plants from the seed case? I dont give nutes till they bout3-4 weeks old, be carefull not to over water them. i water my sedings every other day and mist them 2 times a day.
only added some nutes the other day because they weren't doing anything, i grow in coco so they won't get any unless i give them it. think i may have been over watering them then, was doing it everyday, guess my aks were just more resistant to my fuck ups.


New Member
doing a seed run of diesel riders atm :/ like 5 inches of bud, prolly couple hundred seeds. Smells dank for how small it is and there only being like 1 cola.
sounds nice, i'm really gutted that these aren't working, managed to get a few sprouts before but had to chuck them cuase we were moving out and the landlord would come over for inspections (turns out i didn't need to though)


Well-Known Member
sounds nice, i'm really gutted that these aren't working, managed to get a few sprouts before but had to chuck them cuase we were moving out and the landlord would come over for inspections (turns out i didn't need to though)
totally forgot to mention I had germing issues too, like 4 damped off. and I just popped 2 sets of 10 and had 0 deaths so I dunno but those aren't diesel riders, mental floss and widowcindy


New Member
gay looks like these don't really have much chance of surving then, i've started germing some more ak, shame really wanted to try them

mr west

Well-Known Member
that sucks man. I think we all should write to the joint doctor and complain, lets get a patition together lol


New Member
i was actually thinking of writing for a free batch, surely a little tube of seeds costs them hardly anything for keeping a customer. Probably not that likely but worth a try.


New Member
just sent them one, but have a feeling they may refer me to the dealer i bough off, might send them one in a bit as well.

mr west

Well-Known Member
damn i wish i didnt delete all my corrasponance wiv em after i got the seeds grrrrr never mind. Dont think ill be buying autofloweres any more lol.