How Many Grams are in a QP? (Quick Answers Appreciated)


Well-Known Member
an ounce is between 27-30 grams theres 4 ounces in a qp so yea 112 sounds about right, and idk where you live mini but in houston you can get a qp for 100$ easy i can get pounds for as low as 200


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=+1]there are 453.5 grams in 1LBS according to correct measurements meaning there are 113.3 grams in a QP[/SIZE]

how ever in the drug world most people weigh them in usually at 112 and weight 1 LBS in at at 448


New Member
an ounce is between 27-30 grams theres 4 ounces in a qp so yea 112 sounds about right, and idk where you live mini but in houston you can get a qp for 100$ easy i can get pounds for as low as 200
a qp for 100? that’s less than a dollar a gram lmao that has to be the bushiest bush ever