CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Fox News Medical A-Team member Dr. David Samadi made a statement that smoking weed by pregnant woman can lead to crack babies. I was wondering is there any truth to this because FOX is suppose to be the most trusted news source. I don't want to see crack babies formed due to the smoking of marijuana. Do you think FOX would lie about this.:joint: At the 2:14 mark he makes this statement. He makes other negative statement about pot throughout. Should we all stop smoking pot ?:shock:
Watching Fox anything while pregnant is 89% more likely, than other national brands, to make you stupid and your unborn fetus to self-abort.


Well-Known Member
Take it to the murdered black babies thread...this one's about prohibition more or less.
Republicans are the one's who are standing in the way of repealing this prohibition. My question is why?


Well-Known Member
For someone who does not smoke nor grow, you sure spend a lot of time here
he sure spends a lot of time working for the federal government, wishing federal prison time on growers, and rejoicing when the people who he taunts with federal prison time go to federal prison.

that is when he's not busy promoting white supremacy, joining white supremacy groups, or starting white supremacy book clubs.

desert dude is a fucking rat in every way.


Well-Known Member
Note the obvious avoidance of the question. It's indisputable that GOP is leading the way in the fight against marijuana repeal. I thought they were all about personal freedom, less government, less regulations etc etc..It seems like they're actually for everything they're against. Except when it comes to guns of course then it's a free for all.


Well-Known Member
Note the obvious avoidance of the question. It's indisputable that GOP is leading the way in the fight against marijuana repeal. I thought they were all about personal freedom, less government, less regulations etc etc..It seems like they're actually for everything they're against. Except when it comes to guns of course then it's a free for all.
to be fair, guns don't kill as many people as cannabis does.

mass murderers are well known for filling rooms full of kindergarteners or movie theaters with cannabis smoke, they almost never use high powered assault rifles with high capacity magazines or drums.


Well-Known Member
Actually I know the reason why. The question was mostly rhetorical.
The republicans stand behind the cops on this one because the cops are the ones who put brown people in jail. Legalizing just takes another tool away from the cops that they use to lock up and harass brown people. Also, they love war. Calling it 'the war on drugs' was brilliant! It's like asking them to give up to 'drugs', the mythical boogyman they've been 'fighting' for years.
"Now it's as high as 7%" That fucking moron doctor didn't even know what he was talking about.


Well-Known Member
This research provides data on the development of 59 Jamaican children, from birth to age 5 years, whose mothers used marijuana during pregnancy. Approximately one-half of the sample used marijuana during pregnancy and were matched with non-users according to age, parity, and socioeconomic status. Testing of the children was done at 1, 3, and 30 days of age with the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scales and at ages 4 and 5 years with the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities. Data about the child's home environment and temperament were collected from direct observations as well as from standardized questionnaires. The results show no significant differences in developmental testing outcomes between children of marijuana-using and non-using mothers except at 30 days of age when the babies of users had more favourable scores on two clusters of the Brazelton Scales: autonomic stability and reflexes. The developmental scores at ages 4 and 5 years were significantly correlated to certain aspects of the home environment and to regularity of basic school (preschool) attendance.

@ttystikk , i know what you oberved but this study says diffrent....


Well-Known Member
Take it to the murdered black babies thread...this one's about prohibition more or less.
Republicans are the one's who are standing in the way of repealing this prohibition. My question is why?
Maybe the same reason Democrats held the Senate, the House, and the Presidency and didn't repeal it. You don't ask the right questions because they're derived from false assumptions.