Holy Shit Batman!!! Governor Perry Indicted....

desert dude

Well-Known Member
not this time
Why not?

A prosecutor, or DA, has no right to a requested budget. Apparently, the governor of Texas has veto authority over that budget request. The prosecutor did get arrested for drunk driving. Perry's motivation was probably political, i.e. politics. If you don't want to be hounded out of office, then don't drink and drive.

Looks like ordinary, dirty politics to me.


Well-Known Member
Refusing to add funding to a state office (a law enforcement office at that) where the head of the office has been charged with drunk driving would arguably be the prudent thing to do. It's always a governor's prerogative to veto a bill. As he gains nothing by his action, the charge of extortion is inappropriate. I don't see how you can claim I made a case against Perry.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
What it boils down to is this:

It is illegal to deny a Democrat a large portion of tax payer dollars. I think that is a plank in the Democratic platform.


Well-Known Member
The last Texas governor to face criminal charges was James E. “Pa” Ferguson, who was indicted in 1917 by a Travis County grand jury on embezzlement and eight other charges. His case also involved a veto that stirred anger: Mr. Ferguson vetoed the entire appropriation to the University of Texas because it had refused to fire certain faculty members. The state Senate voted to impeach him, but he resigned first.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure republican Rick Perry can hide at his N*ggerhead Ranch -- which is completely not racist in the eyes of rethuglicans.

He probably has barrels of wheat, rice and gold like Glenn Beck suggests.


Well-Known Member
Cry me a fucking river...

An indictment from a jury is about as uncommon as the call of racist from you...

You would bring back lynching if you thought you could get away with doing it to republicans only...
i'm thinking that someone who engages in self-admitted casual bigotry like you would be for lynching. but that's just me.

if it were up to me, you would be put into stocks every time you made one of the unbelievably stupid and deluded statements you are so well known for.

you'd live just fine, but hopefully you'd think twice before the next time you went off on your retarded "skewed polls" or "draw me iran's route to the sea" tangents.


Well-Known Member
Republican Perry demanded that Lehmberg, a Democrat, resign after a video showed her behaving belligerently and asking for favoritism during booking. When she refused to step down, he threatened to withhold her $7.5 million state funding, which she was using to pay for the cancer investigation. Lehmberg would not accede to the governor's demands -- she is a locally elected official -- and he followed through on this threat to veto the budget.

The move to cut the funding for the state watchdog group had a few political benefits for the Texas governor. He had just eliminated money for a legal inquiry in which he possibly might have, eventually, been implicated. If she had quit, Perry would have also had the authority to name Lehmberg's replacement, most likely a Republican, which then becomes a convenient way to avoid any potential charges or political damage in advance of a second GOP presidential run.
A special prosecutor, Michael McCrum, was assigned to the case and has said he was "very concerned" about Perry's behavior. The governor has, consequently, hired a high-profile Austin criminal defense lawyer. Perry has not spoken publicly about the case, but his office is arguing that he was constitutionally empowered with a line-item veto and that he did nothing wrong. Because he claims to have been acting in his capacity as governor, Perry plans to have his lawyer paid out of taxpayer funds.
Any attempts to characterize the investigation of Perry as a political prosecution are uninformed. Texas law is clear on official abuse of power: Prosecutors would only need to show that Perry was offering considerations in return for actions by District Attorney Lehmberg.
If there is evidence of any additional conversations after Lehmberg's original refusal and the formal veto, and evidence that Perry or his representatives attempted further negotiations for her resignation in exchange for anything, McCrum's presentation to the grand jury could become more compelling in convincing members that Perry was coercing another officeholder.
A Travis County judge said it was communicated to him that Perry's representatives told Lehmberg, even after the veto, that money for her office would be restored if she resigned, actions that could easily be interpreted as bribery or coercion by the grand jurors. The special prosecutor appears to have confirmed that he is looking at whether Perry's office made such potentially illegal representations by acknowledging that he is looking at everything "before and after the veto."


Well-Known Member
Texas and Iran.One has an economy run on oil,almost a quarter of its citizens living in poverty and leadership composed of mainly religious nutjobs.The other one is Iran.


Well-Known Member
Perry's indictment is the first of a sitting governor in Texas on such charges since 1917 when, according toThe Dallas Morning News, James "Pa" Ferguson was indicted for vetoing funding for the University of Texas in an attempt to push out faculty and staff. He resigned.


Well-Known Member
Rosemary Lehmberg The DA that Perry wanted to resign, is a pig. She was drunk ( 3 times the legal limit) and behaved like a drunken idiot when arrested. I think Perry was right in asking her to resign and she looks even more a pig because she refused. The funding bill was for the Public Integrity Unit of which she is head. Yeah, that's right, a drunk person willing to get behind the wheel of a 4000 pound chunk of steel is head of the "Public Integrity Unit". The veto of the funding may have been illegal, they read the law on the radio, but it's still kind of grey.


Well-Known Member
Rosemary Lehmberg The DA that Perry wanted to resign, is a pig. She was drunk ( 3 times the legal limit) and behaved like a drunken idiot when arrested. I think Perry was right in asking her to resign and she looks even more a pig because she refused. The funding bill was for the Public Integrity Unit of which she is head. Yeah, that's right, a drunk person willing to get behind the wheel of a 4000 pound chunk of steel is head of the "Public Integrity Unit". The veto of the funding may have been illegal, they read the law on the radio, but it's still kind of grey.
First, they are going to have to prove Governor Perry actually made the threat or it is a he said she said...