All The Progress Made On Marijuana Legalization Could Vanish With A New President


Well-Known Member
If your asking for links your going to need to go use google, I am very close in with growers from the bay area, Mendocino county, and up north in Ukiah. All three areas have had activity and I have heard the stories first person not through some media outlets.

Besides why should I bear the burden of proof when you have yet to prove any of the statements you have made on this site. You are a burden of the people, a court jester. I am a king of my own castle, you shall never enter.
And so am I, I've never once heard of a Fed bust on a conforming grow.
If you're referring to big grows that's a different story.


Well-Known Member
I am not the one arguing over which party shot first or continues to shoot. The evidence is there that they have made promises of leaving us alone and have yet to.
One party values the rule of law, the other, as this past week has shown us, does not.

The difference between them on this issue is a matter of degree. Shutting down the legal marijuana movement is impossible for the feds in a state that not cooperate. I'll concede that logic says a republican administration might prosecute a few more people. But it will still be a miniscule percent. Drops in a bucket.

You're more likely to get legal reform advanced under republicans. Enforcing bad laws is the only way to get them done away with.


Well-Known Member
besides being completely untrue, i don't recall anyone asking for advice on how to hide their homosexual relationships from their daddy so that he'll keep paying your rent.

so you're not really needed here.
I did make an untrue statement. My meaning was correct though.

Bill Clinton, W. and Obama have had similar approaches to it. I meant they left it alone as much as Democrats.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
One party values the rule of law, the other, as this past week has shown us, does not.
obama didn't create any new laws, he just reprioritized his enforcement of existing ones. article II section 3, faithful execution clause.

same thing he has done for cannabis.

i'm so sorry you hate the constitution, bignbushy.

You're more likely to get legal reform advanced under republicans.
that statement is more retarded than you are closeted.


Well-Known Member
obama didn't create any new laws, he just reprioritized his enforcement of existing ones. article II section 3, faithful execution clause.

same thing he has done for cannabis.

i'm so sorry you hate the constitution, bignbushy.

that statement is more retarded than you are closeted.
If he had said "deport them last" then that's reprioritizing, he said "don't deport them" which is a new law, because the previous one said deport them.


Well-Known Member
If he had said "deport them last" then that's reprioritizing, he said "don't deport them" which is a new law, because the previous one said deport them.
you are a bad liar and most likely mentally retarded from your heroin addiction and multiple relapses.

obama clearly stated that this will not stop people from getting deported.

even your fellow retard beenthere had to admit that, after first lying about it like you are trying.


Well-Known Member
All this hot air and fear mongering and not one single bit of evidence of the DEA busting legal growers.


Well-Known Member
you are a bad liar and most likely mentally retarded from your heroin addiction and multiple relapses.

obama clearly stated that this will not stop people from getting deported.

even your fellow retard beenthere had to admit that, after first lying about it like you are trying.
He suspended deportations for those who have been here for 5 years.

Now, those who got here last month might have trouble unless they have a few friends here, but anyone here a year or more has made enough contacts to buy fraudulent documentation for 5 year residency.

If he didn't stop deportation, then please tell me what he did?


Well-Known Member
But then why is it still happening? They aren't wearing state trooper costumes they are wearing DEA on their jackets. Unless I am a complete retard I was under the impression the DEA was a federal agency.
The DEA gets invited to on the raid by the local DAs and LEO departments.


Well-Known Member
One party values the rule of law, the other, as this past week has shown us, does not.

The difference between them on this issue is a matter of degree. Shutting down the legal marijuana movement is impossible for the feds in a state that not cooperate. I'll concede that logic says a republican administration might prosecute a few more people. But it will still be a miniscule percent. Drops in a bucket.

You're more likely to get legal reform advanced under republicans. Enforcing bad laws is the only way to get them done away with.
President Total Orders

Theodore Roosevelt 1,081
William Howard Taft 724
Woodrow Wilson 1,803
Warren G. Harding 522
Calvin Coolidge 1,203
Herbert Hoover 96
Franklin D. Roosevelt 3,522
Harry S. Truman 907
Dwight D. Eisenhower 484
John F. Kennedy 214
Lyndon B. Johnson 325
Richard Nixon 346
Gerald R. Ford 169
Jimmy Carter 320
Ronald Reagan 381
George H. W. Bush 166
William J. Clinton 364
George W. Bush 291
Barack Obama 194


Well-Known Member
And i had a pop tart last week.

Number of EO's issued by a president is actually about the most irrelevant way to compare the EO's issued by presidents .


Well-Known Member
And i had a pop tart last week.

Number of EO's issued by a president is actually about the most irrelevant way to compare the EO's issued by presidents .
YOu just moved the goal posts and earned a spot, My patience has grown thin with you
buh bye


Well-Known Member
delayed it by reprioritizing who gets deported right away and who faces deportation later, as is his right under article II section 3 of the united states constitution.
Their situation isn't one where they're just waiting until last for deportation, their situation is one of no deportation under any circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Their situation isn't one where they're just waiting until last for deportation, their situation is one of no deportation under any circumstances.
your opinion is worthless, bignbushy.

stick to making subway sandwiches and heroin relapses.


Well-Known Member
YOu just moved the goal posts and earned a spot, My patience has grown thin with you
buh bye
I didn't move any goalposts.

The argument that the total number of EO's is somehow linked to violation of separation of powers is void of any merit.

A president can violate the constitution with one order.

A president could issue 10 thousand EO's and not violate the constitution because he is within his rights to issue orders on a wide range of issues.


Well-Known Member
If he had said "deport them last" then that's reprioritizing, he said "don't deport them" which is a new law, because the previous one said deport them.
He also said that illegal aliens can come out of the shadows if they play by the rules and pay their fair share of taxes.
So in order for them to play by the rules, they must get a work permit and a SS #.
That means most will get child tax credits and earned income credits FREE GOV MONEY.

Now you tell me how all this is going to happen if the laws aren't changed?:lol:


Well-Known Member
your opinion is worthless, bignbushy.

stick to making subway sandwiches and heroin relapses.
It's a complex issue, I don't blame you for not being able to grasp the subtleties. Public education being as poor as it is and you without a college education.